What's new with you?

When I was writing more often than not I had a large orange tabby that insisted on walking on my keyboard. That made editing a real chore. He's gone now...miss him....

Hi, Peace--

Oh boy, is this a great thread or what?

Luna the Libra Lioness--I must say it fits! And I have always been drawn to Libras, being an Aquarian and all....

Flow--my cat does the same thing. Makes for some interesting writing, huh? I miss all my pets that are not with me anymore, at least not where I can touch and feel and hear them in the same way.

Phyllis, my friend, I need to get a whole kitty company together to come and solve all of the madness surrounding you at the moment! But alas, I am not the greatest at directing kittys. They do, however, tend to curl in and out around my feet and offer lots of wisdom and love. I just have to be careful since I am just now walking again without waddling too much:) . But to me, it feels like flying!

Jamarz, I am a coffee lover to a degree that might not even be healthy at times! But I try. LOL--I have mostly always taken my java black, but during my illness, I rediscovered cafe con crema (sorry for the exclusion of the tildes and such). I would get up at 4:30 when I was hospitalized so I would be back in time for the doc's rounds. I would take my notebook or my sketchpad and go to the 24-hour restaurant there and get coffee, and spike it with the cream my husband and daughter brought me. I would go outside in the garden area and I would write and write and write. Or I would draw something (not very well, I suspect). And sometimes I would meet a person with a story who would sit down beside me and talk. It was a time full of all kinds of awakening.

InLove said:
Jamarz, I am a coffee lover to a degree that might not even be healthy at times! But I try. LOL--I have mostly always taken my java black, but during my illness, I rediscovered cafe con crema (sorry for the exclusion of the tildes and such). I would get up at 4:30 when I was hospitalized so I would be back in time for the doc's rounds. I would take my notebook or my sketchpad and go to the 24-hour restaurant there and get coffee, and spike it with the cream my husband and daughter brought me. I would go outside in the garden area and I would write and write and write. Or I would draw something (not very well, I suspect). And sometimes I would meet a person with a story who would sit down beside me and talk. It was a time full of all kinds of awakening.


That is a great story about your time of recovery InLove. I can just see you in the garden with you r sketchpad, listening to someone tell their stories. What a blessing.

InLove said:
Hi, Peace--

Oh boy, is this a great thread or what?

Luna the Libra Lioness--I must say it fits! And I have always been drawn to Libras, being an Aquarian and all....

Flow my cat does the same thing. Makes for some interesting writing, huh? I miss all my pets that are not with me anymore, at least not where I can touch and feel and hear them in the same way.

Phyllis, my friend, I need to get a whole kitty company together to come and solve all of the madness surrounding you at the moment! But alas, I am not the greatest at directing kittys. They do, however, tend to curl in and out around my feet and offer lots of wisdom and love. I just have to be careful since I am just now walking again without waddling too much:) . But to me, it feels like flying!

Jamarz, I am a coffee lover to a degree that might not even be healthy at times! But I try. LOL--I have mostly always taken my java black, but during my illness, I rediscovered cafe con crema (sorry for the exclusion of the tildes and such). I would get up at 4:30 when I was hospitalized so I would be back in time for the doc's rounds. I would take my notebook or my sketchpad and go to the 24-hour restaurant there and get coffee, and spike it with the cream my husband and daughter brought me. I would go outside in the garden area and I would write and write and write. Or I would draw something (not very well, I suspect). And sometimes I would meet a person with a story who would sit down beside me and talk. It was a time full of all kinds of awakening.


Peace and Love,
So happy to meet another coffee lover. Sometimes, I feel like a drug addict!!:D In my healthy eating circles, caffeine is a four letter word; but come on, what more can I give up? This is the only food/diet vice I have left.

I must admit, lovely libra lionesses does just flow from the lips. Hmmm, I like the image of a lioness holding the scales of equality. Nice.

Flow and Phyllis,
I have a big black male cat with large green eyes who prances across my keyboard and blocks my screen. :p Also 2 mini-dachshunds, Phoebe and Joey, who curl around my feet, waiting patiently for me to pay attention to them. Henry, the black panther, wants what he wants right now. The three of them follow me around the house like a pack.

Joey and Henry are in love as Henry spends a great deal of time grooming Joey, who has the look of utter delight on his face. AHHH.. Both are neutered, of course, but what would one call same sex cross species love?

So my day begins.:)
Jamarz said:
Sometimes, I feel like a drug addict!!:D In my healthy eating circles, caffeine is a four letter word; but come on, what more can I give up? This is the only food/diet vice I have left.

I know how you feel. I lived in Seattle in the 90s and got hooked on really good coffee. It was simply the way people socialized (at least the people I socialized with). It's hard to find good coffeehouses in Texas though. They are all Starbucks. And if you're from Seattle, you know that Starbuck's isn't that great.

We took the kids to Kona last month and I stuffed the extra space in my luggage with good, fresh coffee. So, for now, I get up a little early with my coffee press and enjoy a little warm nirvana as I prepare for the day.

Mmmmmm . . . .coffee . . . .
*the moth sheepishly raises her paw* Another coffee addict here. I enjoy my morning coffee, but can't drink more that two or three cups in the am without it disturbing my sleep. Funny though, I can drink tea in the evening and it has no effect on my sleep.

I love good coffee but the price of it is so high now that we've switched to an inexpensive, less enjoyable :( brand for everyday drinking. And when we visit our families they drink the 'half caf' stuff, which gives me withdrawl headaches. I have to drink a whole pot to get my fix.

Coffee ice cream...mmmm. :D
My late mother was the coffee addict (she'd make a 12 cup pot of coffee and drink the entire thing by herself.) She'd have it "colored water" (black, no sweetener.) She used to have coffee at the clinics she went to for her cancer treatments, too (some of the staff used to laugh at her description of how she took her "drug of choice".)

I, myself, am a tea enthusiast (I have a tea ball that I bring with me to school) and I've "introduced" a few different kinds of tea to a professor/friend of mine (nothing as pedestrian as the "usual" tea bag stuff.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I do love a good cup of tea, also. Usually around mid-afternoon with a scone or muffin (fat free, of course), but I do use tea bags.:eek: Love my Earl Grey, Irish Breakfast Tea, Peppermint and Ginger for digestion, and Zen Green Tea Blend.

I have been sitting at this computer long enough. Time to take my little dogs for a walk. Have a blessed day to each and everyone of you.
Jamarz said:
I do love a good cup of tea, also. Usually around mid-afternoon with a scone or muffin (fat free, of course), but I do use tea bags.:eek: Love my Earl Grey, Irish Breakfast Tea, Peppermint and Ginger for digestion, and Zen Green Tea Blend.

I meant the "generic style" tea (most widely known is Lipton "Brisk" tea) not bagged tea in general. It's just that most of my favorites aren't available prebagged most of the time (like Gunpowder Green, Sow Mee White, Russian Caravan, Jasmine Pearl, Hyssop, etc.)

I have a special blend I drink for nervousness: it is a blend of chamomile, rose hips, lavendar, mint, hibiscus and lemon balm. It calms the butterflies and lunamoths that get active just before an oral presentation or some other "public appearance" (esp. before a government official.) I chew ginger instead of drinking it (I have to pick up another four cups of ginger from my favorite bulk spice shop here in town. *makes note*)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
I meant the "generic style" tea (most widely known is Lipton "Brisk" tea) not bagged tea in general. It's just that most of my favorites aren't available prebagged most of the time (like Gunpowder Green, Sow Mee White, Russian Caravan, Jasmine Pearl, Hyssop, etc.)

I have a special blend I drink for nervousness: it is a blend of chamomile, rose hips, lavendar, mint, hibiscus and lemon balm. It calms the butterflies and lunamoths that get active just before an oral presentation or some other "public appearance" (esp. before a government official.) I chew ginger instead of drinking it (I have to pick up another four cups of ginger from my favorite bulk spice shop here in town. *makes note*)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

lunamoths love ginger, and wasabi...


  • wasabi.jpg
    20.1 KB · Views: 272


BTW Luna, have you seen the "Lunesta" (sleeping pills) adverts on the tube? I believe that you should file some sort of infringement suit, but I wouldn't know what kind.
flowperson said:
BTW Luna, have you seen the "Lunesta" (sleeping pills) adverts on the tube? I believe that you should file some sort of infringement suit, but I wouldn't know what kind.

LOL! Haven't I mentioned the Lunesta ad to you before, Luna? I never see it without thinking of lunamoth.:)

Regarding teas--anyone here like passionflower?

InLove said:
LOL! Haven't I mentioned the Lunesta ad to you before, Luna? I never see it without thinking of lunamoth.:)

Regarding teas--anyone here like passionflower?

Hi LinLove, I have seen those Lunesta ads. :) Even better, there is a woman's nutrition bar called: Luna.

They're pretty good and are a good source of Calcium. I hate eating Tums.

lunamoth said:
lunamoths love ginger, and wasabi...

*Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine glances around, :kitty:-like, before pouncing the wasabi, devouring every last bit*

I have been known to eat wasabi paste straight (my former Japanese professor can attest to that. [:eek: on her part, :D on mine.])

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Hello briefly to all!

Quick hello to InLove, great to see you back around! I noticed Abogado is around once again too, I always did like his posts. :)

Has anyone seen PathOfOne lately?

Anyway, yes InLove, I have heard of Passionflower, it is a favorite of mine. It is a vine that grows a most unusual flower, said by some to represent the Passion of Christ (off the top of my head, the three nails, the twelve apostles, and I forget the remaining symbology). Very pretty flower. Anyway, I had not heard it could be drank as a tea, but I do understand the leaves can be dried and smoked, not unlike Coltsfoot. It has a mild analgesic effect (so I've been told :rolleyes: ).

Just wanted to let everyone know I am alive and well, and still lurking. QiuYan has gone to bed a little early. She has been working her tail off making something presentable of my (now former) bachelor pad. I had hoped to complete the reconstruction of my living room before her arrival, unfortunately only got as far as painting the walls and ceiling. Started putting down floor tiles tonight, got about halfway done before I decided to call it a night.

Anyway, I hope everybody is well and good and as blessed as they understand. I'll be back around, just can't say when...

Until then, peace to all on yoru journies! :)
Well, I place my big vacation is coming Amazon book order. Here is what I ordered:

Celtic Journeys: A Traveler's Guide to Ireland's Spiritual Legacy (thank you Jamarz!)

The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart

I Know This Much Is True (Oprah's Book Club) (Thank you AdD!)

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

Christian Theology: An Introduction 3rd Edition

The book of Meister Eckhart I wanted was on back order, so I skipped it for now.

Haha--not much 'light' reading there.
I just found out one of my classes was cancelled for the upcoming semester (Poor Yuri has a poor track record when it comes to classes being held in the Ethnic Studies department.) :mad:

What really aggravates me is that a) there is still a month until school starts, b) I didn't find out that it was cancelled until I checked on the electronic schedule and c) it was cancelled last week! I guess it was cancelled due to "lack of interest" but there are four other classes in the same part of the department that have fewer enrolled, yet haven't been cancelled
(one is on latina life in the US, one is on Hmong art and culture in the US one is on Scottish music and the other is on rap music and how it defines the African-American experience!) Okay, latina life, perhaps, but the other three...:mad:<flying finger>

Sorry about the rant. *the :kitty: delegation runs away from Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine right into the gentling hands/arms of the rest of the board, each furry member trembling with fear*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
I just found out one of my classes was cancelled for the upcoming semester (Poor Yuri has a poor track record when it comes to classes being held in the Ethnic Studies department.) :mad:

What really aggravates me is that a) there is still a month until school starts, b) I didn't find out that it was cancelled until I checked on the electronic schedule and c) it was cancelled last week! I guess it was cancelled due to "lack of interest" but there are four other classes in the same part of the department that have fewer enrolled, yet haven't been cancelled
(one is on latina life in the US, one is on Hmong art and culture in the US one is on Scottish music and the other is on rap music and how it defines the African-American experience!) Okay, latina life, perhaps, but the other three...:mad:<flying finger>

Sorry about the rant. *the :kitty: delegation runs away from Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine right into the gentling hands/arms of the rest of the board, each furry member trembling with fear*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Oooh, what a burn. Reminds me of when my husband travels and he'll be in some far-off city, get to the airport and find out that his flight has been cancelled for no apparent reason. What's crazy it that the airlines make no provisions for the people who have already booked the flights; it's just 'yup, sorry, good luck with that.' :( Thank goodness that has never happened to me while I'm travelling alone with my two little ones. What a headache.