wy do people think jesus was god


maybe all men are god Wishful thinking sort of along the Mormon line.

or maybe he was just enlightened and people that worte the bible didnt REALLY understand him Oh Im sure they understood him alot more than we do. People just want to make him fit their box. It is called 1st commandment.

i base it on experienceig life, philosophy, humanity, society and philosophy

there are also books that thik the bible is not accurate to what jesus said or did, but there is of course lots of controversy Of course people want to change everything to fit themself. If I write a book and say the clouds are green does not make it so.

even if jesus did say he was god He did.

maybe he was having an experience based around the psychology, myths, and influences of his time.
might want to read Mark 3 and Matthew 12 before making statements like the last one.:(
Hi Dondi –

Like this one, Thomas?


And here's another:
"And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy."
Mattherw 26:63-65

dont people change life experiences/perceptions to fit the bible box as well?

it wasnt thinking along mormon line that i know of. I think man created religion and its interpretation of god.
dont people change life experiences/perceptions to fit the bible box as well?

I think so, shadowman...God has attributed to him many things quite ugly, imo. The perceptions are changing among many of us, still many cling to the way God was presented in the OT. How can a God of Love be tainted by jealousy, as jealousy is created by fear, and if this is true, why would God need fear anything if he indeed exist? God doesn't change, shadowman, but our views of him do. As we progress on our spiritual paths, we begin to see the error in the way God was presented in the OT...Well, some of us anyway. :)

I think the Bible was meant to put some into a 'box', but for others who search for truth, they can be freed from the 'fear' of the ancients, imo....

it wasnt thinking along mormon line that i know of. I think man created religion and its interpretation of god.

Of course we did, but that doesn't mean that God does not exist, right? It only means that we have been attempting to know/understand him since the beginning. Jesus made great strides concerning the character of God, imo. I don't think Jesus was God, but I do think he was "one with God"...czech out 1 john. It's a very short book, but a marvelous description of what it means to know God. Jesus was a lovely man, and so were his deciples, man. :)

Much Love,
i agree, i dont know if god exists or not. but i doubt any humans are "right"
Right, or righteous? We can never know the full depth of God, but we can be righteous in our quest to understand him, yes?

Much Love,
The Bible lol not Dondi. :)
I realize that, it is in the bible twice, once in the Old, once in the Gospel...which one would you like me to read and comment on...I've read them both...and love the quote. Like others.... Be still and know that I am G-d, and paraphrased 'you'll go on to do better works than I...'
I realize that, it is in the bible twice, once in the Old, once in the Gospel...which one would you like me to read and comment on...I've read them both...and love the quote. Like others.... Be still and know that I am G-d, and paraphrased 'you'll go on to do better works than I...'
Ok wil read any of them in context and see what he is saying. Just try it once it isnt hard.
Ok wil read any of them in context and see what he is saying. Just try it once it isnt hard.
There are only two places my brother. Since you used a lower case 'h' I guess you aren't referrig to the quote attributed to Jesus.

Man wanting to be equal with God....boy thats real new. Wasnt that the first lie of Satan way back in the garden.:)
hmmm and I thought that was what G-d said to the other G-ds in the garden....they are now like us....

gotta run now, and I'll be reading tonight and hopefully responding after pthe planning meeting to Philmont...and after dancing (that sinful sport)
There are only two places my brother. Since you used a lower case 'h' I guess you aren't referrig to the quote attributed to Jesus.

hmmm and I thought that was what G-d said to the other G-ds in the garden....they are now like us....

gotta run now, and I'll be reading tonight and hopefully responding after pthe planning meeting to Philmont...and after dancing (that sinful sport)
Yes Psalms 82 and John 10:34 which you never read the whole context.

Ok so now there were multiple Gods in the Garden of Eden. No 1 God only.
See thats is what you call a twist Wil and it is not a good thing to do.

And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Says to know good and evil not be gods, but of course you know that good and well.
Man wanting to be equal with God....boy thats real new. Wasnt that the first lie of Satan way back in the garden.:)

no i think the egyptians thought of that before satan