-Issawi's Law of Aggression:
At any given moment, a society contains a certain amount of accumulated and accruing aggressiveness. If more than 21 years elapse without this aggressiveness being directed outward, in a popular war against other countries, it turns inward, in social unrest, civil disturbances, and political disruption.
-Issawi's Law of Dogmatism:
When we call others dogmatic, what we really object to is their holding dogmas that are different from our own.
-Issawi's Laws of Progress:
1. The Course of Progress: Most things get steadily worse.
2. The Path of Progress: A shortcut is the longest distance between two points.
3. The Dialectics of Progress: Direct action produces direct reaction.
4. The Pace of Progress: Society is a mule, not a car... If pressed too hard, it will kick and throw off its rider.