1914 ....A significant year in bible prophecy

Hey Mee, I find it interesting that the number 144,000 is also used in the Mayan prophecy of 2012.

when it comes to the bible ,144,000 are the number of resurrected ones that will rule with Jesus in the heavenly kingdom goverment

they are spoken about in the last book of the bible in REVELATION

"And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads." (Revelation 14:1)

And I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:
rev 7;4

And they are singing as if a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one was able to master that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, who have been bought from the earth.
rev 14;3

of cause these are SPIRITUAL ISRAELITES from all nations, it does not mean they are all litral Jews , but some are litral Jews of cause

Numbers are just.... Too easy to connect and twist lol.... 144,000 is also a song by silver sunshine lol.... Is there a connection?
:D talking about 144,000 and a song , only the 144,000 can sing it correctly .

And they are singing as if a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one was able to master that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, who have been bought from the earth. 4 These are the ones that did not defile themselves with women; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones that keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. These were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb, 5 and no falsehood was found in their mouths; they are without blemish.

revelation 14;3-5 and there is no falsehood in their mounths .

it seems they have not been contaminated with any unclean SPIRITUAL things , they are SPIRITUAL VIRGINS , and they like to follow the lamb (Jesus)

And what is this "new song"?

the song has to do with Jehovah’s Kingdom purposes and his wonderful provision, through Jesus Christ, for making spiritual Israel "a kingdom and priests to our God.

And they sing a new song, saying: "You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth." revelation 5;9-10

Yes the book of revelation is for our our day,
and that song has been sung with new understanding.

In 1914 the Messianic Kingdom was born. (Revelation 12:10)

Jehovah’s people on earth began to announce "the word of the kingdom" with renewed zeal.

Why is it, though, that only the 144,000 are able to learn the song mentioned at Revelation 14:3?

Because it has to do with their experiences as chosen heirs of God’s Kingdom. They alone are adopted as sons of God and anointed with holy spirit.

They alone are bought from the earth to become part of that heavenly Kingdom, and they alone "will be priests . . . and will rule as kings" with Jesus Christ for a thousand years to bring mankind to perfection.

They alone are seen to be "singing as if a new song" in the very presence of Jehovah.

These unique experiences and prospects give them a singular appreciation of the Kingdom and enable them to sing about it in a way that no one else can.—Revelation 20:6; Colossians 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 2:11, 12.

Now, with the establishing of the Kingdom in 1914 and the resurrecting of the holy ones shortly after that , the realities had burst forth in fulfillment of the prophecies, and it was time to vocalize the song in all its grandeur.

its all happening especially in the last days since 1914, that new song is being sung with very loud voices :)

Numbers are just.... Too easy to connect and twist lol.... 144,000 is also a song by silver sunshine lol.... Is there a connection?

Alex, silver sunshine, a group I have never heard of, is probably a modern band. Obviously they got the number for their song from the bible. The Mayans are ancient, never read the book of revelation, and used the number 144,000 for their prophecies. I mean, why not the number 114,000 or whatever? There must be some kind of pattern here, and some kind of spirtual truth here, too.
lol I was ready the instant I accepted Jesus as my savior. I suspect most Christians are as well.

mee is waving my symbolic palm branch to welcome Gods reigning king, revelation 7;9-10

he is the one who has the legal right to the kingship.
Ezekiel 21:27.

and the ANCIENT OF DAYS has GIVEN it to him Daniel 7;13-14

only the best will do , it is GODS FIRSTBORN SON:)

yes you are quite right to say that the war, famine etc,etc, has always been around, but 1914 was the first time that whole nation and kingdoms were involved in war on a national scale , 1914 was the (first world war)
For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. matthew 24;7-8 yes , after being made king in 1914 , an increase in satanic activity started on the earth , because the first thing that Jesus did was throw the rebels out of the heavens , no longer where satan and his demon followers allowed in the heavenly kingdom, they only have down here , that is why since 1914 things have got worse
So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. revelation 12;9-10 yes it was the beginning of pangs of distress

And jesus knew the date was 1914 when he tossed these nuts out? 1914 is no different than any other year before or after it...interesting that there was no way jesus could have known about the US or Germany he never left his place of birth very far if he lived that is?
Going through the posts,I notice that JWs have a very good reasoning while others simple deride JW without being willing to study and I know the reason.

Going through the posts,I notice that JWs have a very good reasoning while others simple deride JW without being willing to study and I know the reason.

What is the good reasoning for repeatedly predicting the second coming/armageddon and then when it doesn't happen finding some convuluted system of proving how they were wrong and selecting a new date? Note how every date is within the lifetime of those who follow it...
Going through the internet,I notice that Jehovah's Witnesses have a very good reasoning while others simple deride JWs without being willing to study and I know the reason.

People that are not JWs do not want to take any responsibilities and duties ,they want a type of easy religion that enables loose behavior.
We think that since Jesus is love,he will sure forgive us.But that's not true. Jesus says that his friend is whoever does the will of his Father.
Not the one that simply says 'I believe' and thinks he will be saved.
Besides this,the 2nd time, Jesus does not save mankind from sins,but gallops to kill all who oppose Jehovah's people,expanding Jehovah's kingdom on Earth.
I think we can't avoid reality.We fool ourselves.
People try to avoid the truth saying that it's Watchtower's opinion,not the Bible's opinion. But I find perfect harmony.Ok,folks let's admit we're trying to escape reality. There is no type of easy Christianity where all are saved by saying 'I believe' no matter what they do.

Alright ,leave chronologies and specific dates,but don't you agree that since World War 1 the world burns ? Don't you see a worldwide paranoia and destruction?Be sincere.
Yes,these things were always happening but that's not what the Bible says. The Bible talks about a CLIMAX of these things. Read revelation6. The riders that follow Jesus gallop madly. Wars,famines,earthquakes,pestilences,death,fear,lawlessness,pollution are reaching a HEIGHT not previously reached, as the riders gallop WITHOUT STOPPING.

Besides this,there are more signs,if you read Daniel and Revelation.
See Daniel 2. The Roman Empire that followed Greece was divided.New nations sprang trying to resurrect Roman Empire with no success.

In the end times there are more and more nations.Nation rises against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Finally these nations make the 8th beast,the League of Nations that was renamed United Nations Organization. Read Revelation 17 to see that all the kings rule together with the beast. Have you seen a worldwide alliance?
The province of Rome,British Empire with U.S.A the 7th world power is the main power of this terrible organization U.N.O .It is a false prophet announcing peace and security. It is full of blasphemies saying that it is God's Kingdom on Earth!
Read .There are many signs,we live in the last days of the last days.
The end of false religion is near.
Namaste and welcome Waiting for the King,

I'm finding JWs believe JW thinking is correct. And Baptists believe Baptist thinking is correct. And Jews think Jewsih thinking is correct.

Now if you were a Catholic, or Sufi, or Taoist going on describing your personal investigation that would merit some interest.

But if you are a witness regurgitating what you've been taught....how does that make you different from anyone else and the hold their beliefs have on them?
Namaste and welcome Waiting for the King,

I'm finding JWs believe JW thinking is correct. And Baptists believe Baptist thinking is correct. And Jews think Jewsih thinking is correct.

Now if you were a Catholic, or Sufi, or Taoist going on describing your personal investigation that would merit some interest.

But if you are a witness regurgitating what you've been taught....how does that make you different from anyone else and the hold their beliefs have on them?

I did not understand what you exactly say. But yes,personal investigation leads me to the conclusion that JWs hold the Truth about life. Of course personal investigation isnt enough
Jesus says 'noone comes to me unless the Father attracts him' .
It's Jehovah that attracts you and lets you see. Jehovah opens your heart,only if you are sincere. The wicked will stay in darkess,they will never understand.

What the apostates have told you is that Watchtower has made false prophecies. Here I will expose their lies.

Well yes, Watchtower is a prophet. But it is NOT a prophet in the sense of having a direct communication and revalation by Jehovah. Jehovah has nothing more to add.
Watchtower is a prophet in the sense of ANNOUNCING THE UPCOMING TRIBULATION,DESTRUCTION AND THE KINGDOM OF JESUS,THE NEW WORLD(as the ancient prophets)
Read Revelation 11,about the TWO WITNESSES. Two or three witnesses were needed in Ancient Israel for judgements. The number 'two' shows that the Witnesses give a COMPLETE TESTIMONY to the nations.

In the year 1975 we had the fullfillment of a fact. We entered in the 7th day of mankind. Watchtower never claimed to have a direct revelation of Jehovah that the end would come in 1975. It was not a prophecy.
It announced it was an important date,so we should STAY AWAKEN ON THE WATCH -TOWER.
The beginning of the end can take place at any moment.It can come on 2013,2033,2034..at any time. FOCUSING on important dates doesn't mean that something will necessarily happen on them! The end can come at any time and JWs are the only ones who are ready.
If you sincerely study both sides,you will see we live in the end times.

Someone wrote that Civil War of USA was the worst war in the history of mankind with 50000 deaths.
First of all civil wars are irrelevant with Matthew 24 and Apocalypse 6. Jesus said that wars and rumors of wars will be common.


Taken from wikipedia
The total number of casualties in World War I, both military and civilian, was about 37 million: 16 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 6.8 million civilians. The Entente Powers (also known as the Allies) lost about 5.7 million soldiers while the Central Powers lost about 4 million

This was only the beginning. The 2nd rider HAS NOT STOPPED since 1914.
The wars come and go.
You study seriously both sides? There are only two?

Where do you study viewpoints that oppose the JW point of view?

You do realize that every generation since Christ was crucified folks have been believing his return would occur during their lifetime, including the disciples.

I love cutting and pasting into google things from rants like these....

In the year 1975 we had the fullfillment of a fact. We entered in the 7th day of mankind - Google Search

I find it interesting they all come up with two types of sites. Pro JW sites and anti JW sites.

You do realize the Watchtower predicted this happenning many times...and has had to reconsider.

I actually think it is ok for you if you wish to believe this, I've got no issues with that.