A Corollary of Christian God

But... We are not married? So loose lifestyles are acceptable? So the righteous can go bang a prostitute?

Remember the movie "Cocoon"? The essense of the two "spirits" enjoyed each other's company without corporial bodies coming into play. I don't think we could do that today (too much bagage and off kilter thinking, that even the individual may not be aware they have).

But I do remember something about relationships in heaven that are "satisfactory", and pleasant...now I have to search for it. Had to do with a question being asked about marriage in heaven and the response Jesus gives...


Frances King.

Hello, and welcome to the CR forums.

May I ask what religious affliation you hail from. I'm rather confused by your restatement of my original post.




Don't bite on this one. I just realized what the poster did, I'm sorry for that...we'll keep a look out.


I'm not sure what there is to gain from trying to assimilate the experience of heaven into a worldly context.

As Dondi wrote "I believe that what ever physical sensations we experience now will be magnified greatly beyond our ability to comprehend with the limitations of the bodies we have now". It might even go further than this to a point where the very notion of "physical experience" will no longer apply.

The same kind of thing could be said about our relationships. The very idea of "friendship" only makes sense in an existence where there are people with whom we are not friends (not necessarily enemies, just not friends). In heaven, friendships, partners, whatever else, will no longer be relevant.

What will heaven be like? Who knows, but suffice it to say, it will be good.
sorry dondi, if by altering and rehashing ur post I offended u... as for my religious affiliation... would my editing be more acceptable if I was of the same inclination as yourself, or would it make it worse..? Yet, as you're feigning interest... I was brought up a catholic, but have chosen buddhism as my current vehicle, as its teachings suit me better, although I still have a fondness for christ, and am still in awe of the holy spirit I find most of the teachings of christianity to be contrary to common sense, especially notions such as "original sin", "the fall", etc, etc... hence my reworking of ur post...

...don't be too hard on me, though, 'cos I'm new round ere... and please, whatever u do, don't tell Jehovah!
yes you are right ,its not about proving Jah wrong its about proving satan wrong. Jahs way of doing things is always right, satan is the great deciever.the issue of universal sovereinty is what it is all about.

One thought... Just think about this for a second Mee.

You got jah and satan....

jah: "I'm right! satan is wrong!"
satan: "No... I'm right! jah is in the wrong..."

Why do you trust one over the other? Because one claims to have made everything? But what is satan says he made everything? What proof would you have jah made anything, because he says so? Could he not be the deciever?

They remind me of some really old couple....
sorry dondi, if by altering and rehashing ur post I offended u... as for my religious affiliation... would my editing be more acceptable if I was of the same inclination as yourself, or would it make it worse..? Yet, as you're feigning interest... I was brought up a catholic, but have chosen buddhism as my current vehicle, as its teachings suit me better, although I still have a fondness for christ, and am still in awe of the holy spirit I find most of the teachings of christianity to be contrary to common sense, especially notions such as "original sin", "the fall", etc, etc... hence my reworking of ur post...

...don't be too hard on me, though, 'cos I'm new round ere... and please, whatever u do, don't tell Jehovah!

I was generally interested. I was just trying to grasp where you are coming from. Seeing we're in the Christian forum, I would assume that your redefinitions of my post reflected your beliefs. Yet I could not readily identify the Christain influence you might have since it doesn't reflect any mainline, or even sideline, denominations that I am familiar with. It did seem rather flippant of you to start with God as "miserable, jealous, mean, and changable in that Nature" while Man is "Holy, Perfect, and Good". Quite a role reversal.

As for the unorthodox repost, I don't mind as long as it is accompanied with a clear explanation. I don't mind is you disagree with the OP. Afterall, the purpose of a forum is to discuss issues pertaining to religion, and, as the site suggests, comparasion with other beliefs. But do keep in mind, though, that this is a Christian forum and that there are certain rules pertaining to respect and taste in your responses. By that token, there are other forums here which one can discuss a greater diversity of thought, like Liberal Christianity, Belief and Spirituality, or Comparative Studies. If you should like to expand further on your ideas, you are free to start a new thread in one of these area.

I want you to enjoy yourself, Frances king. All I ask is that you be respectful and exercise good taste in forums where specific religions are being discussed.


One thought... Just think about this for a second Mee.

You got jah and satan....

jah: "I'm right! satan is wrong!"
satan: "No... I'm right! jah is in the wrong..."

Why do you trust one over the other? Because one claims to have made everything? But what is satan says he made everything? What proof would you have jah made anything, because he says so? Could he not be the deciever?

They remind me of some really old couple....
lets think about what Jehovahs name means (he causes to become) and then think about what the name satan and devil means
[Resister]. and (slanderer). satan was given that name for a reason .
thought satan meant, in hebrew- adversary
yes he sure is that,
he is an enemy that contends with or resists; an antagonist or opponent.
The most wicked Adversary, Satan the Devil, caused men and angels to join his opposition to God and man. Satan first showed his opposition in the garden of Eden, where, through cruel and underhanded action, he led Eve and then Adam into a course of rebellion that brought sin and death upon all mankind. In the courts of heaven Satan displayed his antagonism, charging Jehovah with bribing Job for his loyalty, a charge which became an issue of universal importance
Job 1:6-11; 2:1-5;
lets think about what Jehovahs name means (he causes to become) and then think about what the name satan and devil means
[Resister]. and (slanderer). satan was given that name for a reason .

What truly is in a name? What if I have a son and call him "god of all! Creator of jah!" Does that make it so? Of course it doesn't.... so who cares what his name is how does that proove he is the truth and not just a deciever?

Francis - indeed it means adversary and also means opposite.....
Kindest Regards, 17th!
What truly is in a name? What if I have a son and call him "god of all! Creator of jah!" Does that make it so? Of course it doesn't.... so who cares what his name is how does that proove he is the truth and not just a deciever?
Just buttin' in for a moment...

I wouldn't recommend naming a son any such thing. One may choose to believe, or not, the value in a name. But words have a power. I would not advise naming a child anything so impertinent, because I have seen such impertinence dealt with, harshly. Of course, the unbeliever would deny the corollary connection, at best believing coincidence. That "evil" had befallen "for no reason." Lack of vision to see and understand, does not mean the reason is not evident...

I could go on about the development of language and numbers, and the values associated with letters, and so on... but I sense the point would be lost. There is value, great value, in the name of G-d. Some say enough power in the name of G-d to destroy the universe. Belief notwithstanding.
i aslo heard that satan may be based on Set, the egyptian god, rather than being a being in his own right, and that satan, as such, did not exist... I wonder why an omnipotent god would have enemies? surely it woud be easier all round if god just got rid of them...? his enemies, I mean
i aslo heard that satan may be based on Set, the egyptian god, rather than being a being in his own right, and that satan, as such, did not exist... I wonder why an omnipotent god would have enemies? surely it woud be easier all round if god just got rid of them...? his enemies, I mean

My understanding of this is god will... but he doesn't really feel like it at the moment. Apparently wanting to give as many people a chance as possible.... And then on Judgement day satan will be eliminated after a 1000 years.... After one final release to attempt to take as many more people he can to destruction with himself.....

christians, would now say. (more informed christians that is.) It's gods choice who am I to say whats wrong whats right, what he should do what he shouldn't do.... but clearly if jah was real. Surley he would nip this in the bud now... Before more are killed and wasted in vain. Why allow such a being to loiter and decieve humans if you love them so much? What comes from that? Prooving satan wrong? If jah knows everything why does he need to proove a thing? And his followers obviously believe everything he says.... So he says "satan is a naughty boy and must go and sit in the naughty corner." Then the christians believe this to be so... SO do it? End the torment, death, sickness and so on.....
thanks for the clarification... what happenned to the scarey helmet? like ur scribble thing, though...

Your English..... You haven't seen the Sony PSP advert? Two mexican accented dustballs :D They are gooooood... Scary helmet? It looked more majestic and of beauty than of terror to me :p