Quahom1 said:
Actually the truth is better than fiction. BTW you are attacking...not like you Taij.
I am attacking nothing, Q. I am pointing out the irony that
what was Ancient, even in Christ's day gets labeled
`New Age.' Did not Christ come to fulfil
Ancient Prophecies?
If so, then
whose Prophecies were these? Some bunch of dudes sittin' around with nothing better to do than
make up stories? I guess the
"foretold in the Heavens" bit is just 20/20 hindsight, isn't it. And those funny
magi people, what with all the traveling from afar -
they read about Christ's birth in the local gazette.
That they
did have a source for their Wisdom, that this had, and still has,
everything to do with both astronomy (a science) and astrology (equally a science, though this is debatable), and that Christianity 2100 years ago looked
a whole lot different than Christianity today - this is part of my point. Yet I would come back to the fact that
this stuff was Ancient, long before Christ showed up on the scene.
If I am
picking a bone here, it is because there are folks who
thrive on making others feel unwelcome. The sign out front says,
"Ya'll come on in." The fine print says,
"Check your own ideas, understanding, and in fact, anything that we don't agree with, AT THE DOOR."
If that weren't so, then why is ANYthing I say "twisting," while I get NO refutation of my quoting
Luke 22:10.
Indeed, Dor,
et al, why is it, that I can quote PLENTY of Scripture, give you
my interpretation, and
my understanding, yet I see
paltry reply by way of a counter argument, refutation, or in fact ANYTHING besides,
"No, that's not what it means."
Fine. If it doesn't have anything to do with
Aquarius, which has
always been symbolized by the
water-bearer, this dating back LONG before Christ's time, and such archetypal symbolism existing in
several other cultures ... then SHOW me.
I don't mind a debate. Discussion, too is, interesting. But when the fundies start a'thumpin', and have only
"twist twist twist" to say in response ... well! Yes, there is an attack going on,
but I'm on the receiving end. The attack being made is because the conservative choke-hold, the effort to
assert and/or
maintain a feeling of authority,
even superiority, is being questioned.
I QUESTION your interpretation. I question that of ANY person who claims to have absolute truth. If you assert this, then it doesn't matter that you may APPEAL to the Bible, or to Papal Dictate, as your basis. You have stated something
that IS, by its very assertion - UP FOR DEBATE.
Now ... if THIS is not the forum suitable for debating, or discussing, the notion that "Christianity, Christians,
the Church, or
A Church, is in possession of
the absolute truth," then my humble and sincerest apologies for
ruffling your feathers. Please kindly direct me to the forum, discussion board, or online community where
people do NOT feel - that they are in possession of the absolute truth, relative to Christianity and Christ's message ... and I will
see if we can get any
"action" there.
Notice that if we just go round and round and round in circles, the
action can indeed continue ... but we don't really
get anywhere, do we?
If anything, I have chosen to expand this post - and say a few more words than I have intended - because I hope it will help ILLUSTRATE that yes, things are still a bit amiss at CR, when it comes to ... man, I don't know what.
Organization? Pehaps. But doesn't it come right back down to - Careful where you step, chips and eggshells are scattered around - and BROTHER watch out!
Tulips, on tiptoe here - DON'T PISS OFF the conservative Christans.
I bite my tongue ... as verily,
I am in the lion's den. Last time I checked around here,
THIS lion seems to be all outta gum.
What goes around, comes around. It's fun to play lion, isn't it. So much easier than being torn to shreds.
You know, ASLAN comes to mind. I hear his roar, but I also know how soft is His paw.
Christ said,
"I bring not peace, but a sword." If we understand this, can we not see that the sword cleaves truth from illusion?
You say you understand? Ah. I say the same. Will we meet in the middle?
I dunno. Sometimes I'm not sure people are
meant to agree. And in a way, that's the rest of my point.
`Discussion welcome, unless you wish to contend the status quo.' Consider the famous poem of Pastor
Martin Niemöller:When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
You can keep shoving everything that
"doesn't fit" over onto the
Liberal Xianity board, the
Esoteric Xianity board, and eventually, you can insist that
"this is not Christianity at all." And you will simply spend more, and more time, trying to
define what this
thing is - which really amounts to lines, drawn in the sand ...
I have drawn these lines before. Once, they looked like this:
If, these days, they look like this ...
... then it is because our planet has been turning, our world has been progressing, and because Christ's Indications to us have all come to pass.
I do seek,
to enter into the House. Twelve Gates to the Father's House ...
and that is
SCIENCE. It is not up for debate. We may discuss the meaning, and look at how far back Humanity understood this in antiquity. But we
cannot deny that this was known, in Christ's day, or that He taught it. To do so, is like debating
heliocentrism. Or did we
invent that theory since Galileo?
One day, the
lines we draw in the sand may look like this:
Keeping the peace is one thing. I believe in that - or in
helping to establish a peace, where formerly there was none. But sometimes, a thing needs to be said. MANY things ... may need to be said. And if a few feathers are ruffled in the process, then it will be a learning experience, and growth will become possible.
A growth, I must point out,
which is not likely, if we never consider new ideas, or even different interpretations of familiar ideas.
If I want to talk about chakras, I'll take it to esoteric, new age, magicK, or comparative. Details about esoteric Buddhism ... likewise, can be discussed on various board, and often will have no relevance here.
To offer a commentary on Luke 22:10, and to point out the recurring astrological-astronomical motif of the
Aquarian water-bearer, along with the
ICHTHYS-Pisces fishes, the
`Promised Lamb' (ram) of Aries and the
`golden calf' of Taurus ... deserves either refutation, or -
if nothing else - then either disagreement, or silence.
To hear,
"twist twist twist," and then be accused of
Methinks you have confused quoting Scripture with flying a plane into a building ... while Dor is apparently practicing the fine art of
bartending, and working to get the
lemon trick down pat.
That is all I can make of it ...
Love and Light,