I'm not sure if this was in Aussie's neck of the woods, but it just caught my attention: https://www.yahoo.com/news/helicopter-accidentally-picks-fight-cow-055208899.html
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Just me? I mean, how many others on the board are firmly under the paws of s?
Now that's the funniest and most truthful thing I've heard all week. It tends to confirm my suspicions regarding the anti-President Trump crowd. How apropos it should be posted in a joke thread.I've yet to understand him.
Many of the Republican presidential candidates lashed out at President Barack Obama for his use of executive orders during Thursday night’s debate. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said that if he is elected president, he would repeal all of President Barack Obama’s “unconstitutional” executive orders on day one.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Donald Trump also criticized the president, with Bush saying the orders were “illegal” and Trump saying executive orders were not how the president was supposed to operate. This is a common concern about Republicans, who have frequently complained that Obama has abused his executive power.
What's to understand? The cartoon posted in #309 mocks both President Trump's notion that we build a wall on the US/Mexican border to keep out illegals at Mexico's expense and his plans to repeal ACA. The joke is, that the ACA be replaced with a wall around the sick to keep out illness at the expense of those responsible for the ACA. It's merely a joke intended to lighten the mood. Not fuel further debate. That's why I posted it in the joke thread.The other is still an enigma.