Is Prophecy dead?

Prophecy is never dead. The angels revealed to Mohammed in Quran that this is not the case, at any time:

[SIZE=2.2][SIZE=2.2] ALKAHF(108) [/SIZE][SIZE=2.2]Say: Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, verily the sea would be used up before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even though We brought the like thereof to help. (109) [/SIZE][SIZE=2.2]Say: I am only a mortal like you. My Lord inspireth in me that your God is only One God.[/SIZE][/SIZE]

And here is another verse in Quran:

[SIZE=2.2][SIZE=2.2]Luqman(26): [/SIZE][SIZE=2.2]And if all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more seas to help it, (were ink), the words of Allah could not be exhausted. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise. (27)[/SIZE][/SIZE]

So, Quran uses this analogy to declare to people that God can send a new prophet or messenger at any time whenever it required. It's up to God.

The expression "Words of Allah" or "Words of the lord" refer to "Prophets or Messengers of God". That's why in Quran, the angels refer to Jesus and other prophets as "words from God":

[SIZE=2.2][SIZE=2.2]An-Nisa(170): The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2.2][SIZE=2.2] So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not "Three" - Cease! (it is) better for you! - Allah is only One God.

[/SIZE]So, the question will arise is that why do Muslims proclaim that Islam is the ultimate message? It's because religious institutions want it that way, and it's not because Mohammed or God said so.

This is my understanding and it's very clear if Muslims understand Quran. Though Quran made it very clear regarding this subject, very few Muslims understand this.

Best Regards,
Hi Bruce,

I posted a reply to Dave the Web last week, but I don't see it up on the thread replies. I wonder what happened? I hope if I overstepped my bounds that you would let me know. :>)


I don't want to assume that you are not allowing my replies to be posted, but I have put up 2 posts that have simply been erased immediately. Can you give me an explaination? I would like to know if I have not been meeting your rules. You asked whether prophecy is alive today. I answered that it is and the Messenger of a New Message from God is receiving this prophecy now. It has been time consuming and disappointing to have my replies simply be erased. I hope there is a way this can be remedied.

Thank you for your time,
Hi deliz. I'm Dream, nice to meet you. I'm not a mod, but it may take a day or so for them to get back to you. Don't be alarmed about your posts.

There are a lot of spam bots that automatically create id's and try to paste forums with advertising, porn and even computer viruses; so the system limits what you can do when you first sign up. It assumes you might be a spam program. You just have to prove your humanity and your interest in participating in the forum by hanging around for a little while, posting some uniquely human material, chit chat with people and not put any alarming words or links in your posts. This policy is fairly common on forums, because it helps keep spam and advertisers out. There are a few other things that are not allowed. If one of your posts raises an alarm, then it will not appear until one of the mods personally checks it to be ok. You can check the forum guidelines to see what is unacceptable. If you are respectful of others and are here to talk, then you will be fine. Also, it has been a long time since Bruce stopped in, so you might not get a reply from him. I've only seen him post once since I signed on.
deliz, am afraid I can't find any more than 2 posts form you at all. Even if another mod had tried to delete any, I would have found a record of them.

I can only apologies and ask you to try again, as any such replies did not get saved in the forum database.
There's a general perception in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, that prophecy is effectively dead - that all that required saying is said.

However, is this an interpretation supported directly by scripture - or is this a general assertion from events and human developments?

Does humanity no longer have a direct connection to God, excepting through the pages of books?

A general discussion question.

Here as a prophecy that is very much alive, a current affair...

Rev 12:3
"And another sign was seen in heaven... a great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and upon its heads seven diadems"

This is the original serpent of Eden, Satan*, now matured with the Adamic rebellion thru human kingdoms, a global scale dragon, the architect of the wild beast of human governance in rebellion to God.
"I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. 2 ...the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority."

Seeing the relationship between the dragon Satan, and the seven headed wild beast(1) of his creation through sinful man is apparent in the image of seven heads and ten horns being present in both the dragon and the beast, and the statement "And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne..."

"And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast... 13 And it performs great signs**..."

Seeing the relationship between the lamb horned wild beast(2), that speaks as a dragon (Satan), and the 7 headed wild beast(1) is shown in the statement "And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight". That it speaks as a dragon, shows that it has a common message originating with Satan:


"And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are expressions inspired by demons and perform signs**, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty."

That the dragon, the beasts and the false-prophet of this global kingdom all speak the same message. We know the seventh head also finishes the complete 10 horns of the wild beast(1), by Britain and America, horns 9 and 10. The second wild beast, gives this needed clue, a dual world power. It collects "the kings of the entire inhabited earth", showing a union of the global human kingdoms for Har-Magedon.

"And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast... 15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast."

The image of the beast is a global architecture of global government inspired by the 7th head of the wild beast (UK/US), further described as a two horned wild beast, providing a clue as to it being a dual power. In the world scene, this is the Anglo-American world power of Britain and America, which as a mouthpiece for globalism, the chief human architects of the beast that comes out of the abyss, as the United Nations, having gone into the abyss as the League of Nations. This shows that one particular power was infused by Satanic inspiration to create what is the UN today, an eighth king itself, a global coalition of earthly powers. Satan, both beasts, and the image of the beast, all work in unison as well, rebellion's climax.

"So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan"

From a worldly standpoint, there is 1 thing that is historically proven to have been officially installed in the American system of finance, which would lead to the rest of the main Revelation "beast" framework which would culminate in the "image of the beast" (UN), an "8th King" itself, which would spring from the seven, in the seven headed "wild beast" (UK/US 7th head).

1. Before 1914, specifically Dec 23rd, 1913, America and Britain were not officially "united" financially, the 1913 event (Federal Reserve), and the subsequent agreements reached before WW1, are what made this 7th head "official".

2. Once the 3rd Rothschild International Banking house (Federal Reserve) became LEGALLY institutionalized in America, the full replication of the British counterpart institutions, became present in America. They all worked unitedly (UK/US) for war engineering/profiteering, international centralized financial crystaliization to capitalize this, and the shadow political control elements to formulate the 'League of Nations', and eventually the 'United Nations' "Image of the Beast".

3. The Federal Reserve (1914) was the equivalent of the Rothschild's Banking Network in England's Bank of England (1694). The 'Council on Foreign Relations' (CFR) was the equivalent British institute the 'Royal Institute of International Affairs'. These worked hand in hand to found the League of Nations, and the United Nations. All of these are elitist groups beyond the national sovereignty they represent in theory, and all are globalist in vision, and power.

This the 7th head of Revelations 7 headed "wild beast" (US/UK), was made official, and led to the UN, and 2 engineered world wars which enriched the shadow system of finance and governance, and empowered this "image of the beast" in the UN, to work at a level above all nation-state sovereignties on earth; as it does today.

That it is represented as an "8th King" of bible prophecy, co-existing and springing from the 7 in the 7 headed "wild beast", yet above them in the ascendancy cut short at Har-Magedon, shows it is a power in global affairs and policy leading to global domination theorizing and planning, the "new world order" sloganeers of globalism (Rev13:14).


That an event such as this, is also marked in the secular micro-histories of western corporate civilization surrounding 1914, and in the event of it's first global war racketeering experiment in WW1 coinciding with also biblical prophecies concerning the ultimate rival of it, the Kingdom of God, is beyond coincidence. 

It is the greatest global signal given, in our times, of the inevitable showdown between these two competing power centers, one, Satan's on earth, the other one God's in heaven, for complete conquest of the earth, upon nations in a union (maturing now) opposed to God's sovereign rule, as also a prophetic; global unity against God's rulership, for Satan's. 

Joel 3:9, Zeph 3:9, Rev16:16, Psalm2 All speak of the nations "collected", "as one", and gathered to the War of the Great Day of God the Almighty, Har-Magedon (Armageddon). 

This is worthy of further investigation.
I have to show why a series of cycles in a triplet, was initiated in 1914, ALSO SIGNIFICANT FROM PURELY WORLDLY HISTORY, as well as biblical. 

The significance of these events (1914) also created a global war complex and business unique in operational scope, backed by an international private central banking cartel, and a hybrid-religious collusion (zionist/judeo/christendom/occult), which would affect the subsequent century in a way never previously achieved by demon based/Adamic human governance.

In that alliance of the US/UK/Rothschild empire made official in the US and UK, it also officially set the undeniable formulation, in power, of the 7th head of the wild beast(1) of Revelation, which would soon spawn the lamb horned equivalent of that dual world Anglo-American world power, which would very quickly give birth to the "image of the beast" (League...UN), which would plunge into inactive global status before WW2, but would come out of that abyss as the United nations, which was guided by the same unison of guidance in the dragon, the beast, and the false-prophet all speaking the same demon inspired propaganda, Rev16.

The significance in part:

1 Centrally engineered wars, which played entire nations into a war for profit business global, enriching the central finance repository which was and is above ANY national sovereignty for multi-national globalist elite objectives. 

2. a huge triple profit cycle was created:

A. Capitalization for industrialized war initial multiple nation-state loans from a sole source (bank global).

B. Huge corporate profits from intense mobilization and weapons sales.

C. Huge reparations contracting in the aftermath, a tributary penalties to the losers.(Nation building) 

This indebted the participants into the same infrastructure which initiated the whole, each cycle concentrated more global assets, into fewer corporate hands, thereby owning the military and political shells of these nations, as America is owned today, a corporate puppet government, indebted and controlled.

1914 was the end of the world, it would just be a matter of time.

Here is the basic pattern, and Google can be more helpful if you decide to research it for yourself as far as the US/UK (NWO) element now clearly identified guiding it.

The last 100 years in a nutshell, from the Federal Reserve, to Satan's kingdom on earth, to Har-Magedon, to Jehovah's Kingdom in Full Earthly Authority. 1Cor15:24+ is the mission statement.(1914 is significant for a number of reasons obviously)

1. 1907 Financial depression "scare", prompts talk of a "central bank" again.
2. 1914 Federal Reserve set up as a private banking system, with many missions, leading to UN.
3. World War 1 orchestrated for massive profit and bloodshed, to who?
4. CFR (1921) organized to build league of nations, UN eventually

ROUND 2 (A repeating cycle, btw)
1. Great Depression leads to swindle and WW2
2. World War 2 orchestrated for massive profit and bloodshed, to who?
3. UN firmly established by CFR

ROUND 3 (Real-time, you are watching it happen)
1. Depression
2. World War 3...
3. NWO through the UN

The End
1. Great Tribulation
2. Har-Magedon (Knock out punch of God)
3. God's REAL Kingdom, takes earth as promised, Daniel 2:44

No surprise really. God has been talking about it for millenniums

Therefore keep yourselves in expectation of me,’ is the utterance of Jehovah,‘till the day of my rising up to [the] booty, for my judicial decision is to GATHER nations, for me to COLLECT together kingdoms, in order to pour out upon them my denunciation, all my burning anger; for by the fire of my zeal all the earth will be devoured. 9 For then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder.’

Jehovah, not the UN or the NWO, is who will bring peace and ONE government to this world. The Kingdom of God, shall rule, and it will crush and put an END to ALL these kingdoms of man Daniel2:44. 1Cor15:24

That prophetic proclamation from the bible, is quite alive, just have to find the faith which shares that state of also being alive to recognize this.

Jehovah's Christian witnesses
I liked what whkeith said above. I too was part of the Catholic Charismatic experience through prayer meetings, many of which were inter-denominational and several large conferences. But I have become an independent Baptist mainly because I see the Bible as the first and last of all authority concerning all things eternal: Faith, Salvation, Understanding, Inspiration and knowing how to walk with the Lord. That said, I differ somewhat from my closest associates as it pertains to prophecy and even "tongues". I don't discuss this with them much because it doesn't seem of utmost importance and I seem alone in my views. Anyway, I have had the unique privilege of witnessing genuine moves of the spirit on rare individuals way back when and I have heard of almost miraculous expressions of tongues that I believe are possible. Example: Jack Hayford relates an experience on a plane where the passenger sitting next to him was from an American Indian tribe and Jack finally offered this guy his bible. Well, the guy was not a Christian and declined but when Jack offered to pray with this guy he felt impelled to speak in tongues which this guy heard in a language his grandmother taught him which was no longer in use. This guy instantly asks to have the bible. Only the Holy Spirit can do that! RE
Is there a "general perception in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, that prophecy is effectively dead - that all that required saying is said"?

That does not compute, for me...

All priests, and prophets, speak to God, directly... they are "called", they "listen", etc... if this is so, then they must, presumably, be told "stuff".(Unless God isn't in the building and when priests and prophets call in they're listening to a pre-recorded message...)...

However, God tells his prophets and priests "stuff", then, in that mix, there must be.... some "new stuff". Maybe God has changed his mind about "Issue 1786". Maybe God wants to tell us X can't be fixed. Who should we listen to? Who is right?

We have to remember that all commentators move the goalposts, slightly, to suit themselves. A proper study of anyone's Definitive Articles tells us this, on the page, in black and white. All scripture and doctrine is revised, commented upon, reinterpreted. The writers and commentators and intepreters all believe they're right...
Dear respondents,

I do not believe that prophecy is dead and I am glad to see that this "thread of thought" is not dead either. It has come back to life. :>)

I am part of a very small group called the Greater Community Way of Knowledge. The students of this work study a huge body of information that has been received since the mid 80's and continues to be received today. Marshall Vian Summers is the name of the prophet, though he refers to himself as "the Messenger." He is a simple man who has been chosen by an angelic presence (God's representatives in this world) to receive this message. One of the main reasons he was chosen is that he has been willing to record immediately the voice that comes through him and from there it is posted on the website It has been made very clear that the purity of the message is extremely important and not to be meddled with. In ~ 2005, the voice of the angelic presence let the Messenger know that this message was not just good ideas for our time -- but a New Message from God in the world. Marshall was not happy to hear this as he knew that prophets in the past have not been well received -- but he has given his life to this work and could not turn back at that point. He is committed to bringing the New Message from God into the world.

I have been a spiritual seeker for most of my life and have never been as profoundly attracted to a spiritual body of information as I have to the New Message. Just briefly, the core of this message states that each of us has been endowed with Knowledge -- the mind of God -- by the Creator, and that this knowing is the inner compass that guides us to fulfill a purpose in life that we came here specifically to provide. This is a message that most religions contain some version of, but the New Message recognizes that humanity has lost its connection to Knowledge and the New Message provides a profound practice to regain it.

I expect you wonder why this man? He is a simple man who lives in Boulder, CO, but he is a good and intelligent man. He has known since the beginning of receiving the messages, that they could make a huge and positive difference for humanity -- and that humanity is in great need of a New Message from God. We are facing huge challenges from all directions: degradation of the earth, resource depletion, climate change and natural disasters on a huge scale, the threat of economic collapse, wars, famine and thousands displaced and unable to provide for themselves. If God cares for humanity at all, wouldn't a New Message be provided to help us through these challenges?

The Bible and the Coran were very important messages for their time and have been books to guide us until now, but humanity has never faced such a huge threshold of many changes all at once. God would not abandon us at this time of great need.

You may say that we have faced all of these challenges at one time or another, but there is one that is new to our time. Humanity is entering a greater community of worlds. We have not been alone in the universe, but we have pretty much considered ourselves to be alone and very special and beloved of God. We are beloved of God, but we are just one of many different races in a huge universe that are all beloved of God. We will be meeting them soon -- and we are unprepared. A large part of the New Message from God deals with the emergence of humanity into the greater community and the challenges this holds for us.

I hope this provides some interest for you to go out to the website and take a look. It may not be for you, but you will not know until you take a look. Paradigm shifts in consciousness all start with a few taking a look. It will not hurt you and it may provide some very important information for a very challenging future facing humanity. Thank you so much for considering this.

Perhaps some of our Biblical literalists and interpreters of Revelation might want to also revisit the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Scriptures ... definitely a Prophet you will want to familiarize yourself with:
"And [who's this guy again?] shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
... lest we forget why nations are formed to begin with; why alliances are made between individuals, groups and groups of groups; and why any of us is here to begin with!

Some of the greatest Prophets to have every appeared on our planet walked the Earth [again] in the 19th Century, in the 20th Century and some continue to walk it, preach and prophecy upon it and work great works upon it today. In case this isn't clear to some folks, let's all turn to Matthew 11:13-15 and put on our thinking caps ... ;)

If you oppose Unity (where Unity includes man and man [or woman], nation and nation, even one `People' with another) ... you oppose Christ, God's Holy Plan for your Salvation, and the very Foundation [Firmament] of Cosmos. For if you actually believe[d] that the Kingdom of Heaven were or could possibly be founded upon any other Principle, ye would have already have become lost to your weaknesses.

Therefore [we] assume that you know how to look and to acknowledge what is Right[eous] and Good, even though this already seems to pose problems, doesn't it? And that common sense shall prevail over paranoia, fear & pure supersition [or does the `D'evil' NEED better tools than these?].

Prophecy can only help if we are level-headed to begin with. Prophecy will be useless where you have already placed the cart several miles ahead, and have become comfortable with whipping the horse, as you stand to its side, expecting it to pull you as if through some strange kind of magic.
Humanity is entering a greater community of worlds. We have not been alone in the universe, but we have pretty much considered ourselves to be alone and very special and beloved of God. We are beloved of God, but we are just one of many different races in a huge universe that are all beloved of God. We will be meeting them soon -- and we are unprepared. A large part of the New Message from God deals with the emergence of humanity into the greater community and the challenges this holds for us.
This pretty much says it all. :)
Prophecy stands within the context of a given tradition.

In the Catholic Tradition, prophecy is a living charism, and there stand some 200 prophets since the establishment of the Church, plus a similar number who's prophetic utterances have been neither affirmed nor denied, but left as an open question...

Add to that some 50-odd prophecies from without the tradition which are also recognised...

These numbers, of course, reflect only those who have become the subject of official declaration. Prophets, like the saints, are beyond number.

The gift of prophecy being one of the Seven Charisms of the Holy Spirit as recorded by St Paul in Romans.

God bless,

I also would not put much faith, in non-canonical writings,
That would be the biggest mistake you could make. The Word of God is scattered all over the globe, and, far more of Jesus' Words exist in your so-called non-canonical writings than do in those four very redundant "gospels" of the canon. If you believe that the very bastardized "canon" was put together by men whose motives were pure, then I would recommend that you go back and learn some things concerning this subject. The Councils of Nicea and Trent, among others were meetings of men whose sole purpose was to create a "religion". One that could compete with other religions which were popular with the romans at the time. They all had their versions of stories of "godmen" whose stories were quite similar to the Jesus stories. Research it, there is plenty of evidence on the internet.

If you claim to be a Christian, you had best learn what becoming "born again" really means. It is more an "emptying" process, not a "filling" process as taught by the false teachers of the day.

"pick up YOUR OWN cross, and follow after me, and continue in My Word"

How many times did Jesus harp on this subject. Many.

following after Him and continuing in His Word involve seeking out the "hidden manna" that Jesus clearly said is out there, and this "hidden manna" is not in the canon, and without it, you will never know the Truth/Wisdom that is Providence Most High. Jesus' Word is the only way for Christians to even attempt to know that "Truth that sets you free", so you best find them all, because without them you will be one of the many who Christ says to, "away from me, I NEVER knew".

As for the question is prophesy dead.

Rev 19:10 Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God.” For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
There's a general perception in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, that prophecy is effectively dead - that all that required saying is said.

However, is this an interpretation supported directly by scripture - or is this a general assertion from events and human developments?

A general discussion question.

It is directly from scripture and the topmost one at that; the Holy Quran; also it is from the Sunnah which is indirectly connected to the Quran:

Quran, 33.040: Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah is ever Aware of all things.

Quran, 5.003: ... This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam....

the above verse of the Holy Quran is unequivical in stating that there will be no other Prophet after prophet Muhammad [saw]. Reffering to the Prophet Muhammad [saw] as the seal of the prophets we are explicitly told about the termination of prophethood.

the second verse of the Quran draws our attention to the conclusion of revealed religion and the conclusion for ALlah's guidance to mankind. Addition to any complete article can only be an abomination. similarly attempting to add to an allready completed religion will be nothing short of sacrilidge.

both the Quran and hadith describe the prophet [saw] as khateman nabiyeen. khatam means to finish and nabiyyeen can be translated as Prophets

when we think of the word 'finish'; it can be used it two contexts both of which are applicable to the finality of Prophet Muhammad [saw]. An example would be helpfull at this stage. If a person were to say, 'I have finished the food on my plate', from this sentence one would deduce finish to mean the end of something and it's absense in the future

the second context where finish could be used is when a student says, 'I have finished the examination'; distinct from the first meaning, finished now takes on the meaning that something has been completed or achieved

both of these meanings apply to the prophet muhammad [saw]. a muslim believes that no other prophets will come after prophet muhammad [saw] because he ended Propethood and no messenger will emerge after because the Prophet muhammad [saw] completed Messengership

some hadiths [The sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on the finality of prophethood:

the chain of prophets has come to an end. there shall be no messenger or prophet after me [at-tirmidhi]

the tribes of israel was guided by prophets. when a prophet passed away another prophet succeeded him; but no Prophets will come after me, only caliphs will succeed me [bukhari]

you are related to me as Aaraon was related to Moses [pbuh] but no apostle will come after me [bukhari]

we are the last [ummah] but will precede all on the day of ressurrection except that the book was given to them before us [bukhari]

My position in relation to the prophets who came before me can be explained by the following example. a man erected a building and adorned this edifice with great beuty, but he left an empty niche in the corner where just one brick was missing. people looked around the building and marvelled at it's beuty, but wondered why one brick was missing from that niche, I am like that one missing brick and i am the last in the line of prophets [bukhari]

The hadiths [as well as the Quran] also clarify that any one claiming to be a prophet or messenger after the Prophet Muhammad [saw] will be false:

Verily the day of judgement will not be established untill thirty imposters and liars have arisen, all of them will claim to be a messeneger of ALlah [Muslim]

Verily thrity liars will be born in my ummah, everyone of them will claim to be a prophet though I am the last Prophet and no Prophet will come after me [at-tirmidhi]

the above hadiths warn about thirty liars who will arise before the day of judgement claiming to be messengers of ALlah. A messenger [Rasool] is a prophet who is given a message to deliver to his people, so anyone claiming to be a Messenger of ALlah after the Prophet muhammad [saw] is an imposter

the second hadith informs us about thirty liars who will emerge in the ummah - from amongst the muslims, each claiming to be a Prophet. by mentioning Prophets, this hadith includes messengers. from this we can concldue that there will be no Prophets or messengers after the prophet muhammad [saw] and anyone claiming this is a liar.

The Prophet Jesus [pbuh] will be sent at a future date, but he will not come in the capacity of a prophet, but as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad [saw]:

Narrated Abu Huraira(RA) that hazrat Muhammad(SAW) taught:

How will you be when the Son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the law of the Quran and not by the law of Gospel.
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 658; Fateh-ul Bari, Vol. 7, P. 304-305)

Does humanity no longer have a direct connection to God, excepting through the pages of books?

except through pages of Books, and worship; a direct connection can be attained by both, but not of the prophetic kind ofcourse, where God communicates his guidance to a chosen person...​
It is directly from scripture and the topmost one at that; the Holy Quran; also it is from the Sunnah which is indirectly connected to the Quran:

Quran, 33.040: Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah is ever Aware of all things.

Quran, 5.003: ... This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam....

the above verse of the Holy Quran is unequivical in stating that there will be no other Prophet after prophet Muhammad [saw]. Reffering to the Prophet Muhammad [saw] as the seal of the prophets we are explicitly told about the termination of prophethood.

the second verse of the Quran draws our attention to the conclusion of revealed religion and the conclusion for ALlah's guidance to mankind. Addition to any complete article can only be an abomination. similarly attempting to add to an allready completed religion will be nothing short of sacrilidge.

both the Quran and hadith describe the prophet [saw] as khateman nabiyeen. khatam means to finish and nabiyyeen can be translated as Prophets

when we think of the word 'finish'; it can be used it two contexts both of which are applicable to the finality of Prophet Muhammad [saw]. An example would be helpfull at this stage. If a person were to say, 'I have finished the food on my plate', from this sentence one would deduce finish to mean the end of something and it's absense in the future

the second context where finish could be used is when a student says, 'I have finished the examination'; distinct from the first meaning, finished now takes on the meaning that something has been completed or achieved

both of these meanings apply to the prophet muhammad [saw]. a muslim believes that no other prophets will come after prophet muhammad [saw] because he ended Propethood and no messenger will emerge after because the Prophet muhammad [saw] completed Messengership

some hadiths [The sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on the finality of prophethood:

the chain of prophets has come to an end. there shall be no messenger or prophet after me [at-tirmidhi]

the tribes of israel was guided by prophets. when a prophet passed away another prophet succeeded him; but no Prophets will come after me, only caliphs will succeed me [bukhari]

you are related to me as Aaraon was related to Moses [pbuh] but no apostle will come after me [bukhari]

we are the last [ummah] but will precede all on the day of ressurrection except that the book was given to them before us [bukhari]

My position in relation to the prophets who came before me can be explained by the following example. a man erected a building and adorned this edifice with great beuty, but he left an empty niche in the corner where just one brick was missing. people looked around the building and marvelled at it's beuty, but wondered why one brick was missing from that niche, I am like that one missing brick and i am the last in the line of prophets [bukhari]

The hadiths [as well as the Quran] also clarify that any one claiming to be a prophet or messenger after the Prophet Muhammad [saw] will be false:

Verily the day of judgement will not be established untill thirty imposters and liars have arisen, all of them will claim to be a messeneger of ALlah [Muslim]

Verily thrity liars will be born in my ummah, everyone of them will claim to be a prophet though I am the last Prophet and no Prophet will come after me [at-tirmidhi]

the above hadiths warn about thirty liars who will arise before the day of judgement claiming to be messengers of ALlah. A messenger [Rasool] is a prophet who is given a message to deliver to his people, so anyone claiming to be a Messenger of ALlah after the Prophet muhammad [saw] is an imposter

the second hadith informs us about thirty liars who will emerge in the ummah - from amongst the muslims, each claiming to be a Prophet. by mentioning Prophets, this hadith includes messengers. from this we can concldue that there will be no Prophets or messengers after the prophet muhammad [saw] and anyone claiming this is a liar.

The Prophet Jesus [pbuh] will be sent at a future date, but he will not come in the capacity of a prophet, but as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad [saw]:

Narrated Abu Huraira(RA) that hazrat Muhammad(SAW) taught:

How will you be when the Son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the law of the Quran and not by the law of Gospel.
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 658; Fateh-ul Bari, Vol. 7, P. 304-305)

except through pages of Books, and worship; a direct connection can be attained by both, but not of the prophetic kind ofcourse, where God communicates his guidance to a chosen person...​

Muhammad has said all among his Ummah will be as the prophets of the Jews, how then can prophecy be dead? In fact, among the Sufi's, prophet is merely the highest attainment of spirituality. It is not a special station at all, it is something all can attain if they believe. Islam has become too materialistic though, they need to return to the roots!

Muhammad went and meditated in the cave for 40 days, where is the meditation in mainstream Islam?