Purchased Bewilderment
Hello Mark:
I was moved by what you had to say and can only wholeheartedly agree with the path that you have decided upon. Since I've been stumbling along a similar path for the better part of the last twenty years, I would urge you to continue to seek. There are answers and there is harmony in Christianity, but I have always been surprised by them when I have happened upon them. Disciplines and enforcements are never the gateways to hidden understandings, but the offering up of the self to the altar of spiritual understanding is. There is only one in the end.
I am reminded of a blessing used quite often by a pastor of mine during some very difficult times in my life.
"G-d go with you. May He walk where you walk, comfort you when you hurt, guide you when you must make choices...and surprise you with His love for you, who you are, and what you do."
Thank you my friend, your advice is well met, and your intent is most loving.