Please, luecy7.
Aren't we all hear to discuss the world and how different we all perceive it.
Here here, or there there?
You seem upset by what wil is saying and, even though I personally don't understand way, you are entitled to it. Can't you just tell us how you feel, because right now I think you are being very defensive and the topic have seamed to move to wil.
No, I just shifted the examples from non-personal to personal, intentionally. While I am opposed to wil's stated viewpoint, I haven't seen him running around with fasces taking orders from a database, or telling people via a database to use fasces against someone. Fascism tends to be non-personal. For example if a Roman authority figure tells some lictors to use their fasces against the citizens, neither the Roman authority figure, nor the lictor, really wants much of a relationship in their actions. The lictor attributes his cruelty to good punishment, but mechanically is placing the responsibility on the Roman authority. The Roman authority is in power, but doesn't want a personal relationship with the people he is ordering the lictors to go beat. If the Roman authority could insert a database between himself and the lictors, and even remain anonymous, then he would.
I am very interested in what you have to say about this, and I would like to know why you define this as fascism and perhaps even spiritual fascism and not just apathy, greed, fear and what not. What your describing seams to be nothing more than a soulless system to protect the companies rather than punishments directed at certain people.
I could relate a lot of behavior back to individual values.
In the USA the best example of fascism that I have encountered involves the behavior of the department of Homeland Security, US customs, the CIA, and the businesses that are asked (forced) to obey the state department under ITAR. ITAR is the best example of fascism that I have encountered. All of the people involved define a discriminatory wall between a citizen and a foreigner, and dictate that thou shalt obey them over others, and treat people unequally. Does anybody know the growth rate of ITAR (fascism) in the last 10 years? We encountered an ITAR contamination: a component originally developed by a company that was compensated with taxpayer dollars. The component is sold openly to people by a manufacturer. Although it is not used in any US weapon according to the manufacturer, the component is on a secret US munitions list. It is there because like an aircraft, vehicle, or box cutter knives, it could potentially be used as a component of a weapon (fasces) against the will of people, or used as a tool per the will of people. We used it for the latter. ITAR is a database implemented by force, really without the approval of the people. I want no part in it, and I routinely speak against the behavior and the individuals who commit the evil that I have come across, so I do get harassed as a result of that. How does it make me feel? The same as when I encounter someone who tells a lie or commits a crime. Fascism is just a fancy name to describe a military turned against the people it pretends to be serving. I encountered some similar situations with other countries, and their behavior put the USA to shame.
It doesn't have to be government. I rented a uhaul trailer for a one way trip, and kept the trailer for about a month, 2 weeks past what was originally agreed to. I made a phone call and received several phone calls, and I had approval to keep it the extended period of time. I returned it, paid in full, but received a letter a few days later from the region where I rented it from. They threatened a lawsuit and said that a police car was dispatched to the destination address to look for the trailer. I figured it was just a misplaced love letter, so I called them and told them we had approval to keep it longer, that it was returned and paid in full. Six months later though when I wish to rent another trailer, I am denied because my name is on a database list. They tell me that it is my responsibility to call their #'s and get their database corrected. So, I make the calls. It took hours, accusations and arguments to get it reversed. If the database would hold the accuser accountable such that I could have words with the accuser and get some light shed on their absence of evidence, then it might have been more productive and saved time. The lictors were turned against me for a day, and I had no way of talking to the civil authority in command of the database. I think the franchise store manager would have some form of financial responsibility if they rented it to someone who was on the list. Since they have my credit card, drivers license, and vehicle information, the lictor technically knows me better than whomever they are forced to trust via the database. My credit and reputation probably surpasses the person who made the database entry, but with fascism the desire is to keep it non-personal.
Trust should be innocent until proven guilty, but lictors receive and trust a database that tells them who to not trust, and it tells them who to treat as guilty or suspect, although themselves they really have no evidence other than the database that they are to obey.