Mystery Thread

Tomato sauce, paste, juice....

Dry tomatoes, onions, green pepper, whatever you like....

Toss it in the it through a colander/strainer

put all the chunky stuff in mason jars

put all the powder in mason jars...

come winter:

-want paste add some water
-want sauce add more water and some of the chunky stuff
-want juice add more water yet (no chunky stuff)

gave up the old canning methods with boiling the jars and scalding and peeling and deseeding...this is much easier...

I like broccoli, jalepenos and pineapple on my wheatcrust pizza...
Phyllis and Company:

Mmmmm....I can smell it already! Lemon thyme, huh? Sounds beautiful--and come spring, I think I will have a whole new batch of it. But roasted garlic is NOT optional, IMO. :) ;)

Thank you!

Wil--I love Mason jars. Those Masons just pop up everywhere in life, don't they? :)

Angel--I think they have our order pre-made sometimes, but it is only Javier who knows that we just might order the salad. He keeps trying to tell them....:)

Wow. This day has a covering of white stuff. In Texas. Roads are dangerous for us here. Some say we aren't prepared. But we prepare the best we can. As one who has been one with one from up north, I can tell you that he knew there is nothing one can do with this Texas ice. Except hope that it is actually snow. LOL guys--just now taking "the tree" down, so everything you have heard about us down here is true. I am considering leaving the lights up all year. :eek:

Must make chili. No wait, gotta make a wedding cake.

Phyllis and Company:

Mmmmm....I can smell it already! Lemon thyme, huh? Sounds beautiful--and come spring, I think I will have a whole new batch of it. But roasted garlic is NOT optional, IMO. :) ;)

Thank you!

Wil--I love Mason jars. Those Masons just pop up everywhere in life, don't they? :)

Angel--I think they have our order pre-made sometimes, but it is only Javier who knows that we just might order the salad. He keeps trying to tell them....:)

Wow. This day has a covering of white stuff. In Texas. Roads are dangerous for us here. Some say we aren't prepared. But we prepare the best we can. As one who has been one with one from up north, I can tell you that he knew there is nothing one can do with this Texas ice. Except hope that it is actually snow. LOL guys--just now taking "the tree" down, so everything you have heard about us down here is true. I am considering leaving the lights up all year. :eek:

Must make chili. No wait, gotta make a wedding cake.


Vaccuum bags/Food saver is awesome!...almost as good as Mason jars (and cheaper)...
Hey Josh--yep. Got one of those "Daisy Savers" or whatever they are called. Works pretty good.

But it's just not the same as a good ol' Mason Jar. ;)

This is making me think of my summers as a child. Lightning bugs in a Mason jar. Of course, I was always the one yelling "Free the lightning bugs!" I got a lot of funny looks.

Anyway, I feel warmer now. :)

Just having fun this afternoon.

Phyllis and Company:

Mmmmm....I can smell it already! Lemon thyme, huh? Sounds beautiful--and come spring, I think I will have a whole new batch of it. But roasted garlic is NOT optional, IMO. :) ;)

Thank you!



You're welcome, IL. :)

*a chorus of "Murr rowrowr" from the :kitty: delegation echos through the thread*

If you're using fresh lemon thyme, then you might want to double the amount (I use dried because I don't have access to fresh.) I have both a black thumb and no garden. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
1 small tin of tomato sauce

Snoopy: my pizza dough recipe is on Page 1 of the thread (I think.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine


Thanks! I know that sometimes the UK and the USA are divided by what seems to be a common language but isn't always. I also know that sometimes I am Olympic standard dense but I need to ask:

By "tomato sauce" do you mean what we brits call "chopped tomatoes" ? cos tomato sauce usually means, you know, Heinz type stuff (thick and with sugar in it) out of a bottle that you squeeze on chips (french fries, see there we go again!).

s. (salivating already..):)
oh bugger! I thought Heinz was universal (don't know why). Do Americans say ketchup? Do they mean the same? Life is complicated....Ground floor, first floor (or is that a continental thing?), zucchini, sidewalk,.....

OK ketchup. Maybe I'll just buy a pizza!
Hi Folks--

Got 5 minutes before next cake layer comes out of the oven. Saw the conversation about language here. Thought I would stop in and ask Snoopy if you have "Prego" spaghetti sauce over there?

The reason I ask is because of something I said on another thread, and I wondered at the time if it would make sense to someone in the UK. :)

Timer's going off--be back when I can.

You always seem to pop in and out while cooking, it must be fairly early in the morning there..... fairly early.

Chief? Housewife?

Where I comes from we no know of this prego sauce you. ;/ Snoopy perchance has... But then again I make all my own sauces aswell.. So don't tend to look for sauces.
I am guessing that prego is a basic tomatoe sauce? Used for pizza, lasange, and spag bowl and things such as this a base sauce so to speak? I think it is more err not sure what word I want here... More, satisfying? To make own sauces! :D

Chop up four tomatoes :D
tomatoe puree
garlic diced to bits
1 whole onion
tons of torregano and orregano :D
some piri piri
add a few sun dried tomates
sun dried red pepper and seeds...
some olive oil....

that tends to be the base of most of my italian meals.... I can't give measurements and such as I have never gone by a recipe in my life...
Angel--that sounds wonderful! Love sundried tomatoes. What is "piri piri? (No time to look it up at the moment).

The Domestic Goddess :)
it is basically the African devil (its a form of red pepper) and it's "leaf'age" dried then crushed into a 'chunky' powder and obviously seeds... basically its a wild pepper from the Solanaceae family... Lovley orange, beige and red colors :D

-post edit-

I cook every day, I love it! It is a freaking awesome thing to do... Just to experiment add any old thing see wht happens, find new fresh exciting tastes and flavours... I would share some if you want? But people, I cannot stress this enough... I cannot offer cooking times or measurements.... my style I think is "naked chief"? Toss it in cook it taste it love it.

One of my faves......

around 4 limes lol (crush um!!!)
spoon of salt
spoon of sugar
3 - 4 spoons of olive oil
3 - 4 spring onions
2 - 3 japeleno peppers
fresh corriander..
FRESH ginger..
clove or two of garlic (regarding your preference to garlic)
lemon grass (quite a bit lol)
2 - 3 spoonfuls of kaffir leaves
chuck in some soy sauce
can of coconut milk
some nice fresh chopped -SWEET- basil (NOT TOO MUCH13$!£"$!£")

Thats the sauce.......

Then cook up.....
four chicken breasts (diced)
tons of king shrimps

Then mix with sauce and serve on tagliatelle

see I am rubbish at giving people recipes ... ;/
ahh piri piri! had it on my meal last night! for when hot chili sauce is just too bland!


Aren't peppers fascinating? I love to grow them. If I'm not mistaken, Solanaceae includes magnolias--I might be wrong. I guess I'd better get off here, or I would talk this stuff all day. Got another layer coming up in a few minutes.

Got behind on the cake because I got tired yesterday. So catching up in these wee hours. Gotta have time for everything to cool so I can decorate, which is the scary part. No fear....

Maybe they will take good pictures and I'll post one (if it comes out absolutely beautiful, anyway. Otherwise, forgeddaboudit. :eek::D ) Wedding tomorrow evening (in this weather, no less!). Got company coming, too.

This domestic goddess stuff is not all roses, ya know. :D

Ooh, y'all...Ooohh---

I'm just about finished decorating the cake---ooohh, it's so pretty! I didn't know for sure I could do this. Yay!!!

Now, about transporting it (probably in the rain)...that's another story. But we ain't droppin' it!

Just thought I'd stop by and be silly and tell you the cake is fabulous, dahlings! :cool: :)
