truthseeker said:
If you believe in an 'end time', then the religions will come together for this purpose. If Christianity believes in The Revelation literally, which it does in the way that fits the Ultimate Purpose, then all the denominations of Christianity will come together to create the body of Christ which is the whole armour of God. The strongest points need to be the breastplate and helmet talked about in Ephesians 6, in which all denominations happen to agree. Interesting, eh? Other strong points in Christianity form the extremities. If we put aside doctrinal issues, then Christianity becomes something else. Though we argue, the doctrinal issues are important.
thanks for chatting
i would say the sheild of faith is most important- so see we already disagree LOL (teasing)
i would agree doctrines are important-
but it is like this, if you dont believe Jesus is Michael doctrine then how can you be a JW? if you dont believe the trinity doctrine, how can you be a catholic? if you dont believe in the Jesus Only doctrine how can you be a pentecostal?
there is just no way i see all that coming together unless the arguing stops & is replaced with love. because they are doctrines that seperate people & do not bring people together. people have been raised or (indoctrinated) that this is what you have to believe if you want to go to heaven & if you dont believe it then you go to hell. (& they are not a heaven or hell issue IMO)
for example: i asked questions from an early age to the leaders about the beliefs at my church & one question was if someone believes different on particular issues, will they go to hell? & the response was always the same- "I WOULD NOT SAY THAT"
so i learned early not to be that way & i am ever thankful.
truthseeker said:
Yeah, I see all religion as a very valid piece of the puzzle. But it depends, perhaps, on your purpose here on this earth. As we gain knowlege, perhaps the meaning of our purpose changes. Like me, I think that if I had not grown up in the Kingdom Hall, I would not believe in spiritual matters as deeply as I do. If I had not left the Kingdom Hall though I still hold on to alot of the things that I had been taught, I would be to narrow minded to see that God is using everyone for His Will. Not to say anymore that this is the case with JW, the understanding of a child is quite different most times than that of an experienced adult.
i feel the same way. there is an odd puzzle that is for sure.
if i had not been raised the way i was, more of a free thinking non-dom church i would not be as concerned about spiritual matters as deeply either.
i also like the fact that you still have a love for the kingdom hall & all the truth that you learned growing up.
do you ever wonder if it because Christianity got off on the wrong foot from the start & now all these denominations are trying to get back to what really happened with Jesus & the apostles?
truthseeker said:
Thank you, Bandit. Humility is a long, hard road that never comes to an end - and I am exhausted.
well there are not a lot of people i talk real serious about religion with & i have found you to be sincere & yes humble as pie & I appreciate & love you a lot Truthseeker
note: no intentions to get off topic here, just found a little outlet here in this thread today & i think i am finished. thanks again.