What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

wil said:
Transformers...great kid and techno fun...

Sicko- Michael Moore...I'd love to hear the English/Canadian/French...take...anywhere that has universal/socialized medicine

Think this deserves its own thread in Politics.

Tao, are you referring to Transformers or Sicko? ;) :D
Transformers I don't really have any desire to see, as it seems like some kind of black and white good vs evil military propaganda film. If you go to the official web site, you will be encouraged immediately to choose sides--protect or destroy. Kind of reminds me of election time with sound-bite signs that read: "Vote YES for schools!!" You don't want to vote AGAINST schools do you? You don't HATE CHILDREN, do you? :rolleyes: ;)

Yuck. Just watched the trailer again. "We are facing war against an advanced technological enemy" or some such crap. I find it extremely cynical that this film was released on July 4th and marketed to kids. It seems like I read somewhere that in this movie it is also said, "There can be no victory without sacrifice," which echoes a lot of the crap our nation was fed by Dubya's administration in the days following 9/11. Hell, they are still trying to sell that line. Look, we have movies like Transformers.

It especially sucks because I used to like some of the toys as a kid. ;)
...Guess none of you watched "The Guardian" eh? Kinda sad...that's the story of my life (and about 35,000 others who put on the same uniform).

Did you know that the Coast Guard (United States), rescued 35,000 people in three weeks from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and only used 400 personnel to do it? Did you know we never left Louisiana during the hurricane, and lifted our aircraft the second the winds died down one knot below 55, and while our Coast Guardsmen were busy rescuing others, 200 of them lost homes and property, but never looked back once?

They never turned from their job, never left the scene, never once said "I quit".

Y'a ought to watch The Guardian, if you want to see real heroes at work, and in life...

The movie is based on two actual situations (combined into one for the audience). What you see is real, no Hollywood embellishment. But it will keep you in your seat.

Truth is much more exciting than fiction sometimes...



Yes, Q, the people you are describing acted heroically and should be commended. I suppose you should, too. And so I thank you for your sacrifice and efforts, yet I still do not trust people with guns in general, uniforms make me suspicious, and politicians time and time again prove themselves to be not only immoral but untrustworthy.

Did you know that Blackwater helped put the people of Louisiana under a martial seige in the days following Katrina? (Jeremy Scahill's report). These are the same mercanaries and war profiteers that are currently taking a fall in Washington. Did you know that people are still displaced?
Malcolm X (produced by Spike Lee, 1992)

Now there's an American story that inspires me. :)

Ignored and neglected by American values and culture, Malcolm Little dropped out of the mainstream, which he knew would not allow him to be all that he could be, if you will. ;) After a short career of crime, running the streets, hustling, he spent seven years in prison. "Malcolm placated himself by using the seven-year prison sentence to further his education." Self-taught. He had seen where institutionalized 'education' would take him--into a position of subordination--and rejected it. While in prison, he read. He was also influenced by the teachings of the Nation of Islam, which taught Malcolm, among other things, to be proud of his heritage as a black man, as an African. Later, after his gruelling career with the Nation of Islam had come to an end, he would address deeply and personally what it means to be an African-American. When he was assasinated in 1965, he had founded two new organizations, the Moslem Mosque, Inc. and the Organization of Afro-American Unity. Sometime before his assasination, the OAAU had issued this statement:

"We Afro-Americans feel receptive toward all peoples of goodwill. We are not opposed to multi-ethnic associations in any walk of life. In fact, we have had experiences which enable us to understand how unfortunate it is that human beings have been set apart or aside from each other because of characteristics known as 'racial' characteristics."​

There is a lot of information out there about Malcolm X, or Malik el Shabazz, as he came to be known after his hajj in 1964. The movie is a good place to start, although limited in its scope and by artistic license. The movie is based on the Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley and published after Malcom X's assasination in 1965.
Transformers I don't really have any desire to see, as it seems like some kind of black and white good vs evil military propaganda film. ....Yuck. Just watched the trailer again. "We are facing war against an advanced technological enemy" or some such crap. I find it extremely cynical that this film was released on July 4th and marketed to kids.

It especially sucks because I used to like some of the toys as a kid. ;)
If you liked the toys...you'll love the movie...

Yes there is some good vs. evil...there are the alien transformers who come to save the planet from the alien transformers that have come to harvest it.

You'd love the area 51 type references and gov't conspiracies...similar to the cartoons of the past few years there is some definite anti war, anti big gov't messages in it imbedded from hollywood...

don't judge a book by its cover...( I say this, yet I'll stay away from the ring or anything in the horror genre...it no longer intrigues me...)
Q (aka sailor-boy):

The Guardian has just been requested through ILL (InterLibrary Loan) and I shall watch it as soon as it gets into my :kitty:-fur covered paws. :D Just thought you'd like to know. :D

It should get the "taste" of The Barber of Siberia out of my mind.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Kholodnoye Leto Pyatdesyat Tretego (Cold Summer of 1953), a fictional movie about the amnesty given to convicted criminals before political prisoners after Josef Stalin's death and the insanity it brought to a quiet Siberian villiage after a gang of violent criminals "enjoyed" their "freedom" (at the cost of three innocent lives.)

You can read more about the movie here: Kholodnoe leto pyatdesyat tretego (1987)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
300 is still currently my top film... They were so head strong... It seriously kicked ass.... "This is what I stand for, screw the consequences, bring it on." I so -love- the Spartans...

I have however last night while semi-conscious..... Watching a movie...

Dead Silence (2007)

Looking on that site.... The American version of the films cover is soft.... The UK version looks well..... "scary" lol...

I cannot honestly comment much as I was out of my face..... I do recall moments of a ventriolquist(sp) doll... I do however recall my heart pounding alot and the feeling I was going to have an heart attack.... That could be put down to the film... But, not 100% sure that it was all the films effect.... However this might be a good film... I have no idea yet I only watched it last night lol look into it.

My personal rating of this film out of five stars.....


(gave it three as I have confidence it is good.)
In my house we are now trying to learn Spanish through watching TV. Our first exercise was to watch half of Napolean Dynamite in Spanish with English subtitles. Although I learned un poco Espanol, what really sticks with me is that Rex of Rex Kwan Do is the only character who sounds like himself even in Spanish. Oh, and pantalones!! That was another word I learned--thanks to Rex. It means pants (no sh1+ you say), but in the movie it actually substitutes for the phrase "bad boys." Go figure.

You trigger off a memory: when I was in Yugoslavia years ago (so long ago it was still Yugoslavia), I saw Bugs Bunny in Serbo-Croatian and just found it the funniest thing ever.
Just finished watching The Guardian, and I just have one thing to say about it: OMG!

Definitely reminds me of Rescue Wings, except for the disappearance of the senior swimmer in The Guardian *makes a quiet notation to buy a copy of both "Coast Guard" flicks*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Exactly, he was tawking with a vewwy bad wisp, in Sewbo-Cwoatian, it was cwacking me up.

Vewwy sowwy to cowwect yowr Engwish at this sensitive time, but "Exactly" should prowbably be prownounced "exactwy" in Fuddese. I don't know whether or not a Sewbo-Crowwation accent would make a diffewence though.

Hey Bob, stick awowund somemowe. Sometimes discussions do get owtta hand. I twy not to discuss as much so vewwy often, and the prowblems often seem to melt away magicawwy sometimes. Sometimes we must just concentwate upon stwategicawwy intewjecting ouw thwusts and jabs, wather than twying to wead discussions.

Thewe's definitewy no way to accownt fow diffewences between well-meaning Bwothahs. I twy to compensate fow ow diffewences with undewstanding. But keep yew bwunderbuss pwimed just in case.
*heh, heh, heh... you wascawwy wabbit*

Have you ever played "Erizabeth L"? That's a game based on a Monty Python skit of the same name:
The Almada is apploaching? Whele is my freet? Whele is Sil Wartel Lareigh? Whele is Sil Flancis Dlake?
Sil Flancis Dlake is stirr in Blistor!
Broody herr!

Tly this one:
Deal Channer Thilteen, Arr the membels of oul kalate crub hele in Toredo learry rove youl Bluce Ree maltiar alts doubre featule evely Fliday aftelnoon at thlee.

Mole difficurt:
Load constluction, foul mires. Shourdel crosed. Tlucks use light rane onry. Reft rane nallow.

Palticuralry difficurt:
Altist Andlew Walhor, flom Pittsbulgh, roved dlawing poltlaits of Maliryn Monloe.
Namaste Bob, I think this one may deselve a thlead of its own.

Prease letrieve the femare mackeler flom the baller, but reave the lest of the mare mackeler arone.

Ablaham Rincorn said, "Foul scoles and seven lears ago, our fathels blought to this continent a knew nation conceived in ribilty fol all...

Sarry serrs seasherres at the seashole.

Petel Peckel picked a peck of pickres.
I saw Sweeney Todd on Christmas day. Very entertaining. I am not one for musicals, well except for Jesus Christ Superstar. But it kept me entertained :)
Just saw The Golden Compass- threw the review into B&S. My overall impression: OK. Not that exciting, but not a horrible "wish-I-could-get-my-$10-refunded" movie either. Just... OK.
I recently went to see Juno. I didn't know this movie existed until I found myself stranded in the city of Spokane for an afternoon, needing to fill the hours. On the third floor of a mall, the movie poster made me smile and so I paid $7.50 to be entertained. And entertained I was!! This is an excellent, lovely, and casually life-like and life-affirming film about a witty, eccentric teenager who finds herself knocked up after giving her virginity to her good friend (is he her boyfriend? or is he just her friend who is a boy?) Paulie Bleeker.

If you find the everyday antics of modern life amusing, befuddling, and/or wondrous, then I recommend this movie for its humor and power. Juno is a great screen representation of all that is well, good, kickin', and brilliantly alive about youth confronting life in the post-post-modern post-post-post-industrial post-information age with all the vigor, compassion, intelligence, and humor that humans have to draw on.

Go see this movie, man!!