Remember Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, untill heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by an means disappear from the Law untill everything is accomplished". Matt. 5:17-18
I also would not put much faith, in non-canonical writtings, don't forget why John wrote Revelations. It is more a warning against the Western Church of John's time then we sometimes like to admit. These writtings were more to build up the Roman church, to validate their own positions and orthrodoxy in the West. What was the Easter Controversy? and the martydom of Polycarp and Polycreates, why the Great Schism?, How the Christian Church was treated from 32AD to 313 AD. (the Edict of Toleration, Sunday was made the day of rest, by Constantine whom became a Christian, but was only baptized on his death bed.)
So has the 4th Commandment been done away with, No! Jesus observed it before the cross, and for over forty days after the Resurrection Day that was called the Lords Sabbath Day, a Special Sabbath, when the next day started at twilight between the evenings, this was the start of Sunday not as a fast, but as a feast day, a day of joy. Where the 14th day Sabbath of Passover, was also a special Sabbath, for the Jew a day of feast, for the Christians a fast day.
It was the only two Special Sabbath days the early church observed each year, at twilight of the 14th day and three days after the Passover feast, this was why Polycarp was martyred.
The early church fathers rested on the Sabbaths, and at twilight after the Sabbath was over, they met again it was evening (the start of the next week, called Sunday or 1st day, Barnabas called it the eight day)
Consider this for the moment, the Roman State and its religion, the Jewish state and it's religion, from the Maccabene times, the Jews had an Alliance with Rome, to keep the Greeks at bay. This alliance afforded the Jews, freedom of religion, Rome had it's Gods, some adopted from the Greek, over time. The Romans did not reconize the Christians, or one God, let alone the Son of God Jesus. It was not untill Constantine, that Christians found relief, and religious freedom. By then the Sunday was made into the REST day. But what was this really about? It was the work week and world trade, more than religious observance.
Rome made sure, it held sway over the world. It came to a point even the Greek Church split off from Rome. The apostle John foreseen this early on, his Revelation warns the churches, and it is clear what it means.
The Church in Rome was the only one against Revelations of John, being in the canon of scriptures.
Think! What is the one lie, Rome has wanted the world to believe, that the early church was not a part to. Is that Christ was Crucified on the 6th day (Friday) and Resurrected on Sunday.
What did Jesus say the sign, would be? The sign of Jonah! and the truth of Daniels Seventy Sevens, or Seventy Weeks, shortened as even the Latin text reads. The bishops of Rome over looked Daniels Seventy sevens, they use historic records, the Julian calandar month of April, 31 A.D. Where the first day of the month, starts on the 1st day of the week, or Sunday, and the 13th day, Preperation day, and the 14th day is a Sat./Sabbath (thought to be the Passover)
But in 31 A.D. it was the Jewish year 3791 CE, the month of Nisan or as God decreed the month of Abib. (Ex. 12) Jesus was our Lamb, the Lamb of God, the message given to Daniel was and is still true. The Jewish month given as a sign, the month of Abib/Nisan, started when the watchmen of the Sanhedrin, first seen the New moon,(Rosh Chodesh) at the twilight between the two evenings of the 11th and 12th days of April, 31 (Julian) on the 5th day of the week, the Rosh Chodesh of Nisan a Thursday.
Even Josephus records the fact, that was handed down from father to son, that during the whole time of the building of Herods temple, it did not rain during the daytime, but only at night.
(Antig. 15.11.7-{425}) I'm sure if there was rain at night, there were clouds at night. And that truly is and was a manifestation of God.
Making the Sabbath days of the Feasts High Holy days fall on the 10th day, 14th day, 17th day, and the 15th,21st, 28th days, the weeks of counting for Penecost according to the Law. Where the regular Sabbaths of the month were, 3rd, 24th, the 10th being the Special Sabbath, the 17th the Sabbath of Sheaf Waving, of new grain either barley or wheat, done by the priest at the start of the Sabbath.
Then to see, what took place during the Passion Week, and the month sign from Daniel, we must remember the regulations for the Feasts.
(As a study of this, take afew sheets of note paper or 5x7 cards, number them for the days of the month, and write for each day from the Gospels as they apply for each day, place them up on the wall or cork board, in the order of the Jewish month, Nisan)
From Ex. 12:1-14 The first month is given.
The regulations for the Passover, Ex. 12: 43-51, 13:4, 14:4, 34:18,19,21,25-28. Lev. 23:5; Nu 9:1-14, 28:16; Dt. 16:1-3a, 4b-7
Unleavened Bread, Ex. 12:15-20; 13:3-10; 23:15; 34:18; Lev.23:6-8; Nu 28:17-25; Dt 16:3b, 4a, 8
Firstfruits, Lev 23:9-14
Who's day is it? The roman day started at sun rise, say 6am , the third hour at 9am, 6th hr, at noon. The week started with Solis day ended with Saturns day.
The Hebrew day, started from twilight (dusk) darkness 12 hours night, to twilight (dawn) light of the Sun 12 hours, regarding the Creation days from first being dark and then light.
The weekdays were just numbered, 1-7th, it is assumed the Creation month started on Sunday (1st day of the week) where all the rest days are 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th.
(like the month of Feb. 2004 for example)
Now we all know where we get the A.D. years (?) from, why Rome and a Pope, (I won't go it to that here.) But because of it we have the B.C. years, but to see the month of Abib, which God appointed, as the first month. The Hebrew counting of years, were dated from the Exodus, counted back to the Creation, by the first century leaders, and coincide with the calendars we have used, first with the Julian, and Gregorian (another decree from Rome) Anyway the year 2004 is 5764 CE, and the year 606 BC is 3154 CE, and 6BC is 3754 CE.
By using the CE years, a time line graph can easily show the events of history, where B.C. and A.D. can be referanced to.
Daniel knew from scriptures, the years of kings and the accounts of the Patriarch's and could of dated the Hebrew calendar years, just as easily as Hillel did. He was carried off to Babylon at the age of thirteen, was taught the knowledge of the land, which being at the cross roads of the trade routes, would of learned of the latest theorys, of say, Meton, let alone the mathematics of Babylon. He was, because of his knowledge, a man of high position, and highly esteem not only by Nebuchadnezzar, but by God Almighty. Because he was a devout Hebrew (read his prayer, Da.9:4-19) The whole prayer is about not keeping the Sabbaths, the Sabbath years, even though Sabbath is not mentioned once, but we all know that was the reason.
At the start of Chapter 9, Daniel states; It's the first year of Darius, and he knows from books and Jeremiah the Word of the Lord, said seventy years must pass. Daniel was not the only 80 year old man in Babylon, waiting for these 70 years to pass. Ezra and Nehemiah record the decrees and return, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the Temple, and were contemporaries. (see. 2 Chron. 36:20-23)
The first year of Darius, in 539 BC/3221 CE is Daniels 80th year, when he was taken to Babylon 67 years prior he was thirteen years old, in the year 3154CE/606BC. The 70 years told to Jeremiah were for the people, Daniels 70, is for the Temple, from 3174CE to 3244CE/516BC
The Vision:
ver.24, Seventy 'sevens'
ver.25, seven 'sevens' and sixty-two 'sevens'
ver.26, After sixty-two 'sevens'
ver.27, one 'seven' in the middle of the 'seven'
The seventy spoken of in the Hebrew, mean more than one, or mulitiple's (shibiym-{shib'eem} shavuim, of shib'ah, shib-aw' or seven, a week, sh bu'ah,-sheb-oo-aw'
These sevens are symbolic of weeks, months and years, for the past, present, and future senses of Daniel, of Jesus Christ, of the Temple and Jerusalem, the Decrees of Men, and Commands of God and His apponted times.
Untill the Anointed one comes, there are sixty-two sevens and seven sevens, since there are two 62 sevens, and in the sense of duelality two seven sevens, that would be two periods of 7x7=49 years or 98 years, plus 62x7 = 434 years, which total 532 years to the Birth of the Anointed One, 539 BC/3221CE to 7BC/3753CE. The angel Gabriel spoke with Mary, and Joseph, Jesus was born in 6BC, the order by Herod to kill all babies 2 years old and younger was given, Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Egypt, Herod died in 4BC, just after an eclispe of the moon, fixed at March 12-13, 4BC, just before Passover, 14th of Nisan, and fell on April 4th, 4BC. The symbolic month of Nisan 31AD, was determined by the first new moon after the spring equinox, the 25th day of April was the Passover that year. The attempt by Rome, to date the Birth of Christ, has been a farce and blasphemy, for all these years.
In 539BC it was 3 1/2 years, for Daniel, untill the 70 year of Jeremiahs prophecy and the fall of Babylon and the first decree of Cyrus king of Persia, (Ezra 1:2-4)and the first return,in 535BC work starts, on the Temple Altar, which the men of the Trans-Euphrates oppose, they write to king Artaxerxes, he in turn issues a decree to stop work on the temple, but the prophets and leaders still work on the walls and trench. The men of Trans-Euphrates seeing the work in progress, ask why, they then write to king Darius, after a search of records, the decree of Cyrus is found and Darius issues a decree to rebuild in 520BC, this all takes place in the approximate middle of the 49 years, first half of 98 years, the Temple is completed in 516 BC, in the month of Adar, on the 3rd day. On the 14th day of the next month Abib/Nisan, Passover is celebrated.
Ezra's second return, in the middle of the 2nd half of the 98 years/sevens, or second 49 year period, with the consecrated Silver, Gold, and Bronze for the Temple, from the 9th thru 12th day of Nisan they rested, and set out on the 12th from Ahava Canal, and reached Jerusalem by the 1st day of the fifth month of Ab, 458BC. From 520BC to 458BC, was 62 years/sevens, in the middle of the 98 sevens. But also consider that these two periods of forty nine years, they could not observe the 50th (Jubilee years) but Praise God Almighty! Look and consider, in the middle of the 98 sevens, On the 13th day of the 12th month Adar, an edict from king Xerxes, and Queen Esther is carried out on the 13th, 14th days, and 15th day, a day of resting, feasting and joy.
After the sixty-two sevens, the Anointed One, would confirm a covanant, be cut off, in the middle of the seven;
From 7BC/3753 to 70AD/ 3830 is seventy seven years/sevens, in the middle a week of seven years, in the middle of the week, a year appointed by God. The middle year 31AD/3791CE, 3 1/2 years earlier was 28 AD/3788CE (from 539BC/3221CE it was, 70 + 490 + 7 = 567 sevens/years. Half of 77 is 38.5 or 38 civil years before and after one Holy year/seven, and 38 civil years after. (the years of rebelion)
In the middle of the Civil year 31AD, the 7th month Nisan/Abib, the first month of your year (Sacred appointed by God) at His Appointed Time.
A week of Seventy, in the middle of the seven, the fourth days of the month (Wednesdays)
(Look at your calendar today Jan, 2004)
In the middle of the weeks, count the days 7+ 14+ 21+ 28 = ?
After the weeks of sixty-two, count the Mondays, 5+ 12+ 19+ 26=?
Now consider the 13+ 14+ 15 =? Take a Hi-liter and color them in, with the days of 70.
forty-two from seventy is 28. the first year of the seven year week. that Jesus started his ministry of 3 1/2 years. The passion week, the 10th day was a Sabbath, the 9th day they made preparations, for the Feast, they had chosen a year old lamb, to hold for four days according to the Law, they had the Last Supper in the evening after the Sabbath, after supper they went to Gethsemane at Mount of Olives at twilight the start of the first day of the week, The Lamb of God was betrayed, Jesus was taken first to Annas the high priest, then to the Sanhedrin high priest, Caiaphas, early the next morning they took Jesus to Pilate, he questioned Jesus, learning Jesus was Galilean, Pilate sent him to Herod Antipas, after being questioned a third time, Jesus was ridiculed and mocked, the soldiers put an elegant robe on Jesus, and Herod Antipas sends Jesus back to Pilate
Let's consider the first Exile, as the last half of the Week 70 X 50 =? a time, a times and a half a time. the Commands of God, the giving of the Law. the 38 years/sevens of rebelion,
the counting of the Sabbath years, the 1400 years/sevens from Joshua in 1406BC/2354CE, to the Birth of Jesus is 28 Sevens, in 6 BC/3754CE ( 28 x 50= 1400)
Is prophecy dead? If what the prophets proclaimed, are yet to be fullfilled, then the prophecy is still in effect. In 2 Chron. 36:15-16, the prophets and messengers God sent, even then were ignored.
Gabriel was sent to Daniel, and even today, the message is refuted, but it's still in effect. And is as sure as all of God's appointed times are. Wheather we can see it or not, But if we read it today, and don't understand it, we are to ask in Jesus's name, and we are given insight, into what is ment. And the Good News, then as now, first to the Jew, and to the Gentile, is "Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand."
Again peace,
ben Oddo