wy do people think jesus was god

If we can agree at least to say that Jesus came from God, isn't this enough?

We can battle back and forth on whether or not we believe Jesus to be God. To be frank, Jesus didn't come right out and say verbatim "I am the Lord God".

But however we view Jesus, there are things we can agree on.

1) He lived as a man.
2) He lived by the Spirit of God.
3) He lived a perfect life.

Jesus is the supreme example for us to grasp onto the significance of living in God's Spirit. He relied on the Holy Spirit and the Power of God in everything He did. He taught the mysterious truths of God, opening up the Torah to elevated meanings. He fulfilled the Law.

He lived and died and resurrected by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The important thing we need to know is how can we live like Jesus did. How can the Holy Spirit be effectual in our lives that we may live a life pleasing to God.

This is where our journey will take is, and at the end of our lives at death, we will depend on that same Spirit to rise us from the dead. We need to live in total dependence of God.

God's goal for us is to conform us into the image of Christ. The benchmark He has set is to bring us to the place where we can Love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul, and all our strength and to Love our neighbor as ourself. That is the Kingdom of God, that is our Salvation.

So you struggle whether or not Jesus is God. Personally, I don't think that is God's main concern. We will eventually see Him as He is anyway. Then there will be no doubt.
If we can agree at least to say that Jesus came from God, isn't this enough?

We can battle back and forth on whether or not we believe Jesus to be God. To be frank, Jesus didn't come right out and say verbatim "I am the Lord God".

But however we view Jesus, there are things we can agree on.

1) He lived as a man.
2) He lived by the Spirit of God.
3) He lived a perfect life.

Jesus is the supreme example for us to grasp onto the significance of living in God's Spirit. He relied on the Holy Spirit and the Power of God in everything He did. He taught the mysterious truths of God, opening up the Torah to elevated meanings. He fulfilled the Law.

He lived and died and resurrected by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The important thing we need to know is how can we live like Jesus did. How can the Holy Spirit be effectual in our lives that we may live a life pleasing to God.

This is where our journey will take is, and at the end of our lives at death, we will depend on that same Spirit to rise us from the dead. We need to live in total dependence of God.

God's goal for us is to conform us into the image of Christ. The benchmark He has set is to bring us to the place where we can Love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul, and all our strength and to Love our neighbor as ourself. That is the Kingdom of God, that is our Salvation.

So you struggle whether or not Jesus is God. Personally, I don't think that is God's main concern. We will eventually see Him as He is anyway. Then there will be no doubt.

Dondi, out of curiosity... Do you truly need jesus as an example? Or any other being for an example? Isn't our mind what sets our example? Like a puppet master pulling your strings, you are in whole responsible for what you do? Instead of seeking examples why not set them?
why do people think that Jesus is God?............... Jehovah God said that we should listen to Jesus,
(Luke 9:35) And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him."...............
and Jesus himself said that he was Gods son. so i will stick with Jesus and what he himself said.just because opossers of Jesus accused him of blasphemy does not mean he was gulity of it.he said he was Gods son.
do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and dispatched into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, I am God’s Son? JOHN 10;36........... yes ,Jesus never ever claimed to be God. but Jehovah God sent him to the earth.
For GOD loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For GOD sent forth HIS SON into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18 He that exercises faith in him is not to be judged. He that does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the .ONLY BE-GOTTEN SON OF GOD. JOHN 3;16-18 Yes the bible teaches us that Jesus is not God, he is Gods only-begotten son, the only one created by Jehovah alone, all other things were created through Gods son.the bible is crystal clear to those who have not been misled by Manmade doctrines
Dondi, out of curiosity... Do you truly need jesus as an example? Or any other being for an example? Isn't our mind what sets our example? Like a puppet master pulling your strings, you are in whole responsible for what you do? Instead of seeking examples why not set them?

Because our minds do not naturally have the mind of God. We are fallen creatures in need of restoration. We need to be connected to God so that our Spirit can be renewed with the Divine.

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." - Proverbs 14:12

We are not capable of producing the life that we were intended because of our sinful nature. This has to be dealt with. Our minds cannot set an example.

We are responsible for what we do, yes. but we haven't the capability to correct it. We have to have the mind of Christ "For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ." - I Cor 2:16, which come through the Spirit of God.

In I Corinthians 12, Paul lists the gifts of the Spirit:

"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;" - I Corinthians 12:7-8

If we are live as Christians (Christ-like), we have to be like Christ.

Only when we have experienced the Spirit of God in our lives and be guided under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit can we become examples to others.

1. Because our minds do not naturally have the mind of God. We are fallen creatures in need of restoration. We need to be connected to God so that our Spirit can be renewed with the Divine.

2. We are responsible for what we do, yes. but we haven't the capability to correct it.

3. If we are live as Christians (Christ-like), we have to be like Christ.

4. Only when we have experienced the Spirit of God in our lives and be guided under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit can we become examples to others.

You see number one, two and number four?

How can a being that is "fallen" not able to be responsible for it's own actions be an example to others? If you are dependant on others to correct the errors of your way is that a good thing? I see it as anything you do in error is fully in your hands to correct.
Perhaps, This may bring the thread back to its original post....

Why do people think that Jesus is God?

For many reasons, some of which include:

*Because that is what they have been taught by religious leaders.
*They know so many other religious people who believe the same way and cannot comphrehend how so many people can be wrong. (herd instinct)
*Because they have difficulty separating the flesh man Jesus from the God/divinity he represented.
*Because they misinterpret Bible writings to agree with what they have been told and chosen to believe.
(tossing out many that say otherwise for the few that 'seem' to say so)
*They look with their mind instead of spirit which can only see and comphrehend God as a man.
*They have not entered the kingdom that is present now to see otherwise.
*They do not want to examine their Bible for themselves with an open mind to the possibility that they have been in error.

Just some thoughts for consideration.

If we can agree at least to say that Jesus came from God, isn't this enough?

We can battle back and forth on whether or not we believe Jesus to be God. To be frank, Jesus didn't come right out and say verbatim "I am the Lord God".

But however we view Jesus, there are things we can agree on.

1) He lived as a man.
2) He lived by the Spirit of God.
3) He lived a perfect life.

But that is just it. He specifically stated "I am who am". No other being has made that declaration since the OT, when God stated "I am that I am".

The People asked "who should we say sent us?" and God said, "Tell them 'I AM' sent you."

That's a bit to ignore.
You see number one, two and number four?

How can a being that is "fallen" not able to be responsible for it's own actions be an example to others? If you are dependant on others to correct the errors of your way is that a good thing? I see it as anything you do in error is fully in your hands to correct.

We are responsible for going to God for our forgiveness and restoration. He, in turn, gives us His Holy Spirit to give us the ability and power to live responsibly.
Perhaps, This may bring the thread back to its original post....

Why do people think that Jesus is God?

For many reasons, some of which include:

*Because that is what they have been taught by religious leaders.
*They know so many other religious people who believe the same way and cannot comphrehend how so many people can be wrong. (herd instinct)
*Because they have difficulty separating the flesh man Jesus from the God/divinity he represented.
*Because they misinterpret Bible writings to agree with what they have been told and chosen to believe.
(tossing out many that say otherwise for the few that 'seem' to say so)
*They look with their mind instead of spirit which can only see and comphrehend God as a man.
*They have not entered the kingdom that is present now to see otherwise.
*They do not want to examine their Bible for themselves with an open mind to the possibility that they have been in error.

Just some thoughts for consideration.

Oh and of course there is no way you could be wrong.:eek:
But that is just it. He specifically stated "I am who am". No other being has made that declaration since the OT, when God stated "I am that I am".

The People asked "who should we say sent us?" and God said, "Tell them 'I AM' sent you."

That's a bit to ignore.
Thank you Q.

I agree it is a little much to just ignore who he was and said he was.
But that is just it. He specifically stated "I am who am". No other being has made that declaration since the OT, when God stated "I am that I am".

The People asked "who should we say sent us?" and God said, "Tell them 'I AM' sent you."

That's a bit to ignore.

Perhaps you could reference that writing for me where Jesus said "I am who am" . Can't seem to find it with a Bible search.
I think it's in Popeye 3:16.
Coasties are alot of things (bullet proof, can walk on water, leap tall ships in a single bound), but they ain't prophets or apostles. but then, you know that...
Coasties are alot of things (bullet proof, can walk on water, leap tall ships in a single bound), but they ain't prophets or apostles. but then, you know that...

But Popeye was a sailor, like me. And we prophets from our spinacks.:D
Check John chapter 8 that might have been what Q was refering to.

If you are referring to John 8:58 you have changed the words. It says,
"Before Abraham was, I am" which in the Greek says Before the patriarch Abraham came, I existed. One must be careful not to read something in there that it doesn't say. Perhaps Jesus was Melchisedec who was before Abraham. I do not know but I know if you interpret it as Jesus is God you make a lie out of hundreds of writings that say otherwise including Isaih 53:11 that says by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; (speaking of Jesus as a servant of God, not God) Even Jesus said a "servant is not above his Lord" . There are hundreds of more references but if you choose to interperate one or two to the exclusion of many... so be it.

If you are referring to John 8:58 you have changed the words. It says,
"Before Abraham was, I am" which in the Greek says Before the patriarch Abraham came, I existed. One must be careful not to read something in there that it doesn't say. Perhaps Jesus was Melchisedec who was before Abraham. I do not know but I know if you interpret it as Jesus is God you make a lie out of hundreds of writings that say otherwise including Isaih 53:11 that says by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; (speaking of Jesus as a servant of God, not God) Even Jesus said a "servant is not above his Lord" . There are hundreds of more references but if you choose to interperate one or two to the exclusion of many... so be it.


Adhere to your own advice...Joseph.