Pray tell, which other of these "Christs" descended to hell, preached to those in chains and loosed them, arose from the dead on the third day and by His resurrection assured those who believe in Him that the promises of abiding in heaven were valid? I don't remember any of these other Christs doing anything remotely like this...
That's the thing about memory. It can only function, if it has
seen before. Perhaps you haven't seen or read about the archetypes of all traditions, upon which Christianity, like the others, is based. China Cat has. Earl has. I think wil has, and I certainly have. Start with Mithraism, maybe check out Wikipedia. Also consult an article or two on Gnosticism - at least for the main themes, and not so much the nitty gritty. Without a doubt, it's in the details that we find divergence. But as for the general themes, which is what you're asking about, you will find a common thread.
So to answer your question: ALL of them.
[For certain, in a comparative context, this could be a really neat discussion. It could focus on how the differences of religion and practice, seem to best suit the people of different climes and times, and how this is surely evidence of something more than randomness at work ... or simply Humanity's creative attempt to find meaning and give purpose to life. We can see the big picture, and make this a topic worth discussing, on some thread or another. If the focus on God's omnipresence and universality does not appeal, then perhaps an exploration of God's diversity and specificity will! At the end of the day, might even ask, aren't these complementary?]
juantoo3 said:
Ceylon... India... how many martial arts were / are developed under the auspices of Buddhism? Buddhism is not immune, as I often hear.
Nope. That's why I said "overwhelmingly peaceful" - and not absolutely so. Indeed, no one's perfect.
juantoo3 said:
I would also caution, that to "incorporat(e) other philosophies and ideologies into their rubric" randomly would be to risk diluting the underlying message.
To be certain,
randomly doing this
would present dangers. It's not done that way though, fortunately.
juantoo3 said:
But of course, you were there and walked with the man. He spoke to you and clued you in on the deepest secrets of the faith before they were even committed to writing...
Who's to say.
juantoo3 said:
The "inventions" you speak of, were "invented" by persons a lot closer to the source than you. I suppose you are one to get your financial advice from your hair, I'll get my financial advice from a financial advisor. Likewise, I think I'll get my spiritual clues a little closer to the source.
Now now, there's no need to be rude. And again, you're making assumptions (humorous, saracastic jabs aside). You know otherwise?
juantoo3 said:
Funny, it seemed to me the attitude in general from universalists, and reflected in your posts, is that heaven is reserved for the chosen few...universalists.
THANK YOU, juantoo3 ... *finally* something definite and easy enough to address!!! lol
No, this is certainly NOT what I want to suggest, since it is not what I believe. And I have NEVER heard this from anyone who was interested in the mysticial, esoteric, Gnostic, New Age, syncretic, or Universalist teachings. What I hear, and believe, is that Heaven is not only a *state of mind*, or level of consciousness, but that it is also large enough to include the believers - and faithful - of every tradition. Simon and Garfunkel seem to give this a nod in one of the popular songs of the day: Mrs. Robinson. Perhaps you've heard it?
juantoo3 said:
If G-d plays favorites, I am inclined to think He favors those who gravitate towards Him, those who deliberately seek Him...regardless of legitimate path.
So far so good.
juantoo3 said:
And whether you wish to continue to impose an incorrect bias on my words, allow me to spell out specifically what religions (*plural!!!*) are legitimate:
You may so presume if you like, but that is all you do along these lines.
juantoo3 said:
I am not G-d nor do I speak for Him
To be certain, and the point could be pondered for a lifetime. And yet, every day, millions do not recognize it, and things just get worse from there. That's, EGO for ya - or arrogance, in the extreme.
juantoo3 said:
human inventions for the elevation and promotion of humans, are those that fall short and therefore are illegitimate.
I disagree! Humanism has so many positive features and benefits that in the face of
no religion at all, pure atheism or materialism, I'd take Humanism ANY day. Add a healthy dose of Spirituality to this philosophy (which many Humanists as a practice already do, and intuitively so) ... and you have yourself a perfectly viable "religion," in every sense of the word. Of course, as you yourself point out, none of us has the Divine Authority to rubber-stamp such a description as *God-Approved*.
That's why we must simply test out such notions, try them in the crucible of the Heart and of daily practice, and see if they bear fruit. If so, then we have our answer, we have the approval and backing we seek. But yes, if we wait around for something to come along and chisel them into a stone tablet again ... then man, I think that beard's gonna get pretty long.
juantoo3 said:
This would especially include those attempts by humans to condense the G-d given variety into some bland mush that is not suitable for consumption, stamp their seal of approval on it with a condescending attitude towards any who dare oppose their "intellectually" derived pseudo-religiousity, and lie in wait for political authority to pounce at the opportunity to compel all to their point of view.
Here goes the railing again, the grinding of the axe. I hear a lot of complaining, and certainly a very general jab at something-or-another, but precious few specifics, or presentations of a more positive, enlightened understanding.
Also, when you mention the whole political authority thing, are you perhaps referring to George Bush's deplorable tactic of using the Christian Convervatives a tool for his own (Party's) political agendas, and the obvious sell-out of every last shred of possible alliance with them along the lines of the `Values' we hear preached so publicly ... yet all the while this talk about `Faith-based-initiatives' and the wrangling and haranguing over things like *Prayer in schools* and the public display of the Mosaic Code in public places? Please specify which of these is driving you nuts, or is it the whole mish-mash of disgusting, hypocritical, under-handedness?
juantoo3 said:
How quaint, an appeal to the heart, after such an intellectual offering. Give 'em the hard sell, then appeal to their emotions. Behavioral psyche at its most subtle...
Gotta luv 'em, juan, gotta luv 'em...
Even if it kills you, or at least, is convenient at the moment. Or at least, so long as ego doesn't get in the way. Yeah, God will Christians, or Catholics (as one member insists) out of us all, whether we like it or not, and whether we want it or not - or perhaps, even if HE has to drag us kicking and screaming. I guess this is what matters, yes?
"My words," you will point out? Sarcastically so, yes they are.