Sorry to bardge in, but I kinda wanted to.
I think Jesus is suggesting that we not be double minded. We set our eyes on Gods truth, yet many of us stray...One eye, one foot, one arm in Gods truth, while our other members stray towards that which opposses Gods truth.
When we stray from his truth, or his Love, we experience the fires of hell, which I have come to view as a darkened heart where intollerance, fear, anger, bitterness, and hate breed. I don't see hell as being a literal lives inside us all.
Hell is the darkest side of our earthly existence and we experience it when we go against the Love of God. The Love of God is our Truth, our light, and our way to salvation. When we oppose Gods Love, we oppose God, and hell is the natural consequence.
Jesus can save only when one is willing to accept the Love of God, imo...
I'm one of those who pick and choose when it comes to the Bible. Why is the Bible viewed as bieng w/o error, anyway? Does it say it in the Bible, or is this something pushed by the leaders of the Churches?
Much Love,