Is it possible to quote from the actual occurence on the liberal christianity board. It is very sad all this backbiting between faiths, and in this case seen as one from outside the christianity forum, there appears more derisiveness here than any other where those who are not of the faith are concerned. I venture gently. If you yourself were hurt by the liberals then is it also right to hurt when you addressed another recently saying his thoughts were not welcome here. And it is happening again with Cyberpi who appears more than fare and respectful in his approach.Where does love thy neighbour and unconditional love merit in all this. Where does peace and humility live from those who look towards a gentle saviour. This is why many of us may not understand the concept of christianity presented here.
With respect for our differences and the wish for peace and understanding.
- c -
I believe you can find the backlash within the posts of several, though one particularly comes immediately to mind "RubySera_Martin", and of which I believe, you also partook.
"Hurt" is not the issue or the problem. One can not be "hurt" by those who could care less. If I in turn "hurt" someone here by negating their thoughts, I must have done so for a specific reason IAW the COC, and not due to my personal preferences.
As far as pointing out particular thoughts that are or are not welcome within a specific forum Ciel, here, I monitor and moderate IAW the COC. Some folk, appear to have an agenda of disruption and confusion based on their writings. That in and of itself is irrelevant since those posting here are quite capable of dealing with issues on their own footing. However, I am still obliged to call attention to those that insist on some kind of veil of confusion, yet call it
enlightenment for Christians.
Christianity on the other hand, is very tolerant of people, just not people's behavior when it deviates from the basic tennents of the Bible.
Hate the sin, love the sinner...
To a Christian, life is not a "free for all", what ever feels good, do it. There are a set of standards and rules that are not subject to interpretation, that many of us adhere to, and will not give quarter on.
Some say, "Don't be a stick in the mud". But when the "mud" is quicksand, that "stick" looks awful good to the desperate in dire straits.
I too Ciel, feel bad that there are those with hurt feelings. Doesn't mean I'm about to change my beliefs to accomodate their wishes. Nor does it mean I'll make acceptions to what "Christianity" fundamentally is.
Cyberpi is neither fair nor respectful...if that were the case, the dialogue between he and others would be more educational and communal, and less confrontational, and negative.
Not all Christians are white doves, waiting to be sacrificed...some have teeth that are very big and sharp. Others are quick to turn tables. Others still are solid rock. What we all have in common, is that Jesus is Lord and Savior and God of our hearts and lives, and He uses the talents we each have for the betterment of man.
You really don't know Christians very well, if you don't realize that.