Jesus vs Everyone else

Oh, jesus is god? *looks in the bible* "No man, has ever seen god." Hmmm your sure?

Yep very sure.:)

Philippians 2 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

So yes people saw Jesus and saw an embodiment of God as Jesus dwelt here in a fleshly form.
Yep very sure.:)

Philippians 2 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

So yes people saw Jesus and saw an embodiment of God as Jesus dwelt here in a fleshly form.
Jesus certainly humbled himself , he was obedient right to the end. yes he was obedient to his father Jehovah God.
His obedient course on earth also qualified him to be King.
(John 10:17) This is why the Father loves me, because I surrender my soul, in order that I may receive it again.
(Hebrews 5:8) Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered;yes Gods son was obedient right to the end .he came down from heaven to do his fathers will .what an obedient son he was.
Let, not my will, but yours take place." (Luke 22:41, 42) Yes, he wanted God’s will to be done, not his own. And he went ahead and did what God wanted rather than what he thought would be best.
Oh, jesus is god? *looks in the bible* "No man, has ever seen god." Hmmm your sure?

Yes, see while as a man before the resurrection, Jesus gave up His divinity to embrace humanity. Since the divinity of Jesus was put aside, witnesses did not see the full measure of God. After His ressurection Jesus had to put on His divinity, and what was the first warning He gave His friends? “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father. Go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” Mary Magdalene came and informed the disciples, “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them what Jesus had said to her. Jesus’ Appearance to the Disciples (Jn. 20:11-18 NET).

After the meeting with Mary, Jesus left for awhile then appeared at least ten times to people, at one time to more than 500. He ate with and stayed with them, and let them touch Him to prove He was not a ghost. Yet His face shone as the sun. It radiated to all who saw Him. He walked with people and they knew Him not, until He spoke a word, then He was recognized. He appeared behind locked and bolted doors, and disappeared as quickly.


See that is what I dislike about the bible... It clearly says NO ONE has EVER seen god... Yet people can twist that and form a large following behind it... There is so much of this bible that is twisted to suite human dogmatic groups to follow. How can one take this book seriously as more than just a simple book when it's wording is loose and can be molded to the way someone wants. But, not just that even things in this book I can't see how you can truly twist seem to be twisted....
because we have not been resurrected or raptured yet, we have not seen god in his glorified state (his true self) yet. there are those that have spiritually seen visions or have spoken to manifestations of god, but we have not been eternally changed to dwell in the presence of god as holy and righteous beings yet.
See that is what I dislike about the bible... It clearly says NO ONE has EVER seen god... Yet people can twist that and form a large following behind it... There is so much of this bible that is twisted to suite human dogmatic groups to follow. How can one take this book seriously as more than just a simple book when it's wording is loose and can be molded to the way someone wants. But, not just that even things in this book I can't see how you can truly twist seem to be twisted....

No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.

And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His form.

Not that anyone has seen the Father, except He who is from God; He has seen the Father.

Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?

And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world.
See that is what I dislike about the bible... It clearly says NO ONE has EVER seen god... Yet people can twist that and form a large following behind it... There is so much of this bible that is twisted to suite human dogmatic groups to follow. How can one take this book seriously as more than just a simple book when it's wording is loose and can be molded to the way someone wants. But, not just that even things in this book I can't see how you can truly twist seem to be twisted....

Hey, 17th Angel. Please don't judge.

The conspiracy theories are getting to you. I think people should be allowed to speculate on what the contents of the Bible is trying to convey. There is no Answers Manual anyway so we are all free to come up with different theories on the purpose of the Bible.

Let's not be cynical.:confused:

Is the meaning of the Bible subjective? Fair enough. The Bible, then, is a book of beliefs. What you are reading are the beliefs of people who lived at least two thousand years before us. Do the contents represent facts?

The Bible conveys experiences of God that people had two thousand or so years ago. While there are millions of different theories and stories on the origin of life, what you get in the Bible is a particular story. That story is accompanied by a particular flavour of meaning.

My impression about the purpose of Christianity is that it is about a personal relationship with God. Christianity is personal. That theory, to me, feels right. I could probably pluck a multitude of verses out of the Bible to support that view. Different people may have slightly different views. The point is, though, we are all speculating on the purpose of Christianity. It's just that we often have the narrow-minded view that our beliefs and our approach to Christianity applies to every other Christian. But hey -- don't we come from different walks of life?

Should we insist on one interpretation? Should everybody follow the same rules?

Why should we? Do we all have the same interpretation when we read a novel? Shakespeare? The Virgil? other literature? When a writer writes novels, he doesn't necessarily have the intention of stamping solid truths into the book. Novels are usually written to provoke feelings, emotions and sensations. I believe the Bible serves exactly the same purpose.

The Bible was written to provoke us into rediscovering a relationship that people who lived in the past shared with God. The solid truths are not that important. What matters is the meaning of the story that was written. Stories don't always contain solid truths. That's because some things are irrelevant or vague. Same with the Bible. Different people will see different things as important in their relationship with God. God made them that way.

The reason why we have different interpretations is because we are provoked to recognise different things as important. God made us that way. Some of the things in the Bible are more relevant to us than others. To everyone else it's vague and irrelevant. But to us it's important.

Every story is like that, and when God created the human mind He didn't make it capture everything verbatim. It would be nice to have a photographic memory -- to be a cassette recorder. But the good news is that we aren't cameras and cassette recorders!!!! Our minds were designed to capture bits and pieces not whole puzzles. If we can appreciate small fragments of the universe we can appreciate larger chunks of it. We were designed to capture moments one at a time. Bit by bit. Second by second. Each breath, each eye-blink, one thought at a time. Step by step.

It's like this -- each of us is a small chunk of what God created, and each of us was designed for the purpose of appreciating a small chunk of what God created.

I don't see differing "interpretations" as a problem. It's just our minds filtering out irrelevant detail and focusing on what's important in our relationship with God.

What we decide as important and correct (our beliefs) is personal. So let's not judge. I would say that even if you're not Christian and skeptical of Christianity. I can understand if you are. We must seem like a bunch of weirdos. Welcome to the club . . .:D

God gave us minds that could think in the abstract. Christianity may be vague and abstract but that isn't a problem. It's supposed to be like that since Christianity is something personal.

How can any of us claim that we know Christianity? Christianity cannot be known. It's experienced. It's explored. It has been speculative from the very beginning. It beckons us to explore its meaning -- so it's your call.
See that is what I dislike about the bible... It clearly says NO ONE has EVER seen god... Yet people can twist that and form a large following behind it... There is so much of this bible that is twisted to suite human dogmatic groups to follow. How can one take this book seriously as more than just a simple book when it's wording is loose and can be molded to the way someone wants. But, not just that even things in this book I can't see how you can truly twist seem to be twisted....

Up to that point, no one had seen God, or any simile of Him...but Jesus made it clear we were seeing a part of God with His presence.


I know I know! He was the only sinless man. He was concieved of the Spirit.. He performed miracles... He resurrected the dead.. He died and resurrected Himself... :)

Oh yeah.. .Hes not just a religious figure.. He's God.

"Is the Divine Manifestation, God? Yes, and yet not in Essence. A Divine Manifestation is as a mirror reflecting the light of the Sun. The light is the same and yet the mirror is not the Sun. All the Manifestations of God bring the same Light; they only differ in degree, not in reality. The Truth is one. The light is the same though the lamps may be different; we must look at the Light not at the Lamp. If we accept the Light in one, we must accept the Light in all; all agree, because all are the same."
because we have not been resurrected or raptured yet, we have not seen god in his glorified state (his true self) yet. there are those that have spiritually seen visions or have spoken to manifestations of god, but we have not been eternally changed to dwell in the presence of god as holy and righteous beings yet.

Not in a literal sense anyway. :rolleyes: