Who else knows/knew a

like this?
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I purposely raised one to be like that.
Her name was COCO....Combat Offensive Cat Operative.
Backstory, my aunt at the time had a passel of cats, probably close to ten. The one in particular would hog the food bowl, and since my aunt would have to take care of my cat while I was on the road driving truck across country, my cat would have to fend for herself. And she did...very well.
My uncle told me a neighbor's dog came down while he was putzing in the garden, and took a stand and bared its teeth...turns out my cat was on the shed roof above it all, and when the dog lunged the cat jumped down onto the dog's back and rode his butt all the way home. That dog never came back.
As a kitten, I watched her face down a golden retriever. Now, this dog wouldn't have hurt a cat if she ever did catch one, she just enjoyed the chase. So when she made a move at my cat, my cat stood her ground and stared down the dog that was many times her size. The look on the dog's face was priceless, like "this isn't how this is supposed to go...you're supposed to run and I chase you, why aren't you running?" The cat just stood there with claws extended like, "c'mon, I dare ya!"
I miss that cat.