Good to read your remarks and I would say you're still trying to resolve some issues in your mind and heart and this is as it should be..
I had a few comments though about what you wrote:
"Of course one might say that religion is already created, some say this is Baha'i. But the problem with Baha'i it still does not conbine many of the aspects of the religions. For example Baha'is reject reincarnation and emphasize less on meditation, but these two are much too important to dismiss. Baha'is is in the right track, but still haven't unified the religions completly."
It sounds like you've decided on a few things you feel are very important and that's OK for you and I'm not "knocking" them...
Our view is we don't need to "merge all the religions into one" say as a synthesis... that really isn't what we're about. We've been accused on syncretism.
Actually what we believe is that the origin of all the religions is the same...the same Divine Origin.
They may be very different on the "outside" though because of the various cultural trappings and they have developed over time differently. We believe in their spiritual essence though they are already united...
So it's NOT really like we're TRYING to combine various religions and we're not about suggesting that we have to adopt this from that or select something else...
The Baha'i Faith is already a revealed religion with it's own Scriptures and ordinances that we believe are suited for today.
There is also a strong mystical element in the Baha'i Faith and this is evidence in the Writings such as "The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys" that were revealed by Baha'u'llah for a Sufi teacher. See:
Baha'is don't use a specific style of meditation though as it is up to the believer... Some like to practise the kind of meditation they learned from other traditions... It's alright for them to do this.. But there's not one meditation practise for all Baha'is.
We also chant the Greatest Name daily so this probably resembles the chanting in other traditions.
So I just thought I'd mention this...
On another note:
I sincerely believe people have to work out for themselves through personal search what is best for them...
The problem though to me with one who decides to totally fashion their own religion is that over time they can dismiss or adopt whatever they want... which may seem to be the solution and it might even feel good in the beginning.
But the probem with this is there is no outside criteria applied and to me spiritual growth requires some challenge, some kind of interaction with someone who has travelled through the valleys of search and can provide assistance or a model when it is needed.
- Art