What's new with you?

Hi Y'all--

I read back a few posts. Enjoying all the conversation, avatar art, and travel talk. I love this place.

Well, I guess I'm gonna tell it soon enough, so now is as good a time as any, I hope--

We said goodbye for a while, and only in part, to my sweet, beautiful mother this past week. She has a beautiful, loving and artistic spirit that will continue to inspire and comfort me, my dad, and all our family and friends and maybe the whole world, in time (she was a painter and a poet).

Y'all don't hesitate--go tell the ones you love that you love them. Find the ones who have loved and cared for you, and give thanks to them. I am so glad that my mother knew how much I loved and appreciated her. But even if someone doesn't know before they "leave" this existance, they know after they pass. I am certain of it.

This marks the start of a different kind of everyday routine for me. Who knows? I think Mom will be right there, somehow, sending love and guidance.

Hi InLove,

Good words, thank you.

We are all together, always.

Peace and love,

Hi Y'all--

I read back a few posts. Enjoying all the conversation, avatar art, and travel talk. I love this place.

Well, I guess I'm gonna tell it soon enough, so now is as good a time as any, I hope--

We said goodbye for a while, and only in part, to my sweet, beautiful mother this past week. She has a beautiful, loving and artistic spirit that will continue to inspire and comfort me, my dad, and all our family and friends and maybe the whole world, in time (she was a painter and a poet).

Y'all don't hesitate--go tell the ones you love that you love them. Find the ones who have loved and cared for you, and give thanks to them. I am so glad that my mother knew how much I loved and appreciated her. But even if someone doesn't know before they "leave" this existance, they know after they pass. I am certain of it.

This marks the start of a different kind of everyday routine for me. Who knows? I think Mom will be right there, somehow, sending love and guidance.


I'm so sorry to hear this InLove. What a beautiful testimony to her life and love you've written. Indeed, we will all be together on the other side of the veil.


I send my love and thoughts to you and yours. Just breath in and then out. You are breathing the same substance that your mother breathed her life into.

I used to have a skin head :p but I am now growing my hair... I have been growing a top knot... There is no way I would remove my top knot.... *shakes head* ugh uh ain't happening.

You meant the dustball.... didn't you? HEY MANG! Like leave th e dustball alone he's just relaxing and watching carrrpet.
Thanks for the encouraging words, guys.

Thanks, Ciel--I always feel your love. You are that kind of person. And thanks, my dear luna, sweet flow, and Snoopy (who I haven't known that long, but who brightens this place so much).

My condolences to you and yours, InLove (I would've expressed them earlier, but I've been "entertaining" someone else's "manager" this weekend. :eek:) The CR/IF :kitty: delegation sends its condolences, too.

Speaking of my guest, I found out who her "staffperson" is: the manager of my apartment complex, not the lady down the hall (although she has a calico "manager", too.) The :kitty: is back in her territory, with proper food and sandbox (not scrambled egg and whatever she can use.) I'm thinking of talking with the human manager and suggesting that she train the calico to respond to a "safe" word or whistle.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Hey, Phyll! Thanks for the sentiments. I'm glad your guest made it back home safely. Reunions can be a great thing. I was thinking...(uh-oh)...about my Mom's guest who came to stay with her for about 23 years! I can't help but wonder, wherever they are in the Light, they are somehow having a wonderful experience together. I know, I know...all the different responses there could be to that statement, but I still think so.

By the way, our "safe word" here at the house is a noisy bag of kitty's fave crunchies, along with saying her name just right. (But then, she doesn't like scrambled eggs.) :)

(cute new av, too)

Anyway--back to the topknot issue! (I interrupted, but I know you guys will forgive under the circumstances.)

I have a question--does one grow a topknot as a topknot? I mean, does one take down the topknot and brush it out and shampoo and put it back up? (I should know this one, as I was a hairstylist for many years, but then I know that with dreadlocks, one simply shampoos the dreads as they grow.) Just wondering....(and really just trying to get the conversation back on track again).:D

We said goodbye for a while, and only in part, to my sweet, beautiful mother this past week. She has a beautiful, loving and artistic spirit that will continue to inspire and comfort me, my dad, and all our family and friends and maybe the whole world, in time (she was a painter and a poet).

I appologise didn't see this...

Sorry for your loss, must be quite hard at this time. But as you say the good times and excellent loving and skillful traits of your mother are the memories you should hold upon. And indeed they will bring inspiration, love, comfort and a smile.. My sympathy to you and your family....

Hey 17--no problem, and nothing to apologize for. Thank you for your kind words. (And, anyway, your posts about the topknot and such brought a smile at a difficult time.) :)

I like the barter system--most satisfaction smile per smile. :)


Also.. You's from texas... what is the name of the song that goes something like... The stars at night, are big and bright! [clap clap clap clap clap clap clap] Deep in the heart of Texas!!!! I need to get that on mp3 ;\
Deep in the Heart of Texas

(lyrics and a generic-type, not-very-exciting instrumental--but I'll bet there are better ones out there.)

And remember...the eyes of Texas are upon you (or have I been working on the railroad too long?)

InLove (a.k.a. "Dale")
Hi Y'all--

I read back a few posts. Enjoying all the conversation, avatar art, and travel talk. I love this place.

Well, I guess I'm gonna tell it soon enough, so now is as good a time as any, I hope--

We said goodbye for a while, and only in part, to my sweet, beautiful mother this past week. She has a beautiful, loving and artistic spirit that will continue to inspire and comfort me, my dad, and all our family and friends and maybe the whole world, in time (she was a painter and a poet).

Y'all don't hesitate--go tell the ones you love that you love them. Find the ones who have loved and cared for you, and give thanks to them. I am so glad that my mother knew how much I loved and appreciated her. But even if someone doesn't know before they "leave" this existance, they know after they pass. I am certain of it.

This marks the start of a different kind of everyday routine for me. Who knows? I think Mom will be right there, somehow, sending love and guidance.


Nowhere is a beautiful spirit more lovely than in saying goodbye to those they love.

You have one of the most beautiful spirits I have had the pleasure of meeting, InLove!