What's new with you?

Hi, Peace--

Hey, Phyllis--I know it might not fit in with your degree plan as well, but I don't think I could resist the Scottish music class.:)

lunamoth said:
Well, I place my big vacation is coming Amazon book order. Here is what I ordered:

Celtic Journeys: A Traveler's Guide to Ireland's Spiritual Legacy (thank you Jamarz!)

The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart

I Know This Much Is True (Oprah's Book Club) (Thank you AdD!)

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

Christian Theology: An Introduction 3rd Edition

The book of Meister Eckhart I wanted was on back order, so I skipped it for now.

Haha--not much 'light' reading there.

Wow Luna, sounds like the books I would take on a vacation. :D When do you leave again? Ahhh, just thinking about Ireland makes me happy. I don't know if you can tolerate fragrances(perfume) but I bought a bottle of Inis while there. It smells very light and refreshing like an ocean breeze.

I found out that certain Irish/Celtic shops over in Old Colorado City and Manitou Springs, due west from Colorado Springs, stock it. WoooHoo. Everytime I spray some on me, my spirit returns to Ireland. Amazing how much the power of smell can awaken such powerful memories.

I have been busy doing some research on the History of Hizbollah as I must admit, I forgot all about the Israeli occupation of South Lebanon that started in the late 70's early 80' until 2000. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have both Muslim and Jewish friends and this whole War between Israel and Hizbollah, has really been hard for all of us. Both sides are so partisan when it comes to at least trying to understand the other. I am very very sad and have been crying tears for the deaths of so many women and children and praying nonstop for peace. Sorry to be such a downer but this is such a burden on my heart.

To all the rest of my new friends here, I wish to you the peace that passes all understanding. Blessings, Shalom,and Salaam
Jamarz said:
I found out that certain Irish/Celtic shops over in Old Colorado City and Manitou Springs, due west from Colorado Springs, stock it. WoooHoo. Everytime I spray some on me, my spirit returns to Ireland. Amazing how much the power of smell can awaken such powerful memories.


There's been lots of research done on this area of brain function over the years, and it does seem that the sense most intimately connected with human ( and other animal) memory functions is the sense of smell. Very ancient synapses involved in this stuff. The use of incense in orthodox religious services is demonstrative of the sacred power of these connections.

earl said:
We're expecting our 2nd grandkid too-no premonitory dreams for me re that tho did have 1 that "his" name will be Nathan:p Time will tell if that's right. Jamarz-hope you're well on the medn. I wouldn't worry re dueling brains around here-at least in my case, not only isn't that my preferred mode, but if I attempted it only party I'd injure would be myself-when I shoot my mouth off typically just shoot myself in the metaphorical foot so to speak.;) this place for me is primarily for comraderie & enjoyment of a sorts. Make it what you want. take care, earl
Found out it's a boy for sure & they're leaning toward Ethan for his name. ;) Checkin' in from the road, earl
Just saw this thread! Figured I'd pipe in!

I love those 99 cent splits! Ha, I get them all the time! Never been a big coffee fan but I love teas!

My younger brother just had his first baby. He beat me to the punch...if only I could find the right woman. You can see his baby pics at this site:


Just click on the Lil pecker link. :p (dont worry...no naked baby pics ;))
Another class might've been cancelled (it's still listed as active even though I received notification that it was cancelled. :rolleyes: :mad:) Classes start next week, so I'm reasonably frustrated with the department.

On a different note: I BEAT FFIV! *gloats* Neither of the people who gave me the game have done so, and I'm much newer at computer games than they are (I am going to "rub" Tyler's nose in this. :D) The moment I beat the "end boss", I did the :kitty:. I'm still on cloud nine with this.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Congratz on your recent victory, Phyllis. I went to a "Halyard":) family reunion a couple of weeks ago in Austin. A little girl there was wearing a T-shirt that made me think of you. It had a picture of Sylvester (sp?) and Tweety--Tweety was sitting on top of the world pulling Sylvester up to safety. The caption read: "Save the world, one kitty at a time." Nearly made me cry!

So, what's new with my 12-year-old grandson, you ask? He is learning to play the flute. His sweet mother insists that he is the next Ian Anderson:). Apparently, he is convinced of this as well, because he told me, "Listen to this, Grammy--I can play like Jethro Tull!":D

InLove said:
Congratz on your recent victory, Phyllis. I went to a "Halyard":) family reunion a couple of weeks ago in Austin. A little girl there was wearing a T-shirt that made me think of you. It had a picture of Sylvester (sp?) and Tweety--Tweety was sitting on top of the world pulling Sylvester up to safety. The caption read: "Save the world, one kitty at a time." Nearly made me cry!


I gotta get me one of those shirts... *a number of :kitty:s meow in agreement*

I have been bringing treats to my evening class (the first one was a German chocolate cheesecake, the next week was honeycake, last Thursday was homemade chocolate chip cookies, currently thinking about what to bring next Thursday besides the stuff I'll be sharing with Yuri for a late lunch/early dinner [that will be either macaroni and cheese with ground veggiebeef, an "Italian" skillet {using fake Italian sausage} or a "Southwestern" skillet {using the ground veggiebeef, a can of diced tomatoes w/ chipotles and pasta or rice}].) I'm going to have to get some decent apples for an apple pie experiment using 7-year-old Cheddar cheese.

I just heard that the :kitty: with cancer recently went over the Rainbow Bridge, leaving behind a sister and an unrelated male (her staff pretty much raised the sisters since they were 3 weeks old.) She was 12 years old. At least she isn't suffering anymore. :(

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I can see that little kitty now with my heart. What a beautiful kitty universe there is over that rainbow bridge. I am sure of this.


Thank you for the wonderful gift of this link. Few things can bring tears to the eyes of this grizzled guy who keeps banging his head against brick walls, but this did. Lots of warm memories of my long lost friends came flooding back to me as I watched it. I can't wait to be with them again.

Oh, and Jimmy Hendrix had a killer album in the late sixties or early seventies of the same name. Loved that too, especially All Along the Watchtower.

Today I collected the ashes, beloved cat Tom, returned to star dust.

Yet now already a hundred thousand and more new to be born, shall regenerate the love and life. Already here, this heaven, this earth.

This moment, a hundred thousand kitten moments of love, life and laughter.

This appraisal of heaven on earth, love given and recieved.

- c -
Dear Ciel--

Tom lives on the winds of Love that blow in your heart and all around. I am glad that you see him.

All my love, as always....


Tom is on the other side of the rainbow bridge having a great time with the five kitties that I came to know and love in my life. Look at it this way, every time that you and I breath in and out now, we're taking some of Tom's essence into our beings.

In Love and Flow, thankyou.There's love in your responses.

When there is so much love waiting to be released in this world, how could I not double the love from the local animal charity who rehome cats and kittens. And if any kittens would be sons of Tom, these are.

Welcome to the new world Rumi the dervish miow poet and dancer, and Oshi, being of bliss.

love - c -
*several of the IF :kitty:s gently nudge Ciel's mouse, then click on the link to The Rainbow Bridge, mewling Tom's :kitty: name.

*after a decent span of :kitty: mourning, the entire delegation head right for Rumi and Oshi, quietly asking them their :kitty: names before "officially" welcoming them into the :kitty: delegation amidst "traditional" welcomes and catnip gifts*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Do I detect something in your words of " a decent span of mourning"

It has been almost a month since Tom's passing and many months since his fate was delivered. This summer he lived all the summers of the rest of his life, each day I lived between hope and non hope. Each day I was gratefull to hold the life of the greatest cat companion I had ever known, and there have been many. By the time of passing, he was no longer Tom, only a shadow. And still I loved. I gave him all possible life as he knew life to be in freedom of being. Mourning is not a bestower of freedom. I see no after life except in abstract form.No sentimentality of rainbow bridges and meeting again.

If I can give life to the living in this world, then this be my reason for being.

If I can manifest love through loving and giving, joy and happiness, then I know this life does not live in vain.

And I live in hope others may understand and the "god" of suffering laid to rest. And ask would you mourn suffering's passing? Do we need to pay homage to sadness that would take the life, out of the living?

Love, light and peace.

- c -
Dear Phyllis,

Feeling this feeling...........

I would not wish to appear harsh in sentiment for I know you are a kind soul and well meaning. And I would not wish to disreguard any other's rainbow bridge if it offers love and hope into their lives.

love - c -