I saw three movies while I was away on business, which is more than I'd seen since January. LOL
The new Batman one--
I thought it was better than the other batman ones. Heath Ledger was good and I wondered if being that character was a bit of a small contribution to his depression and suicide. Some actors really embrace their roles to an extent that is harmful if the character is psycho or something. At any rate, it was all pretty good. It wasn't earth shattering or anything for me, but I liked it. I'm not a comic reader and didn't grow up watching cartoons or TV, so I have virtually no knowledge of the characters outside the movie versions.
I thought it was an interesting commentary on society and the human mind, to be honest- particularly the difference between the sociopath (Joker) and the person who is just a crushed, screwed up person (Two-Face). I liked the scene where neither boatload of people would blow up the other ones- that was touching.
Second movie- Juno. I finally got to see this. It was cute. It was comedic in a normal life kind of way. I liked the statement it made for adoption, though it would be nice to tackle the real issue of adoption/abortion debates- which is that there just aren't enough families that are rich, unable to have kids, and able to hire a lawyer to adopt a baby. I appreciated the life-affirming message, but to be honest, it lacked the teeth that a socially changing film about abortion and adoption would have. It was the ideal world scenario of adoption... the guy and the girl love each other, he's supportive, parents are supportive, they magically find a rich person to adopt the baby. Yeah, the adoptive parents break up, but it all seems magically OK- the single adoptive mom will somehow get to keep the huge house and care for baby without struggle. It was sweet and cute and endearing, but not very realistic.
Third movie- Mama Mia! That was just plain fun. I hadn't seen the Broadway musical, and like many musicals, I found it cheesy and cutesy, but that is what they are there for.

My thought the whole time was if I lived at that hotel I never would leave for anything. Greece is gorgeous! Loved the scenery, characters, just a really fun and upbeat movie. People clapped in the theatre at various periods and seemed really into it. That was part of the fun of seeing it- I was suprised at how good everyone seemed to feel and it was all ages. Fun times.