1914 ....A significant year in bible prophecy


I never posted "and the trinity is an example
It grossly misrepresents the true God. and the bible does not teach it ."

Mee posted that. Please can you amend. Thank-you.
Done. :)

I never posted "and the trinity is an example
It grossly misrepresents the true God. and the bible does not teach it ."

Mee posted that. Please can you amend. Thank-you.

So the question is ........... what does the bible teach christians about God ? did Jesus ever teach that the most high God is a three in one God .

the answer is very plain to see from the bible NO

The Hebrew Scriptures are consistently clear in showing that there is but one Almighty God, the Creator of all things and the Most High, whose name is Jehovah. (Ge 17:1; Isa 45:18; Ps 83:18)

For that reason Moses could say to the nation of Israel: "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. And you must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force." (De 6:4, 5)

The Christian Greek Scriptures do not contradict this teaching that had been accepted and believed by God’s servants for thousands of years, but instead they support it. (Mr 12:29; Ro 3:29, 30; 1Co 8:6; Eph 4:4-6; 1Ti 2:5)

Jesus Christ himself said, "The Father is greater than I am" and referred to the Father as his God, "the only true God." (Joh 14:28; 17:3; 20:17; Mr 15:34; Re 1:1; 3:12)

On numerous occasions Jesus expressed his inferiority and subordination to his Father. (Mt 4:9, 10; 20:23; Lu 22:41, 42; Joh 5:19; 8:42; 13:16)

Even after Jesus’ ascension into heaven his apostles continued to present the same picture.—1Co 11:3; 15:20, 24-28; 1Pe 1:3; 1Jo 2:1; 4:9, 10.

but many have been misled by the thoughts of men down through the centuries ,and many many people have got to believing the thoughts of men rather than the pure words of the bible . but for those who are after TRUTH they like to cast the thoughts of men away from them and stick to what the bible REALLY TEACHES and mee is one of those christians , along with over 7 million other JEHOVAHS WITNESSES

Recognition of Christ’s PRESENCE as being invisible became an important foundation on which an understanding of many Bible prophecies would be built.

Those early Bible Students realized that the presence of the Lord should be of primary concern to all true Christians. (Mark 13:33-37)

They were keenly interested in the Master’s return and were alert to the fact that they had a responsibility to publicize it, but they did not yet clearly discern all the details.

Yet, what God’s spirit did enable them to understand at a very early time was truly remarkable.

One of these truths involved a highly significant date marked by Bible prophecy. 1914

As the events following 1914 began to unfold and the Bible Students compared these with what the Master had foretold, they gradually came to appreciate that they were living in the last days of the old system and that they had been since 1914.

They also came to understand that it was in the year 1914 that Christ’s invisible presence had begun and that this was, not by his personally returning (even invisibly) to the vicinity of the earth, but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King.

They saw and accepted the vital responsibility that was theirs to proclaim

"this good news of the kingdom" for a witness to all nations during this critical time of human history.—Matt. 24:3-14.
What exactly was the message about the Kingdom that they were to preach? Was it any different from the message of the first-century Christians?

God’s Kingdom, the Only Hope of Mankind

As a result of careful study of God’s Word, the Bible Students associated with Brother Russell understood that God’s Kingdom was the government that Jehovah had promised to set up by means of his Son for the blessing of mankind. dANIEL 2;44

Jesus Christ, in heaven, would have associated with him as rulers a "little flock" (144,000) selected by God from among humankind.

They understood that this government would be represented by faithful men of old who would serve as princes in all the earth. These were referred to as "ancient worthies."—Luke 12:32; Dan. 7:27; Rev. 20:6; Ps. 45:16.

The good news of God’s Kingdom continues to be central to the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Since the issue of March 1, 1939, their principal magazine, now published in many languages, has borne the title

The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom.

But before the Kingdom rule would transform the earth into a paradise, the present wicked system would have to go.

How would that be accomplished?

The War of the Great Day of God the Almighty
The war here being discussed was definitely not the one that was fought among the nations, beginning in 1914.
It was yet to come. AND IT IS GODS WAR Gods people do not take any part in it .
In this great battle no Christian will strike a blow.
The reason they do not is that Jehovah has said:

For the battle is not yours, but God’s.

They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.REVELATION 16;14

Blow a horn in Zion, O men, and shout a war cry in my holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land get agitated; for the day of Jehovah is coming, for it is near! JOEL 2;1

So the question is ........... what does the bible teach christians about God ? did Jesus ever teach that the most high God is a three in one God .

the answer is very plain to see from the bible NO

Dunno, ask me again this time next year. I've got so much bouncing around in my head at the moment from reading books, and stuff on here, it's all just doing my head in to be honest.
As for the threads here, we seem to be just going round in circles.
Dunno, ask me again this time next year. I've got so much bouncing around in my head at the moment from reading books, and stuff on here, it's all just doing my head in to be honest.
As for the threads here, we seem to be just going round in circles.
its good to bounce things around :) and its good to take in knowledge about the true God (JEHOVAH )and his son JESUS CHRIST as JOHN 17;3 tells us , and it can all be found in the bible .

that is why JEHOVAHS people ARE HAPPY :) because it leads to everlasting life

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. john 17;3

and i like the words in verse 4 and 5where Jesus says to his father the following

I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do. So now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was. john 17;4-5

yes, NOW jesus is back in heaven where he was before he came to earth, and NOW he is a reigning king , because in 1914 he was GIVEN great aurthority.

and now things are well along into bible prophecy, but make no mistake about it, there is GREAT OPPOSITION to GODS KINGDOM daniel 2;44 and to the reigning king who has recieved great aurthority.DANIEL 7;13-14.

as mee is well aware :)

but at the end of the day it is all foretold in the bible that those who uphold that kingdom will get opposition so it is expected to happen.

And the dragon(satan ) grew wrathful at the woman,( who gave birth to GODS KINGDOM) and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, (The remnent on the earth of the 144,000) who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.

And because the GREAT CROWD revelation 7;9-10 are helping the remnent to get the preaching of the goodnews made known on a global scale, matthew 24;14 that old serpent and all who follow him are in opposition to it .

yes there is great opposition

i dont think an organization that has many false predictions can keep calling them prophecies. its definitely a red flag that everyone should take note of. it is definitely something that christians should be aware of.
i dont think an organization that has many false predictions can keep calling them prophecies. its definitely a red flag that everyone should take note of. it is definitely something that christians should be aware of.

:) here we go again , :)

as we all know only the God of the bible makes prophecies that come true ,and they are all in the bible.

and keeping awake to bible prophecies is what it is all about.

and NOW the light has got brighter and lighter . make no mistake about it , we REALLY are living in the conclusion of the system of things .

And 1914 was the START of the last days.

and its all happening just as the bible foretold .

yes ,BIBLE PROPHECY always comes true :)

just because Gods people do not always have the clear understanding at a certain time in history does not make them false prophets .

if we go back to the early first century disciples , they did not have the full facts at that time, and their understanding was not at that time what they thought it was going to be , but that did not make them false christians they were still the channel that God was using .

Jehovah has his time for revealing and his time for the understanding to be revealed, what is important is to not fall asleep but to carry on doing the will of God .

wrong expectations will be ironed out at Gods time and NOW the true knowledge is abundant DANIEL 12;4

Although the Kingdom was not ‘restored to Israel’ as the disciples had wrongly expected and it was not established in heaven during their lifetime, they kept on serving Jehovah zealously with eternity in view.

When, now, they had assembled, they went asking him: "Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?" 7 He said to them: "It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction; 8 but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de´a and Sa·mar´i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.
ACTS 1;6-8

its all about waiting and doing the right thing , but some if they do not have the right heart conditon will go off in a huff .

and make no mistake about it, there are some who have done just that, especially in the early part of the last days when things did not go the way they thought it should .

and those ones even got to verbally abuse Gods channel matthew 24;45-47. and it certainly sorts people out as to their real heart condition.

and those who listen and take on board what those verbal abusers are saying are really misled in a big way.

its best to wait on JEHOVAH and go with the channel that has shown FAITHFULNESS because it is being fed by JESUS matthew 24;45-47 :) YUM YUM :) and its real good spiritual food

:) here we go again , :)

as we all know only the God of the bible makes prophecies that come true ,and they are all in the bible.

and keeping awake to bible prophecies is what it is all about.

and NOW the light has got brighter and lighter . make no mistake about it , we REALLY are living in the conclusion of the system of things .

And 1914 was the START of the last days.

and its all happening just as the bible foretold .

yes ,BIBLE PROPHECY always comes true :)

just because Gods people do not always have the clear understanding at a certain time in history does not make them false prophets .

if we go back to the early first century disciples , they did not have the full facts at that time, and their understanding was not at that time what they thought it was going to be , but that did not make them false christians they were still the channel that God was using .

Jehovah has his time for revealing and his time for the understanding to be revealed, what is important is to not fall asleep but to carry on doing the will of God .

wrong expectations will be ironed out at Gods time and NOW the true knowledge is abundant DANIEL 12;4

Although the Kingdom was not ‘restored to Israel’ as the disciples had wrongly expected and it was not established in heaven during their lifetime, they kept on serving Jehovah zealously with eternity in view.

When, now, they had assembled, they went asking him: "Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?" 7 He said to them: "It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction; 8 but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de´a and Sa·mar´i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.
ACTS 1;6-8

its all about waiting and doing the right thing , but some if they do not have the right heart conditon will go off in a huff .

and make no mistake about it, there are some who have done just that, especially in the early part of the last days when things did not go the way they thought it should .

and those ones even got to verbally abuse Gods channel matthew 24;45-47. and it certainly sorts people out as to their real heart condition.

and those who listen and take on board what those verbal abusers are saying are really misled in a big way.

its best to wait on JEHOVAH and go with the channel that has shown FAITHFULNESS because it is being fed by JESUS matthew 24;45-47 :) YUM YUM :) and its real good spiritual food

No, there "you" go again.
When you find out, please let us know. So far, you are a bit short...
when there is a drawing near to JEHOVAH the veil is taken away:) and the blindness is gone

among whom the god (satan)of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the gloriousGOODNEWS ABOUT THE CHRIST who is the image of God, might not shine through. 2 CORINTHIANS 4;4

you are not on your own many are in a spiritual blindness to the outworking of Gods purpose and the fullfilling of bible prophecy .

but regardless of the response of some, the GOODNEWS ABOUT THE KINGDOM goes on.

In the Revelation given to the apostle John about 96 C.E., John saw an "angel flying in midheaven" who had "everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, saying in a loud voice: ‘Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived.’" (Re 14:6, 7)

These inspired statements indicate that in the "last days" there would be an unparalleled proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom.

and it is global , :)

If, now, the good news JEHOVAHS WITNESSES declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god (SATAN)of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.
2 Cor. 4:3, 4.
there is worldwide opposition to the campaign of enlightenment that is being carried forward through the proclamation of the good news about God’s established Messianic kingdom in the heavens.

The one who was behind the opposition to the good news about the Messiah (Christ) 2 thousand years ago is the same one who is masterminding the opposition to the proclamation of the Kingdom message since World War I.

That one is the blinder of men’s minds, the one whom the apostle Paul called
"the god of this system of things."

No, there "you" go again.

Jehovah’s people have been under attack since early in the 20th century.

In many lands, men of wicked intent have sought to hinder—yes, silence—the proclamation of the good news of God’s Kingdom.

They have been goaded on by our chief Adversary, the Devil, who "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone."
(1 Peter 5:8)

After "the appointed times of the nations" ended in 1914, God installed his Son as earth’s new King, with the command: "Go subduing in the midst of your enemies." (Luke 21:24; Psalm 110:2)

Exercising his power, Christ ousted Satan from heaven and confined him to the vicinity of the earth. Knowing that his time is short, the Devil vents his wrath upon anointed Christians and their companions. (Revelation 12:9, 17)

and many have been influenced by that old devil, that old original serpent does not want the GOODNEWS ABOUT THE NEWLY ESTABLISHED KINGDOM to be made known .

he sure is in opposition to Gods purpose for the earth, and many are influenced by him
its definitely a red flag that everyone should take note of. it is definitely something that christians should be aware of.

:) hey:) as i mentioned in another post there is great opposition to the GOODNEWS ABOUT THE KINGDOM .

Fighters Against God Cannot Succeed
No, there "you" go again.
when there is a drawing near to JEHOVAH the veil is taken away:) and the blindness is gone...among whom the god (satan)of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, .... you are not on your own many are in a spiritual blindness to the outworking of Gods purpose and the fullfilling of bible prophecy .
So now you are saying that Quahom is not near to God, is blinded by satan, not knowing God's purpose, and is an unbeliever. Interesting.
So now you are saying that Quahom is not near to God, is blinded by satan, not knowing God's purpose, and is an unbeliever. Interesting.
the bible is saying that the god of this system (SATAN)has blinded many to the GOODNEWS ABOUT THE KINGDOM .

Mee just puts over what the bible really teaches , how people respond to the truth of the bible is up to them . i am glad to say i am not a judge , not my counter:)
Mee just puts over what the bible really teaches , how people respond to the truth of the bible is up to them . i am glad to say i am not a judge , not my counter:)

Mee people interpret what they think is the "truth" differently. What is truth?
What is truth to one maybe read differently by another. That doesn't mean it's wrong does it?
Mee people interpret what they think is the "truth" differently. What is truth?
What is truth to one maybe read differently by another. That doesn't mean it's wrong does it?
when it comes to the fullfillment of bible prophecy and the outworkings of Gods purpose for the earth ,there is only one truth . the theme of the bible from Genesis to Revelation is all about the KINGDOM And it runs through the whole of the bible, and now we are well along into the time of the end, and NOW Jesus has recieved his kingship given to him by his father JEHOVAH daniel 7;13-14
And the heavenly kingdom is now well established
DANIEL 2;44 its all happening in this time of the end
:)and thats the TRUTH:)
Since Jesus clearly stated that no man could know "that day" or "the hour" when the Father will order his son to ‘come’ against Satan’s wicked system of things, some may ask: ‘Why is it so urgent to live in expectation of the end?’

It is urgent because practically in the same breath, Jesus added: "Keep looking, keep awake . . . keep on the watch." (Mark 13:32-35)

The "sign" of Jesus’ parousia has been in evidence since 1914. We now await "the sign of the Son of man," when he ‘comes’ as Jehovah’s Executioner.
And the dragon(satan ) grew wrathful at the woman,( who gave birth to GODS KINGDOM) and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, (The remnent on the earth of the 144,000) who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.

Hey Mee, I find it interesting that the number 144,000 is also used in the Mayan prophecy of 2012.
