The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

chokmah said:
I have been told by many Jews that the tetragrammaton was pronounced at one time, and may still be pronounced in some circles. What led you to believe that it has never been spoken or couldn't be?
Googling Yahweh and Jehovah, I found a ton of information about why to or not to pronounce it. Interesting notes from, Catholic Encyclopedia and Wikipedia...
The emboldened is a whole other ball of wax to talk about in Judaism. It's completely reshaped my considerations of G-d as I have learned it.
can you expound here?
wil said:
Googling Yahweh and Jehovah, I found a ton of information about why to or not to pronounce it. Interesting notes from, Catholic Encyclopedia and Wikipedia...

I'm sure there is a ton of information from all different types of sources. I've not looked into it that far. I've thought about attempting to learn Hebrew. Until then, I'm not too concerned with the pronunciation.

wil said:
can you expound here?

Literal anthropomorphism is, in actuality, idolatrous from a Judaic perspective. G-d, being spirit, does not have any actual human characteristics. To ascribe such to G-d is to bring Him down to our level and also lends itself to un-Judaic doctrines (incarnation, virgin birth, trinity...).

Just as the "Golden Calf" was an idolatrous work, so is anything that makes G-d into any object.
chokmah said:
Literal anthropomorphism is, in actuality, idolatrous from a Judaic perspective. G-d, being spirit, does not have any actual human characteristics. To ascribe such to G-d is to bring Him down to our level and also lends itself to un-Judaic doctrines (incarnation, virgin birth, trinity...).

Just as the "Golden Calf" was an idolatrous work, so is anything that makes G-d into any object.
thank you
Dondi said:
I have always been fascinated with biblical prophecy. In my study bible, there is a section that lays down 40 major OT prophecies concerning Jesus. I have read that taken together that the chances of any one person fulfilling all 40 of these prophecies is astronomical.

But looking at these prophecies up close, I find some of them wanting. For example, Isaiah 7:14 say, "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name, Immanuel." (Immanuel meaning God is with us) Now on the surface, it appears to be obviously referring to the virgin birth of Christ. But when you look into the context of Isaiah chapter 7, the backgroung for this verse has Ahaz, king of Judah, trying to deal with Rezin, king of Syria and Remaliah, king of Israel (the kingdom of Israel was divided after Solomon's reign). Ahaz gets a word from Isaiah telling him that God is with Ahaz, and that Syria and Israel will not stand against Judah. Then Isaiah gives Ahaz comfort in the form of a sign of the birth of a baby boy. And that before the child knows to refuse evil, God will defeat Syria and Israel. In Isaiah 8:10, it says, "Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us". So it seems that this is a prophecy meant for King Ahaz and the kingdom of Judah, that God will be with them in this trying time of these adversaries, namely the King fo Israel and the king of Syria. And that this prophecy was fulfilled in that day.

Why then is this prophecy, which already came to past, attributed to Jesus in the NT (Matt. 1:23)?

I have similar questions on other prophesies, but I'd thought we'd deal with these one at a time. Thank you.

Have you tried Isaiah 9:6?
Have folks seen the movie Pi? Kind of relevant to some of this. Most fascinating ... what do folks think?
