Faithfulservant said:
Are we still doing this from the Jewish point of view? We are spirit beings housed in bodies of flesh. Salvation is spiritual.. the peace is spiritual.. We war not against flesh and blood because the true war isnt against flesh and blood. His kingdom is not of this world.
Excellent point !!
Living God was Spirit being, huosed in body of
Jesus, also. In His testimony about " His " second coming, or end of Time,
In Matthew 24, He clearly, used three times term " Son of Man ",
and not, Me, Jesus, will be back. Which is truth about Him, today, or whenever
you believe that day of coming of Son of Man might take place. Coming, totaly unexpected, silent, like thief in the Night, when no one will be ready.
Salvation is a Condition that you have ( as combination of your genes ) in
your blood or you don't. Something hereditary, like diabetes or whatheveyou
The Peace is lack of time, absolute freedom, no Limits, whatsoever, Within
Present reality.
His Kingdom couldn't possibly be of this World, because it started somewhere,
Long, long , before this World was created.
But, Fact still is, His Kingdom was here, in Flesh, for 33 years,
2000 years ago. And He promised, He'll be Back,this time as ordinary Dude,
Man of some father, that is going to tell you what is actualy happening,
using, Television, Internetvision, and any other Vision anybody on Planet
might Have. And after that the End will happen.