What I mean is....
Intelligent Design covers more than just creation by God. I hate it when an Intelligent Design discussion is argued as if it was a Creationists argument. Thats like arguing a subject of "fruit" using "apples" as your basis.
You have a valid point though, and that is why I tried to highlight it in the manner I did.
If something I read recently holds any merit, it seems "intelligent design" was invented as a legal ploy to insert creationist thinking into school texts, attempting to put an air of scientific validity to the creationist POV. That I feel is not forthright, if this story I read is true.
Having said that, I agree with you in concept, but then we must return to how exactly "G-d" is defined. In some sense acknowledgement of a universal intelligence provides a de facto grounds for the proof of G-d...depending how G-d is defined. Which is why I suspect atheists are generally so dismissive of the concept...but then people (atheists and believers alike) by and large have a cartoonish anthropomorph caricature in mind to define G-d, so there seems to be a knee-jerk response either way, both grounded in misconception. In my opinion.
Personally Im all for Evolution. "Fight the Design! Join the Evolution!"
but I do prefer the arguments to be specific.
I actually do entertain a modified sort of intelligent design in my mind, quite unlike the typical picture drawn by, oh, say a young earth creationist. I think evolution is a part of the mechanism of creation, but I also think that evolution is poorly understood and not adequately explained or examined. I think there is more to it, much more, because there are too many exceptions to the "rules." And too many leaps of scientific faith required.
I prefer arguments to be specific as well, but it takes time and skill and knowledge to formulate specific and adequate arguments. Most people are quite happy to argue knee-jerk from their visceral emotions. It's so much easier to choose up sides, start the wave and chant "we're number one, we're number one..."
Sheesh. The believers of science are sometimes hard to separate from the believers of a young earth from the way they preach their side of things.
AMEN! You're preachin' to the choir now!