Which religion do you follow?

Which religion do you follow?

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I'm still searching for a religion and perhaps I'll never find one.


Your Lucidicist Wizardry sounds interesting. Where can I learn more about it? Keep in mind though I'm not up for a dialogue. I just want something to read.
Snoopy, I think it's the metaphysical one. The epis... other one doesn't leave much encouragement for taking leaps of faith or gambling with life.

Beckythatch, I have nothing written down. The trouble I'm having with words is that if you haven't seen it for yourself, all the words are just ideas. If you have seen it for yourself, then you'll understand all the words, but you kind of don't need them anymore, but I'll try.

You are dreaming. There is no self, no other people, no god, no nothing, just this dream you're having. You will meet people, spirits, gods, animals, plants but they are all just part of the dream. If you're asleep in bed, and suddenly find yourself aware you're dreaming, it's called a Lucid Dream. So if you know that the entirety of reality is just a dream, you are Lucid. If you are able to live your wisdom and not just know it to talk about, you're a Wizard. But these are just words ;)
For the purposes of the Comparative Religion forum I am a follower of Matrixism (the path of the One).

For other real world purposes I am sometimes a Christian, sometimes a Buddhist, in frequently a Baha'i and often a Hindu. I haven't had much need to be a Muslim yet but who knows what the future might hold.

Blizzardry, I have a hunch that you are not for real. That is I am not convinced that you are an authentic human being. Perhaps your just the computer simulated mouth piece of some sort of cabal. Or maybe you're a lawyer? Or a Hollywood script writer? Whatever it's all the same to me.
I follow the religion of Universal Protectionism and I believe that;

As a member of the elite
Universe Protection Unit of the
Space Ranger Corps, I protect the
galaxy from the threat of invasion
from the Evil Emperor Zurg, sworn
enemy of the Galactic Alliance.

Further I believe that:

Right now, poised at the edge of
the galaxy, Emperor Zurg has been
secretly building a weapon with the
destructive capacity to annihilate
an entire planet.

Finally I believe that:

I alone have information that
reveals this weapon's only weakness.

With so many Space Rangers following Universal Protectionism though it can get a little confusing because we all believe that we "alone have information".

To infinity and beyond!

It looks like you might have actually started something with this Universal Protectionism business.

Were you the one who made this website for Universal Protectionism?

I've got to admit this Toy Story religion is pretty cool. It's almost cool enough to get me to give up my chosen religion which is of course Dudeism. Like I said almost.

Abide like The Dude,

The Dude
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Dudeism of course.

Abide like The Dude.
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I am one of Jehovahs witnesses who are christians .
but Jehovahs witnesses are no part of christendom ,
because we like to stick to what the bible really teaches, so we have cast many manmade doctrines away from us . we like to get it right inline with the bible ,and the bible is our aurthority
...... so we have cast many manmade doctrines away from us .

:eek: Cast away... dont JW,s recycle? And "many", means at last you concede the remaining ones are also manmade.... congratulations!


I think most of the problems with religions worldwide stems from the etimology of the word itself:
[12th century. Via French< Latin religion- "obligation, reverence"]

I will contrast this with Thomas,

His disciples questioned him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe?"
Jesus said, "Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered."

Therefore, I think we should consider change the word "religion" with "belief".
YES we dont need manmade doctrines we only need what the bible REALLY teaches. and its very good ,

I hate to burst your bubble but believe it or not the Bible like all other books was man made.
:eek: Cast away...

tao[/quote:) YES we dont need manmade doctrines we only need what the bible REALLY teaches. and its very good ,
You mean like, let everybody rape your daughters? murder you brothers, get your dad drunk and have sex with him, that it is ok to humiliate and rape your enemies wives and daughters, and on and on and on... Really nice that bible aint it :rolleyes:

You mean like, let everybody rape your daughters? murder you brothers, get your dad drunk and have sex with him, that it is ok to humiliate and rape your enemies wives and daughters, and on and on and on... Really nice that bible aint it :rolleyes:


Is that what the Bible teaches :eek:

I must have missed something, LOL