Finish the sentence: "I love it when...."

I love it when Fields Of The Nephilim release a new studio album... but it's been over a year now :-( . I love it when I get lost in a realy good book. I love it when The Riders Of Rohan apear just in the nick of time at the seige of Gondor (Lord Of The Rings, Return of the King movie), their king gives a real rabble rousing speach, off they all charge and a vastly superiour force of orcs... (makes me want to kill an orc
I love it when I am feeling rather down while reading through threads around the forum, either because I seem to fall intellectually short or because of some comment or the other that I read--and then someone posts on this thread! I love this thread....

Welcome pfw :)

I love it when I am feeling rather down while reading through threads around the forum, either because I seem to fall intellectually short or because of some comment or the other that I read--and then someone posts on this thread! I love this thread....

Welcome pfw :)


I love this thread to (nearly didn't when I found out some one else had already used '...when a plan comes together', but I forgive them).
pfw said:
I love this thread to (nearly didn't when I found out some one else had already used '...when a plan comes together', but I forgive them).

:D You're going to love this too...I believe that was Awaiting_the_Fifth. He would likely tell you that he needs no forgiveness....:D

... peace, cooperation and understanding prevail, and when discord is set aside in favor of the greater Good.

I also love it when ... through accepting and facing life's challenges, we come to see that these are actually, each & every one of them, opportunities for learning & growth. And especially when we take full advantage of these opportunities, and emerge from the battle triumphant.

I love it when realization dawns that life does not conspire against us, but rather, has been given for us, and that never are we given more than we are actually capable of handling.

And I love it when through certain correspondences, people who may yet be experiencing very different phases, or aspects of reality, nevertheless reach a similar turn on life's spiral, so that we may all feel the kinship, the Brotherhood (and Sisterhood), and the Unity of Purpose which underlies all that is, working itself out through Light and Love, in the hearts & minds of the Faithful ... everywhere.

Or as the 5th Dimension put it, "Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in ..." - appropriately enough, as we are 6hrs from the Festival of Aquarius.

Love and Light,

wil--you underestimate your contribution (or maybe you are just being kind?) Anyway, I appreciate both.

Andrew--indeed! Thanks.

I love it when I start a deliberatly silly thread (Might Be Fun) in the Lounge and get a serious reply. (Sorry Flow, I mean no offence and yes, the Buster Crabb Flash gordons were great- I used to love watching them on TV on Saturday mornings as a kid.)
I love it when I start a deliberatly silly thread (Might Be Fun) in the Lounge and get a serious reply. (Sorry Flow, I mean no offence and yes, the Buster Crabb Flash gordons were great- I used to love watching them on TV on Saturday mornings as a kid.)

Yeah... Tend to get too much seriousnes ;/
Someone enjoys one of my "infamous experiments" (the last two were an apple and seven-year-old Cheddar and a pear and blue cheese Dutch Baby [puff pancake].) :eek:

Yes, I am quite embarrassed when it comes to receiving compliments of any kind, especially when it comes to cooking. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I love it when I am surprised on the "I Love It When..." thread by posts I somehow overlooked for a long time, and then I discover them right when I need something uplifting to read! (How did I miss these last two posts for so long??)

Phyllis: With a nod to the Travelocity Gnome--don't ya just love smelly cheese?

Faithful: I know what you mean! I miss the days hanging out with fifteen-year-olds. But last weekend, my former 15rs came and took me to lunch at Joe T Garcia's. The years have passed, but the fun and love remains. :)

I love it when my son comes to me for answers, even when I don't know them. It gives us an opportunity to talk, and an opportunity to try to find them together.

He turned 10 last week. :)
I love it when my son comes to me for answers, even when I don't know them. It gives us an opportunity to talk, and an opportunity to try to find them together.

He turned 10 last week. :)

DITTO! And I love it when they (my two) come home from Iraq and surpise me, and say "I got three weeks R&R Dad!"


Cage said:
I love it when my son comes to me for answers, even when I don't know them. It gives us an opportunity to talk, and an opportunity to try to find them together.

He turned 10 last week.

Quahom1 said:
DITTO! And I love it when they (my two) come home from Iraq and surpise me, and say "I got three weeks R&R Dad!"

Oh, that's great, Josh! Enjoy your time together. As Cage and others here have noted, the opportunity to be together with our children is such a blessing. I am always amazed at how much they have to offer. I know you and your sons will be having some heartfelt exchanges, Q. Give them our love, please. And grab every second of blessing there!

Much Love,
I love it when i dream of the good times; when it really feels like i still have appreciation and love in my life, where i still mean somethin to someone and they mean the same,.. or even more to me.
When i wake, thats then i realise how happy i was and how much further i should have bent to make it all last. How much i relied on all that to keep me sain and how stupid i was to think happiness like that comes along more often than once.... but i still live in hope that it does.

mason said:
but i still live in hope that it does.

And therein lies much of the answer. This journey is full of twists and turns. We may not fully know what lies around each corner, but we know what we have brought with us. And I truly believe those dreams can tell us a great deal.;)

Chin up, mason! (Love the smiley avatar) :)

I love it when my conversation partner feels comfortable enough with me that s/he will open up but not enough to be a "wangstmuffin" (term I got from some RPG people I've encountered.)

I also love it when people let me know they've learned something from me, even inadvertantly on my part. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Hey there Phyllis :)

Um...I love it when I check every dictionary and lingopedia I've got and some I don't, only to find I have to come back and ask: HUH?

(Does not compute, sputter, cough)

Curiousity can be a very curious thing. ;)
