1914 ....A significant year in bible prophecy

since 1914 we have been in the Lords day.By inspiration I came to be in the Lord’s day, revelation 1;10
This first vision and the counsel it contains are for the Lord’s day, from 1914 onward. yes 1914 is a very significant year
what is the Lord’s day?
it is a time of judgment and of fulfillment of divine promises.
With the arrival of that "day," Jehovah’s grand purposes move progressively and triumphantly toward their climax. That "day" begins with the crowning of Jesus as heavenly King. Even after Jesus executes judgment on Satan’s world, the Lord’s day continues, with the restoration of Paradise and the perfecting of mankind, until Jesus finally "hands over the kingdom to his God and Father."—1 Corinthians 15:24-26; Revelation 6:1, 2.
how thrilling it is for supporters of Jehovah’s sovereignty to be assured that the Messianic Seed, having endured all the tests and persecutions brought by Satan and having suffered an agonizing death when His "heel" was bruised 1,900 years ago, is now alive in heaven, empowered to bring God’s grand purpose to its triumphant completion!—Genesis 3:15
It is evident that Jesus is now poised to go into action as enthroned King. He has been appointed as Jehovah’s Chief Executioner to carry out Jehovah’s final judgments against this old, wicked system of things and its diabolic god, Satan.
God’s Kingdom is a heavenly government with Jesus Christ as King, and from among mankind, 144,000 are taken to rule with him.—Revelation 14:1, 4.
The Kingdom started to rule in 1914, and since then Satan has been cast out of heaven down to earth.—Revelation 12:9.

God’s Kingdom will soon destroy human governments, and the earth will become a paradise.—Revelation 16:14, 16. yes its all happening in these last days. thrilling times indeed.
truthseeker said:
True, but a lot of things are different. I think it begins as a political issue. People are forced to work on somebody else's time or they won't eat. The rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer because people can't even grow food and use it for trade unless they pay the government in money they may not have. People are becoming dehumanised because there is an imbalance of work and leisure, resulting in increased bitterness for something they have no control over, so they display bitterness where they have control because they can display it where they have no control.
yes you are right it is a political issue ,that is why we need Gods heavenly goverment to get rid of manmade goverments , and he will ,as the bible tells us at DANIEL 2;44
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite
mee said:
yes you are right it is a political issue ,that is why we need Gods heavenly goverment to get rid of manmade goverments , and he will ,as the bible tells us at DANIEL 2;44
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite

Not correct. We are to adhere to the authority of the manmade governments, as specifically dictated by the Lord. We are to pray for those in positions of authority over us (sometimes that means for their well being, and other times for their removal). Why? Because God (Jehovah) Himself established those very governments, for specific reasons that we can not begin to comprehend at times. And He has yet to remove them, sooooo we must continue to do what God instructed us to do.

What WE need to do, is to follow the ordanances of the Lord as He instructed us to. Not try to anticipate His next move. That would be folly at best, and sacreligious at worst.

Psalm 118:8 "It is far better to trust in the Lord, than put confidence in Man
(or man's thinking).

My observation


mee, I just gotta say if you want to interest anyone in this...create the chart.

a paragraph of stuff where I gotta get out my slide rule and use my word problem math skills to contemplate drives me crazy.

date this happened.___________________

add 456x2 because _________________

add whatever citing this verse ________________

total 1914

As long as you continue to create a riddle, my eyes continue to gloss over.
wil said:
mee, I just gotta say if you want to interest anyone in this...create the chart.

a paragraph of stuff where I gotta get out my slide rule and use my word problem math skills to contemplate drives me crazy.

date this happened.___________________

add 456x2 because _________________

add whatever citing this verse ________________

total 1914

As long as you continue to create a riddle, my eyes continue to gloss over.

What slide rule? Some of us got a computer with a program soley dedicated to analyzing dates from all aspects of peoples' perceptions of the end times...and still no answer...:eek:
Quahom1 said:
Not correct. We are to adhere to the authority of the manmade governments, as specifically dictated by the Lord. We are to pray for those in positions of authority over us (sometimes that means for their well being, and other times for their removal). Why? Because God (Jehovah) Himself established those very governments, for specific reasons that we can not begin to comprehend at times. And He has yet to remove them, sooooo we must continue to do what God instructed us to do.

What WE need to do, is to follow the ordanances of the Lord as He instructed us to. Not try to anticipate His next move. That would be folly at best, and sacreligious at worst.

Psalm 118:8 "It is far better to trust in the Lord, than put confidence in Man
(or man's thinking).

My observation


yes i agree that christians should be in obedience to the laws of the land that we live in, but if those laws of men go in opposition to Gods laws of the bible, well then there is only one way that a christian should go and that is to obey Gods laws..........
In answer Peter and the [other] apostles said: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men Acts 5;29 ......so yes as psalm 118;8 says we should trust in Gods ways not mens thinking

Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,​

Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. psalm 146;3
mee said:
yes i agree that christians should be in obedience to the laws of the land that we live in, but if those laws of men go in opposition to Gods laws of the bible, well then there is only one way that a christian should go and that is to obey Gods laws..........
In answer Peter and the [other] apostles said: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men Acts 5;29 ......so yes as psalm 118;8 says we should trust in Gods ways not mens thinking

Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,​

Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. psalm 146;3

edit: I notice that while I was composing my reply, you changed your end line from Psalm 118:8 to 146:3

118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put one's confidence in man". Is that because this passage is a double edged sword?

...well then there is only one way that a christian should go and that is to obey God's laws...
You must be specific when making such a statement. There are civil laws and then criminal laws. There are also times when a man will pay dearly for breaking said societal laws for the sake of God.

Jesus was very specific concerning civil and Godly matters. "Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and unto God what is God's".

Peter (out of neccesity), was setting the stage for martyrdom of some. Jesus was not. Peter's hand never strayed far from his sword. Jesus never touched one.

That is the problem with picking certain scripture out for a particular purpose, without including the entirety of the Bible. Hard to show the whole picture.


Quahom1 said:
edit: I notice that while I was composing my reply, you changed your end line from Psalm 118:8 to 146:3

118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put one's confidence in man". Is that because this passage is a double edged sword?

You must be specific when making such a statement. There are civil laws and then criminal laws. There are also times when a man will pay dearly for breaking said societal laws for the sake of God.

Jesus was very specific concerning civil and Godly matters. "Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and unto God what is God's".

Peter (out of neccesity), was setting the stage for martyrdom of some. Jesus was not. Peter's hand never strayed far from his sword. Jesus never touched one.

That is the problem with picking certain scripture out for a particular purpose, without including the entirety of the Bible. Hard to show the whole picture.


if we listen to Jesus teachings then i dont think we will be breaking many laws of the land , unless the goverments of men are not listening to Jesus teachings and making it difficult for true christians who want to live according to Jesus teachings.
mee said:
if we listen to Jesus teachings then i dont think we will be breaking many laws of the land , unless the goverments of men are not listening to Jesus teachings and making it difficult for true christians who want to live according to Jesus teachings.

And I argue that if we follow the way of Jesus (walk His walk, act as He acts), then by setting examples for all to see, we couldn't help but sway governments of man (which are run by men), to also be more Christ like.

To be "taught" to do something, and actually doing what we are taught, are two different horses.

In short, the teachings of Jesus are worthless, unless acted upon (daily, hourly, minutely).

For example, what government on earth would be against its citizens helping eachother, pulling together, working for peace and security within its own boarders? None that I can think of...

A smile is as contagious as a frown, laughter and joy as contagious as crying and sorrow.

A single man has the power (God given), to eventually affect the whole world.

Back to the point of origin...listening to the teachings of Jesus is one thing. Acting upon those teachings is a different game all together.

my thoughts


Quahom1 said:
And I argue that if we follow the way of Jesus (walk His walk, act as He acts), then by setting examples for all to see, we couldn't help but sway governments of man (which are run by men), to also be more Christ like.

To be "taught" to do something, and actually doing what we are taught, are two different horses.

In short, the teachings of Jesus are worthless, unless acted upon (daily, hourly, minutely).

For example, what government on earth would be against its citizens helping eachother, pulling together, working for peace and security within its own boarders? None that I can think of...

A smile is as contagious as a frown, laughter and joy as contagious as crying and sorrow.

A single man has the power (God given), to eventually affect the whole world.

Back to the point of origin...listening to the teachings of Jesus is one thing. Acting upon those teachings is a different game all together.

my thoughts


very true ,i agree .loving our neigbours means loving people who live not only in our own part of the world but also our neigbouring countries and islands in the world
I believe the Gouvernment is influenced by the Devil (i really do). It is true that the Gouvernment (i've spelt it wrong haven't i?) can not do nothing when people are respecting each other, that is apart from being the accuser. By this i mean false claims, very much similar to the reason a certain war began some time ago now. The point for example is if no one has a weapon then someone will plant a weapon on someone else and claim that they had it all along therefore causing violence.
Azure24 said:
I believe the Gouvernment is influenced by the Devil (i really do). It is true that the Gouvernment (i've spelt it wrong haven't i?) can not do nothing when people are respecting each other, that is apart from being the accuser. By this i mean false claims, very much similar to the reason a certain war began some time ago now. The point for example is if no one has a weapon then someone will plant a weapon on someone else and claim that they had it all along therefore causing violence.

The question would be...do you have proof? If so, it should be exposed for all the world to see. If you had proof, the world would listen.


Quahom1 said:
The question would be...do you have proof? If so, it should be exposed for all the world to see. If you had proof, the world would listen.


If this was the case, surely such proof would be labelled as a "smear campaign" and "conspiracy theory." *shrugs shoulders*
Azure24 said:
I believe the Gouvernment is influenced by the Devil (i really do).lquote] and you are right about that, the bible even tells us that the whole world is in the power of the wicked one(satan the devil)
We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one ...1 John 5;19.... and that includes the goverments, even though they may not be aware of it, yes there are some people who try their best , but the power is in the hands of the wicked one at the momment , but not for much longer , because soon satan will be put out of the way for a thousand years,
"I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, that he might not mislead the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After these things he must be let loose for a little while."—Revelation 20:1-3.
at last Gods heavenly Goverment can rule without interferance from satan ...... Daniel 2;44........... yes the angel mentioned here is non other than Jesus christ himself , he is the one with the key of the abyss and he will put satan out of action for a thousand years. Jesus is the one with the keys , and he has
authority to free persons from a restraint that is beyond the power of anyone but God or his authorized representative Jesus christ.
i was just thinking that if the early bible students had not kept awake to bible prophecy, they would be in the dark about 1914 and the way this date is a very significant date in bible prophecy. and it is because these early bible students are doing the work that Jesus has given them to do, that is a great responsibility that has to be done on a world wide basis ,that i have been enlightened about this very significant time that we are living in . and the goodnews about the kingdom goes on matthew 24;14 Daniel 2;44 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite Daniel 2;44 i would say they really are good and faithful slaves of Jesus christ matthew 24;45-47 and faithful ones are blessed with great insight. so for me i like to go to this faithful class of slaves for really good spiritual food , as it feeds me very well with lots of really meaty spiritual food. and then i am in a really healthy spiritual state . to be forewarned is to be forearmed and using the channel that Jesus is directing is the best way to go . as it leads to an elavated spiritual state .yes since 1914 things are moving ahead and progressing and the bible is revealing many things in this time of the end. and the faithful ones are being blessed with insight
Insight is closely related to understanding,
"As regards those having insight among the people, they will impart understanding to the many."—DANIEL 11:33.
mee said:
i was just thinking that if the early bible students had not kept awake to bible prophecy, they would be in the dark about 1914 and the way this date is a very significant date in bible prophecy...

lol, to you Mee, it is extremely important. There is no doubt in my mind about that. :D

To me, it is important as well, but not for the same reasons as yours.

1914, to me, is a time that proved beyond shadow of a doubt that common men (a few hundred actually), could stymie the military leaders of the nations of the earth, and literally stop a war cold dead (or part of one at least), even if only for a day...and there was nothing the leaders could do about it.

And you are correct, it was because of Jesus, that this happened. But He was already in the hearts of the men who stopped the world war for a day...yet they be on opposite sides. He (The Lord Jesus the Christ), was already here. And He did not do it by physical force. He did it by His very presence within the hearts of the men aiming weapons at eachother...

Oh, the fighting did go on, but with a soccer ball, instead of a grenade toss, and the losers and winners lived to see another day. And there was peace, commraderie and affection between "enemies"...

Jesus showed the world in 1914, that He was already here and in absolute control, and His way was the best way.

Consider the irony, Jesus took a world war, and turned it into a good natured, healthy football game...within hours...

Yes, you are correct. 1914 was a turning point...just not neccessarily for the reasons you express. :eek:


So man has been appointed 120 years of life (max) since after the deluge... so counting 120 years from 1914 we get the year 2034.
I'm not trying to make fun of anyone's beliefs here but how would Jehovah's Witnesses react if it were suddenly 2036 and judgement day still hadn't happened?
The way I see it is that it has got to happen BEFORE 2034 for the Jehovah's Witnesses position to be vindicated.
well if you look at past posts, and past history, false predictions are written off as we are still learning.
Gnostradamus said:
So man has been appointed 120 years of life (max) since after the deluge... so counting 120 years from 1914 we get the year 2034.
I'm not trying to make fun of anyone's beliefs here but how would Jehovah's Witnesses react if it were suddenly 2036 and judgement day still hadn't happened?
The way I see it is that it has got to happen BEFORE 2034 for the Jehovah's Witnesses position to be vindicated.

That has happened in the past, for JWs, on six occasions. However, they no longer openly predict the future's end date, only that the time is nigh (hence mee's insistence that we take heed, now). And not every JW is fixated on the year 1914, like our friend mee. I happen to think mee, is trying to say something important, but can't get it out, because of the 1914 issue being a stumbling stone to him (and unfortunately us as well).

It is well that you have no intention of belittling anyone's beliefs...I'm certain you would not want that done to yours. ;)

Oh, and food for thought. Man's body is designed (currently, according to science) to last 120 years. But God did say He shortened the time frame again, to six score and ten...(yup, its in there, bibilically speaking).

Cut down in the prime of our lives...that really stinks...but then we brought it on ourselves I think...:eek: :eek:

