
When I was very small my parents passed on to me a fear of various religious representatives: Moonies, Mormons, and Jehova's Witnesses which were a stock set of names that were used heavily as scarecrows in our church. They also got the occasional negative spotlight on TV and Radio shows. All of these groups were supposedly endowed with 'Satanic' powers to control, misguide, and confuse. I think it is understandable if this kind of anti-propaganda gives GlorytoGod a nightmare. I once dreamed that an evangelist in a spooky Church 'Laid hands' on me and my teeth shattered.
When I was very small my parents passed on to me a fear of various religious representatives: Moonies, Mormons, and Jehova's Witnesses which were a stock set of names that were used heavily as scarecrows in our church. They also got the occasional negative spotlight on TV and Radio shows. All of these groups were supposedly endowed with 'Satanic' powers to control, misguide, and confuse. I think it is understandable if this kind of anti-propaganda gives GlorytoGod a nightmare. I once dreamed that an evangelist in a spooky Church 'Laid hands' on me and my teeth shattered.

There is something about Mormons that really freaks me out at the moment after dreaming about them the other day, other than that they have never bothered me before.

Today I have been looking at some of there stuff on YouTube - SethAdamSmith's Channel . I find it really freaky.

I think I have a copy of the book of Mormon hidden away somewhere, dare I dig it out :eek:
Namaste GtG,

Since the facts almost completely change every few hundred years (earth center of universe, flat earth, atoms smallest particles, germs nonexistent, G!d residing just above the waters...and on and on.) All of what I say is my opinion, much based on the facts of today as we know them...

clearly all dream interpretation is opinion and not based on actual fact.

But consider the mirror as you look at others, what appeals to you is things you are striving for, when it irritates you that someone talks to much it is when you are trying to talk, when someone bothers you because they are lying it is because you also have an issue with bending the truth in yourself.

Now like most people, I hate the freaking mirror, it shines right on me things I need to work on. Reality isn't easy to take. And the more we dislike the concept of the mirror...well there exists a reason.

But that is my opinion and not based on actual fact.

Dali Lama, 'You know you are enlightened when everyone you see, you see an enlightened'

My preacher, "So I walk the mall to see how far I have to go!!"

I sort of agree with you, a mirror can be uncomfortable, however I dont think it correct to say that whenever you dream of something that you think is evil, it is the evil inside you, it could be but not necessarily.

and I dont believe in enlightenment, sorry mr Dalai Lama
I believe that JW follow a lot of false teachings and that their beliefs differ very much from that of Christians. and that the JW use their own dodgy Bible translation which further erodes their credibility, but its not all bad.
why do you think that ?
When I was very small my parents passed on to me a fear of various religious representatives: Moonies, Mormons, and Jehova's Witnesses which were a stock set of names that were used heavily as scarecrows in our church. quote]

and there we have the answer.
it comes from relgious leaders who mislead their flock. and there are many many misled people out there who have been blinded to the GOODNEWS . false religious leaders have a lot to answer to God .

they prevent others from being enlightened, and prefer to keep their flocks in the darkness with themselves.

but its good to know that those who are of the right heart condition who turn to and draw close to God will be comforted in the ways of TRUTH
How so? I just wished for you to explain how you can sit there and call JW's and Mormons evil... :)

my post was about a dream, dreams can be weird, did I say that I thought JW and Mormons are evil ? did I say that ?

I just told you about a dream I had, the whole thread is about dreams or did you forget that ? do you know what dreams are, can you tell them apart from waking reality, do you dream ? do you have weird dreams, have you ever dreamed about Mormons ?
Daniel himself had a dream from Jehovah in which he beheld four huge beasts coming up out of the sea, these creatures representing human governments. (Da 7:1, 3, 17; Daniel also saw the Ancient of Days, from whom "someone like a son of man" received lasting "rulership and dignity and kingdom."—Da 7:13, 14.

A normal night’s sleep is most easily divided into two types: what is commonly called REM (rapid eye movement, or dream) sleep and non-REM (nondream) sleep.

You can tell that a person is in REM sleep when the bulge of his eyeballs can be seen rapidly moving under his eyelids.:eek:
sorry if my post about tmy Mormons and JW dream offended anyone.

it was just a dream I had.
i cant interpret your dream either GTG but i reckon because you are asking about others faith JW/mormons etc that might be a personal thing for you. Who knows? Im just glad that some dreams are only dreams. Because some I used to have were really scarry. LOL. Although others were beautiful and I wish they to come true. I do know however that the emotions you feel when you dream are true. I have no scientific fact for this only that the joy or unhappiness or nervousness or whatever the emotion you feel in an intense dream is real. your body goes through it. Well, I do anyway. also sometimes i have dreamwalked and also have had "other peoples" dreams but that has already been discussed in other threads i think. Anyway, good luck to you GTG, and Im sure you really didnt offend anyone. LOL.
lol I used to wake up with my wife beating my back with her fists for something I did or said in a dream...

i have heard of cases where a person has killed their husband or wife. that would be a really terrible thing to have to live with afterwards, they could have thought they were killing a big monster that was after them , our dreams are so real to us .

but just imagine if that did happen :(
In the last really vivid dream I had, my cousin killed his sister. It seemed very believable in the dream because they don't usually get along.
At times, dreams were used by God to protect key individuals in the outworking of his purpose.

The recipients of such dreams were not necessarily servants of God.

For example, the astrologers who visited the young child Jesus did not return to see murderous Herod as he had requested. Why?

They received a warning in a dream. (Matthew 2:7-12)

This gave Jesus’ adoptive father, Joseph, enough time to flee to Egypt with his family, in response to the direction that he too had received in a dream. This saved the life of young Jesus.—Matthew 2:13-15.


I had a dream recently not sure when it was one, two or three nights ago... I think. Can't remember much either... lol Was running away from people can't remember which people, but I can recall I knew them. Anyway It made me toss and turn in my sleep and made me restless... Because I couldn't dream me running correctly.... If you can understand what I mean... Imagine you're running... But you aren't running at what is the possible speed you keep stopping or walking or some kind of glitch in the code lol... And it frustrates you because you are trying to tell a story and you should be running right now... Yet you're not... And people are gaining grounds.

There is no before scene nor after scene(not which I can recall) It just begins with me having to run. And I wake up tired because I have been frustratingly trying to run the whole night (Or what it seems) The dream keeps "resetting" and I keep trying to run......And from the moment I wake bits and peices of the dream vanish one by one. *shruggs* Thought I'd share. Not that fancy of a dream but hey at least I had one :D
Read mine, then see if the two don't have similarities:

I used to dream (still do on occasion), when I was a teen, that I was a man in a blue uniform (dark blue). I didn't recognize the uniform, but knew it was a good one. Anyway, I'm walking down a road, then jogging, then running lightly. I notice that I am getting lighter as I move forward, but when I stop, I'm at standard weight.

So I try again, and the lightness happens again, and the next thing I know, I'm skipping steps, then actually air born. And there are people watching me.

Anyway, I try to "fly" higher, then suddenly get heavy and hit the ground hard (still on my feet). Now the people are laughing.

I start again, with the walk and the jog and the light run and the lightness in weight is felt again, and again the people are watching, then I'm air born. Only this time (after many, many attempts), I don't try to fly higher, but seem to in fact do so (as long as I don't push it). But the second I try too hard, I become "heavier" and begin to quickly sink.

What I learned from this "dream" is that as long as I don't try and force things to go my way, they tend to go my way (as long as my way is the right way...the blue uniform). I don't trip and fall in my desire to get to or from something, because I'm not trying too hard to make it happen exactly as I want it to happen.

just a thought.
Alex said:
Kinda the same however my dream resets it's self to the beginning.
Alex, have you been reading the comics about Johnny Blaze? It sounds like when he was in hell and tried to escape every night. (just a comic I read - am not endorsing hell)