Kung Fu Panda
There's been a run of interesting looking movies lately that I have managed to miss at the theatre. Anybody happen to catch the next Narnia, Prince Caspian, and was it worth watching?
At home I watched "Who framed Roger Rabbit," again.
Yard saleing last weekend found a couple of classics; Gone with the Wind, and Spartacus. Had to watch both (first time for GwtW).
Though none of them was bad, the only one I'd want to see again would be "Bucket List".
Finally finished night before last, 54 episodes (of about an hour each). Story as near as I can tell: girl meets boy, girl and boy flirt, girl obligated to duty and honor before boy, boy obligated to duty and honor before girl...fast forward to next to last episode: boy crosses prince, prince exiles boy, prince gets sick, girl tries to nurse prince even though she knows prince executed boy (because prince has his eye on girl). Now, the plot thickens...prince has girl kidnapped and carried away, town sees girl disappeared and abandoned prince on his deathbed; prince dies...however, girl is released and goes into exile only to find boy...forward 8 years, they have a daughter, and are escorted back to village where they are reinstated in their places, and the world is in harmony once again...Oh the joys of cross-cultural enlightenment...
My lovely wife came home the other day with a series, the best I can describe is a soap-opera or mini-series, set I am guessing about 200-300 years ago. My wife tells me it is in Korea, so naturally the actors are speaking Korean. My wife does not speak Korean, so we fiddled with the controls until we got the Chinese subtitles, which made my wife very happy. Last I checked she made it through about 7 of the 12 or so dvd disks, I managed about 1 1/2 of them.
Quite a learning experience for me; a soap opera (I don't do soaps) in Korean (I don't understand Korean) with Chinese subtitles (I don't read Chinese). Beautiful actors, great period costumes, lovely scenery...and I am clueless as to the finer details of story and plot.
I can't even tell anyone the name...