What music are you listening to?

Tom Petty with a few lesser known musician people: Ringo on drums, Brian May guitar, Jeff Lynn and George Harrison ...
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A few of the same players here... Conspicuous by his absence from the Wilburys is Roy Orbison, who passed away before this video was made. He is honored here by representations, a picture and an empty rocking chair with a guitar in it (sort of a musicians' version of the missing man formation). Nevertheless, his unmistakable voice is still heard ringing out in the song. Pure magic.

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A slight change of pace here. An achingly beautiful song written by Leonard Cohen. The copyright was stolen from him many years ago, but it was always his child and in the end, knew its way home.

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A slight change of pace here. An achingly beautiful song written by Leonard Cohen. The copyright was stolen from him many years ago, but it was always his child and in the end, knew its way home.

Beautiful classic.
A few of the same players here... Conspicuous by his absence from the Wilburys is Roy Orbison, who passed away before this video was made. He is honored here by representations, a picture and an empty rocking chair with a guitar in it (sort of a musicians' version of the missing man formation). Nevertheless, his unmistakable voice is still heard ringing out in the song. Pure magic.

Great. I do like Tom Petty. Especially his solo album 'Wildflowers'. He's such a pleasant guitarist:

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RJM and Muhammed, thank you so much for your kindness and understanding, and also for putting up with me. I don't want to spam up this thread too much now, as others might have things they want to post here, so I'm going to take just a little break (not going anywhere though).

You know I walked like that guy this morning, with that stride somewhere between swagger and humility, and I swear it felt good. :) No, I didn't run into anyone, I was alone on a walking trail just before daylight.
