Thomas said:The coming of the Lord we call the Parousia
Greek parousiā, presence, Parousia, from parousa, feminine present participle of pareinai, to be present : para-, beside
Pointedly, pa·rou·si´a means "presence." Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words says: "PAROUSIA, . . . lit[erally], a presence, para, with, and ousia, being (from eimi, to be), denotes both an arrival and a consequent presence with
Other lexicons explain that pa·rou·si´a denotes ‘the visit of a ruler.’ Hence, it is not just the moment of arrival, but a presence extending from the arrival onward.
What, though, about references to Jesus’ pa·rou·si´a? Are they with the sense of his "coming," or do they indicate an extended presence? yes it is my belief that Jesus presence is an extended presence, and we are now in that presence , he came into kingdom power in the heavens in 1914 and we are now living through the signs of the presence
When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence [Greek, pa·rou·si´a] and of the conclusion of the system of things Matthew 24:3. Jesus then went on to tell them the signs to look out for . but there is a major fullfillment to these things that happened in their time , and the major fullfillment is now. we are in the presence of Jesus coming into kingdom power it is an extended presence