Christianity the only true religion?

Interesting how everyone started blaming everyone else for their eating of the forbidden fruit. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. Once again, pride. {Very interesting, thanks for bringing it up, Faithfulservant}

Everyone tried to blame Jesus for their own faults, which resulted in their killing Jesus, and yet Jesus took on our burden of sins to show and teach us a better way.
Hmm, it started with the serpent in one tree, we are redeemed by Jesus dying on another tree. Thanks again, for bringing this up. :)

I never made the connection with the "tree" this is getting more and more interesting.. I was also thinking about how realizing they were naked caused them to feel shame so they covered themselves up... Or maybe they were ashamed because they disobeyed the Lord and then covered themselves in that shame.. The Lord seeing this knew right off the bat they were either ashamed or that they knew they were in fact naked and should be covered.. which is it do you think?

John 21:7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea.

Here we see Simon Peter put on his outer garment and jumping into the sea which is not explainable by itself why would someone put more clothes on before jumping into the sea? So we make the connection with a garment covering shame.. He had denied Christ 3 times which would explain the great shame.
I never made the connection with the "tree" this is getting more and more interesting.. I was also thinking about how realizing they were naked caused them to feel shame so they covered themselves up... Or maybe they were ashamed because they disobeyed the Lord and then covered themselves in that shame.. The Lord seeing this knew right off the bat they were either ashamed or that they knew they were in fact naked and should be covered.. which is it do you think?

John 21:7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea.

Here we see Simon Peter put on his outer garment and jumping into the sea which is not explainable by itself why would someone put more clothes on before jumping into the sea? So we make the connection with a garment covering shame.. He had denied Christ 3 times which would explain the great shame.
Well, here's an interesting scripture regarding this that fits in quite nicely:
1 Peter 5:5 said:
5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for

“ God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”
Another scripture about regarding life, mortality, clothing, and nakedness:
2 Corinthians 5 said:
1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, 3 if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. 4 For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.
And another about being "clothed with Christ," {one of my favorites}
Galatians 3:36-29 said:
26You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
The "clothed with humility" and "clothed with Christ" really seem to fit in well.
This is really getting interesting. :)
Well, here's an interesting scripture regarding this that fits in quite nicely:

Another scripture about regarding life, mortality, clothing, and nakedness:

And another about being "clothed with Christ," {one of my favorites}

The "clothed with humility" and "clothed with Christ" really seem to fit in well.
This is really getting interesting. :)

wow I agree.. this is so much more fun than the rest of whats been going on this forum.

Check it out.. we started this conversation about pride and self-centerdness and now its to clothing ourselves in humility and Christ.. Does any of this sound like familiar? I love how God speaks to us through His word when we are searching

I have a new one for you Seattle I just found this one recently...

Its still John 6 but this time Im taking you to where Jesus walks on water and meets the boat He soothes them then gets on the boat... mind you He was 2-3 miles out in the water

21 Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.

The many times Ive read John Ive never seen this.. immediately...the boat was at the land where they were going.. Jesus not only healed cured and raised the dead and created mass from nothing.. He manipulated space and time.. All in chapter 6 of John.. He showed all the signs yet many disbelieved and still disbelieve. My thought on this is that the minute we accept the gift of salvation by believing in Christ as God and Savior..our very destiny.. the very direction our life takes is changed once our choice aligns with Gods will.. our path no longer follows the world it follows Gods path.. but my brain still has a hard time wrapping around this concept. I thought it might explain predestined and foreknowledge.. what do you think?
Here are a couple of verses that I find relevant to the original post:

John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Mark 9:38-39 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in your name, and he did not follow us: and we forbid him because he did not follow us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.
wow I agree.. this is so much more fun than the rest of whats been going on this forum.

Check it out.. we started this conversation about pride and self-centerdness and now its to clothing ourselves in humility and Christ.. Does any of this sound like familiar? I love how God speaks to us through His word when we are searching

I have a new one for you Seattle I just found this one recently...

Its still John 6 but this time Im taking you to where Jesus walks on water and meets the boat He soothes them then gets on the boat... mind you He was 2-3 miles out in the water

The many times Ive read John Ive never seen this.. immediately...the boat was at the land where they were going.. Jesus not only healed cured and raised the dead and created mass from nothing.. He manipulated space and time.. All in chapter 6 of John.. He showed all the signs yet many disbelieved and still disbelieve. My thought on this is that the minute we accept the gift of salvation by believing in Christ as God and Savior..our very destiny.. the very direction our life takes is changed once our choice aligns with Gods will.. our path no longer follows the world it follows Gods path.. but my brain still has a hard time wrapping around this concept. I thought it might explain predestined and foreknowledge.. what do you think?
:) Revelation 19:9
I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Uh, maybe because "we" outnumber you. Therefore I present the majority thought on the matter.
Now surely you don't believe that that is an answer to anything...the majority in the US would not have passed Civil Rights or ADA...the majority is often wrong...

Doesn't seem to fit with your typical reasoning Q.
Now surely you don't believe that that is an answer to anything...the majority in the US would not have passed Civil Rights or ADA...the majority is often wrong...

Doesn't seem to fit with your typical reasoning Q.

well I agreed with Q lol
Cyperbi so you are agreeing it is the only true religion?
I see buildings. Which church, mosque, synagogue, temple, lodge, long-house, teepee, etc... do you attend? Which denomination? It seems the P and B change positions sometimes don't they... is that intended?
Now surely you don't believe that that is an answer to anything...the majority in the US would not have passed Civil Rights or ADA...the majority is often wrong...

Doesn't seem to fit with your typical reasoning Q.

But the majority did pass the Civil Rights and ADA, by representation (2/3rds majority) within the Legislative branch, and which were signed into law by the executive branch.

Now, does it fit better with my typical reasoning? :D


I see buildings. Which church, mosque, synagogue, temple, lodge, long-house, teepee, etc... do you attend? Which denomination? It seems the P and B change positions sometimes don't they... is that intended?
No denomination here. I follow the Bible and Jesus the way, the truth and the life the only true religion.
But the majority did pass the Civil Rights and ADA, by representation (2/3rds majority) within the Legislative branch, and which were signed into law by the executive branch.

Now, does it fit better with my typical reasoning? :D
Quick on your seat, eye like that. Ok so now we are saying the majority of those in power think this way therefore?

Are those in power in the majority in this discussion the same as the representatives that were voted in by a majority?

And namaste FS, I so honor your thoughts, I know we are often at opposite ends of the table, maybe often not even in the same room. But I admire the rock that you are.
With representative democracy a person is elected and either thinks and makes decisions (lives) in place of people, or collects thoughts and represents people in governing them, or collects funds and does neither. So Q:

Quahom1 said:
Even so, I think the tree of knowledge must have been at the center, since we all think we know better than everyone else, and tend to attempt to put others in their place with our own "knowledge"...

Quahom1 said:
Uh, maybe because "we" outnumber you. Therefore I present the majority thought on the matter.

Have you collected everyone's vote to know and present what they think? Are you claiming to be a representative for all people?

My point is simple: You persist with projecting your own thoughts and beliefs on other people. When you say, "We all know...", it is revealed. You have accused "We all" of trying to put you in your place with their "knowledge". I am comforted that you do not include me in this majority "We all".
With representative democracy a person is elected and either thinks and makes decisions (lives) in place of people, or collects thoughts and represents people in governing them, or collects funds and does neither. So Q:

Originally Posted by Quahom1
Even so, I think the tree of knowledge must have been at the center, since we all think we know better than everyone else, and tend to attempt to put others in their place with our own "knowledge"...

Originally Posted by Quahom1
Uh, maybe because "we" outnumber you. Therefore I present the majority thought on the matter.

Have you collected everyone's vote to know and present what they think? Are you claiming to be a representative for all people?

My point is simple: You persist with projecting your own thoughts and beliefs on other people. When you say, "We all know...", it is revealed. You have accused "We all" of trying to put you in your place with their "knowledge". I am comforted that you do not include me in this majority "We all".

the first quote is an assumption for the sake of exposure causing examination and introspection to see if "we" are in align with what is being presented.

the second quote is a definite "we" which is based on association and common knowledge that birds of a feather flock together.

Quick on your seat, eye like that. Ok so now we are saying the majority of those in power think this way therefore?

Are those in power in the majority in this discussion the same as the representatives that were voted in by a majority?
Not at all. However they are the representitives of their respective districts, and therefore must vote according to the majority within those districts. If they don't, then they are subject to recall. That has happened on many occassions, when the rep voted contrary to what the majority believed, within their district.

There is also the thing called 2/3rds states ratification, that can not be ignored.


the first quote is an assumption for the sake of exposure causing examination and introspection to see if "we" are in align with what is being presented.

the second quote is a definite "we" which is based on association and common knowledge that birds of a feather flock together.

Flocking: Did Beezlebub cast out his own devils, and Jesus flock with the righteous?
Flocking: Did Beezlebub cast out his own devils, and Jesus flock with the righteous?
the assumption of mainstream christianity is that all christians believe that jesus is the chief cornerstone and personal saviour; and that god is the father, son, and holy ghost. therefore, because Q is christian, he, as well as other christians here, speak on my behalf as a christian when they say these foundational truths about god.
I think hes just looking to harass Q.. He knows that Q is speaking the same thing WE all speak here lol. Flame on cyberpi.. you arent going to cause division here... sorry :)