1914 ....A significant year in bible prophecy

mee said:
satan could come and go as he pleased before 1914 , heaven and earth, but not after Jesus threw him out , he was not allowed back into the heavens after that

impossible. you cannot have evil, sin, and unrightneousness in the same dominion as god the holy father. your 1914 means nothing here.
BlaznFattyz said:
impossible. you cannot have evil, sin, and unrightneousness in the same dominion as god the holy father. your 1914 means nothing here.

You just gave me pause to think. What if that is what Jesus meant (literally) when He told us that "The Kingdom is within you"?

He specifically told us that though we be in the world, to not be of it...

If the kingdom is in us, and we are not of the world, and Jesus knocks at the door and waits for us to let Him in...then there could be the kingdom of evil next to the kingdom of God but not in the same plane. The kingdom of evil as residing of the world, and the kingdom of God in us.

Just a thought I had, though not well described.


our soul is within us. if it truly belongs to god, then no one can snatch it out of his hands, and our home is the kingdom of heaven that awaits us. in this world all that awaits us is death, if we believe in christ as the saviour and repent, then we have eternal life. we are to love one another and not grieve the holy spirit and worship the Lord. when we fall short by sinning, if we are truly sorry, then the blood of jesus christ washes us clean, because we have to be clean in spirit when we die because, like i mentioned before, evil and sin and unrighteousness will be judged and if found unrepenting, then those cannot be in the same dominion and presence of god the holy father, and they will be banished.

currently the kingdom of god is here on earth in us, that is the resistance against evil overwhelming all things. by means of the holy spirit and our willingness to do the works of god, we continue to reach out and save others with the good news. one day however, when the church is taken away to be with jesus christ and then the heavenly kingdom will be filled with its citizens, the christians, there will be no more resistance on earth and evil will rule on earth uncontested until they are conqured by jesus christ and his angels.

as far as planes of existence, i believe they exist. if one had the ability, such as enoch, or prophets, or angels with specific purposes, the different planes could be witnessed. in of the books of the bible, as well as enoch, those suffering and wishing to be given water are seen, and are not able to be helped.

So as I understand it, Satan was cast and locked out of heaven as of 1914. A sort of consequence of that was WWI?

If that is so, then the world is coming closer and closer together to mobilize for an ultimate battle between Jesus and Satan.

So are the World Wars because Satan is angry or is that a sign of his manifestation of anger (or whatever it is that Satan manifests) here on Earth? What are we to look forward to now that Satan is, after 1914, officially here on earth and can in no way re enter heaven?
truthseeker said:

So as I understand it, Satan was cast and locked out of heaven as of 1914. A sort of consequence of that was WWI?

If that is so, then the world is coming closer and closer together to mobilize for an ultimate battle between Jesus and Satan.

So are the World Wars because Satan is angry or is that a sign of his manifestation of anger (or whatever it is that Satan manifests) here on Earth? What are we to look forward to now that Satan is, after 1914, officially here on earth and can in no way re enter heaven?

Apparently not. Which means we are in peril right now, because Jesus nor the Spirit is with us at this time. Which means we are now in tribulation, which means God does not hear our prayers...He can't, since we've been cut off, which means for the past 92 years all prayers from so called "Christians" have gone the way of "Cain's" offer to God (except for a few 144,000 out of 6 billion souls, who never asked for this life to begin with).

That mee, is a rather harsh reality for the rest, to contemplate. Would you not agree?



Is this the way or not? We can't have it both ways.
lunamoth said:
Hi mee, I appreciate the opportunity to read your posts and learn about the JW perspective on things. :) But I must agree with St. Teresa of Avila about the emphasis on the enemy:

As one of JW my aurthority is the bible , and i take great delight in learning about what the bible says for these last days:)
BlaznFattyz said:
impossible. you cannot have evil, sin, and unrightneousness in the same dominion as god the holy father.
thats why he was thrown out ,he was not needed in the established heavenly kingdom, only those who are willing to go along with Gods ways , yes it is now .....very good......
Quahom1 said:
I must point out some issues with this train of thought here that do seem to conflict with other scriptures:

Luke 10:18 is where Jesus said: "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightenting."

This is also fact according to scripture. Lucifer was already on Earth with a third of the angels, when he revolted against God.

Here in Isaiah 14:13: "For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:"

This happened at a time when Lucifer was head Cherub (EZEK 28:14). He transferred to the earth while still obedient to God. While ruling over the earth he and 1/3rd rebelled against God. As he rose up against heaven, he was cast down again. consider (Rev 12:7-9, the time of the end, Lucifer against God).

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought and his angels. And prevailed not: neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpant, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

Now as for Satan walking in heaven and speaking with God about Job, before God's throne...well

There were two kingdoms, and two rulers. It has always been custom to allow an emmassary from one kingdom to come to the other for diplomatic relations. (where do you think we learned to do that). And why Satan needed permission to afflict Job, from God?..well perhaps Job was a diplomat, on embassy grounds (which means those grounds belong to the other kingdom). Again, where do you think we learned that?

So, I don't see where Jesus would have to secret himself back onto earth, when He can come anytime, whether we or Satan likes it or not. Either as an emmassary, or as an invading force.

And Satan hasn't risen up against heave yet, in one final battle, or I think there would be no one left to read this post, as it wouldn't exist...


regarding isaiah 14;13 many think this is refering to satan ,but it is refering to the babylonian ruler who had the same attitude as satan, but maybe that would be better in its own thread........... yes satan has been around on the earth right back to adam and eve , trying to get the worship for himself, going against Gods rules, God said if you eat of the fruit you will die , satan said no you wont, eat it . yes the issue of universal sovreignty is ongong. but not for much longer. because satan will be crushed for ever, Genesis 3;15 is the first ever prophecy in the bible , and satan will have his head crushed , which means death , but Jesus was only damaged in the heel and he has gone on to inherit the heavenly kingdom goverment , and he is our king
And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel. Genesis 3;15 yes a head wound is more serious than a heel wound. Jesus was put to death ,but he was resurreced byJehovah God , but when satan is finally crushed forever , that will be it . everlasting destruction for him and his followers
For his part, the God who gives peace will crush Satan under YOUR feet shortly. May the undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus be with YOU. Romans 16;20................. yes satan has yet to be destroyed ,
At that he said to them: "I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven. luke 10;18
When Jesus said that he beheld Satan "already fallen," he was evidently underscoring the certainty of Satan’s fall. This is similar to other Bible prophecies that speak of future events in the past tense.
For example, note the mixing of past and future tenses in the prophecy concerning the Messiah at Isaiah 52:13–53:12. Jesus likely was expressing confidence that Satan’s ouster from heaven would take place according to His Father’s purpose. Jesus was also certain that in God’s due time, Satan and his demons would be abyssed and later destroyed once and for all.—Romans 16:20; Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 20:1-3, 7-10.

yes he has now fallen, no longer does God look upon him as a faithful one he has been judged already, he is on death row

(John 12:31) Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out........ yes satan is ruling now , 1John 5;19

We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one.

but not for much longer

(John 16:11) then concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged

mee said:
thats why he was thrown out ,he was not needed in the established heavenly kingdom, only those who are willing to go along with Gods ways , yes it is now .....very good......
no you said satan could come and go from heaven to earth before 1914, that is incorrect. you can not have evil in the presence of god the holy father, his holiness does not allow it. the fact that satan tempted adam and eve shows he was evil, therefore he was already banished from heaven and on earth. again your 1914 is incorrect and false.
you are also incorrect in saying "he was resurreced by Jehovah God". because jesus has the power of life in himself; and the father, the son, and the holy spirit are one, that is why the scriptures say the following:

The simplest concept is God raised jesus. “God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it” (Acts 2:24).

However,The Bible also ascribes Christ’s resurrection to Jesus’ own power as Second Person of the Godhead. This is in keeping with the power he claimed to Martha at the tomb of Lazarus: “I am the resurrection and the life” (Jn. 11:25). Jesus said in John 10:17-18, “I lay down my life that I may take it up again… I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” Hebrews 7:16 says that Jesus lives for ever because he possesses “the power of an indestructible life.” John 2:19-21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spoke of the temple of his body. The point is that being the ever-living divine Son, the Alpha and Omega, death could not hold Jesus, and therefore death cannot hold those who belong to Jesus in faith.

Lastly, there are references to the Holy Spirit raising Jesus from the dead. Romans 1:4 says that Jesus “was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead” (Rom. 1:4). More blatantly, Romans 8:11 says, “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” The point is made evident right there, that the Spirit’s work in our lives is analogous to his work in raising Jesus from the dead. To be born again by the Spirit, is to experience a spiritual resurrection.

It is important as a christian to understand by reading these scriptures that jesus prophesied raising himself and did, because he is god, he is life, and the creator of all things and one with the father and the holy spirit of god, and holds the keys over life and death. to seperate the three denies jesus' authority over death and the makes them not one anymore. To separate them makes them separate entities. The truth is they are one. Whatever the son does, the father does, and the holy spirit does as well. just as all three divine Persons are actively involved in our spiritual rebirth and our salvation into life everlasting.

Glory to God (the father, the son, and the holy ghost). Preach the good news jesus christ, not the watchtower or 1914.
BlaznFattyz said:
... the fact that satan tempted adam and eve shows he was evil, therefore he was already banished from heaven and on earth. again your 1914 is incorrect and false.
This is what baffles me...we are talking old testament...Judaic texts...here is some Jewish beliefs on the matter..
First, we don't have what Christians call "hell", just a place people go until their sins a "cleansed" before going to gan Eden.

Second, we don't have a "devil". ha-Satan (who you call "Satan") is just the Chief Prosecuting Attorney, nothing more. Just think of him as an aspect of the conscience.

Original Sin: we don't have. The "apple incident" was necessary to make us human.
Quote: Is that a common interpretation of the story within Judaism?
Yes. If it happened, and it wasn't a horrible sin (which the text never hints at (quite the opposite)), then why did it happen?

It's like they were children in the garden, and they couldn't begin to grow up until they made a boo boo. And of course you have God saying, "Whatever you do, don't press the shiny, blinking button." What happens when you say that to a child?
So my question...we reinterpret their texts so completely...how is that possible?
Wow, wil. I love it. I LOVE IT!

It is still amazing to me how we take the Jewish faith (the root), build on that into Christianity (the tree), and then totally trash the root.

Not only that, how is it possible that we can truly understand Jesus' message if we have no respect for the Jewish faith? I was reading something on another board within this forum that struck me. It is something to the effect of Christianity seeks to validate itself through bible prophecies. Interesting, seeing how only four of the 27 books of the canonical New Testament actually concentrate on the words and message of Jesus Christ. The other 23 are a profession of the adventures of Paul as he presses forward in building his spinoff of Judaism. Of course, Paul had to give credit where credit is due; but in the course of building a new nation Constantine had a wonderful idea when he sought to build a nation on the same ideology that people were willing to die for (as shown in martyrdoms). These Christians, so humble and yet so fierce in their belief system that they were willing to die for it, was a good start in building a political culture of servitude. And so that ideology has carried on to the present day.

Um, respectfully speaking - really.
BlaznFattyz said:
no you said satan could come and go from heaven to earth before 1914, that is incorrect. you can not have evil in the presence of god the holy father, his holiness does not allow it. the fact that satan tempted adam and eve shows he was evil, therefore he was already banished from heaven and on earth. again your 1914 is incorrect and false.

Now it came to be the day when the sons of the [true] God entered to take their station before Jehovah, and even Satan proceeded to enter right among them.​
Then Jehovah said to Satan: "Where do you come from?" At that Satan answered Jehovah and said: "From roving about in the earth and from walking about in it. Job 1;6-7 it is what the bible says that is correct. and the bible tells me that satan was able to come and go at one time , yes even though satan was a rebel roving around on the earth doing what he pleased , he still came back to the heavens at one time , as the bible tells us, but not any more, only faithful angels are working with Jehovahs purpose. satan is cast out now ............ the bible is always correct .
truthseeker said:

So as I understand it, Satan was cast and locked out of heaven as of 1914. A sort of consequence of that was WWI?

If that is so, then the world is coming closer and closer together to mobilize for an ultimate battle between Jesus and Satan.

So are the World Wars because Satan is angry or is that a sign of his manifestation of anger (or whatever it is that Satan manifests) here on Earth? What are we to look forward to now that Satan is, after 1914, officially here on earth and can in no way re enter heaven?
we can look foreward to the time when God is going to step into the affairs of man and put an end to satans rule , but first Jehovah wants everyone to have the chance to put themselves on the side of Jehovah and his king Jesus christ , that is why a great crowd is now being gathered who are willing to do just that revelation 7;9-10
After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: "Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb............ these ones are welcoming Jesus as the king of Gods heavenly kingdom ,and they will be lead to everlasting life in a paradise earth
These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation,
(Matthew 24:21) for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.​

(Mark 13:19) for those days will be [days of] a tribulation such as has not occurred from [the] beginning of the creation which God created until that time, and will not occur again.................yes even though there is going to be a great tribulation , there will be survivers. those on the right side ,will be guided to fountains of waters of life
(Acts 4:12) Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.
will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom" (Matt. 24:7)

War has marred life on the earth for thousands of years. International wars and wars within nations have been fought. But beginning in 1914 the first world war was fought. This was not merely a conflict between two armies on the battlefield. For the first time, all the major powers were at war. Entire nations—including civilian populations—were mobilized to support the war effort. It is estimated that by the end of the war 93 percent of the population of the world was involved.
As foretold at Revelation 6:4, ‘peace was taken away from the earth.’ Thus the world has continued to be in a state of upheaval ever since 1914.
"There will be food shortages . . . in one place after another" (Matt. 24:7) yes there have always been famine, so is any thing different about the famine since world war 1
Is anything different about these food shortages? Revelation 6:6 indicated that a small quantity of such staples as wheat or barley would be selling for a day’s wage (a denarius; see Matthew 20:2) but that supplies of such items as olive oil and wine used by people who are well-to-do would not be harmed. So apparently many would suffer shortage while others could still get what they wanted. This situation is no longer local, but global. yes the signs are all happening that Jesus mentioned ,it is a composite sign , all happening since 1914
will be great earthquakes" (Luke 21:11)

It is true that there were major quakes in centuries past; furthermore, with their sensitive equipment scientists now detect more than a million quakes a year. But no special instruments are needed for people to know when there is a great earthquake.
one place after another pestilences" (Luke 21:11)

At the close of the first world war the Spanish flu swept around the globe, claiming upwards of 20 million lives and at a rate unparalleled in the history of disease. Despite advances in medical science, a heavy toll is exacted every year by cancer, heart disease, numerous sexually transmitted diseases, multiple sclerosis, malaria, river blindness, and Chagas’ disease. and new ones pop up all the time................ yes its all happening , the signs are all there , a composite sign indeed
mee said:
...But beginning in 1914 the first world war was fought. ... It is estimated that by the end of the war 93 percent of the population of the world was involved.
As foretold at Revelation 6:4, ‘peace was taken away from the earth.’ Thus the world has continued to be in a state of upheaval ever since 1914.
this is where I lose it. 93% what kind of hyperbole is that, come on anytime we exagerate to that kind of extreme it just tosses out any argument. Continuous state of upheavel since?? We are talking a hundred years... in which much of it has been relatively peaceful...compared to the give and take of the Roman, English and Ottaman Empires...and the crusades..
‘Increased lawlessness accompanied by a cooling off of love on the part of the greater number’ (Matt. 24:11, 12)
The increase is real; it is not merely a matter of better reporting. It is true, past generations had criminals too, but never before has crime been as pervasive as it is now. Persons who are up in years know that from personal experience.