expanding universe


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a figment of your imagination
From APOD on sunday ( a site if I don't visit daily I do backtrack to see what they posted when I didn't...today's aurora is spectacular...but I missed this yesterday)

A Force from Empty Space: The Casimir Effect
Credit & Copyright: Umar Mohideen (U. California at Riverside) Explanation: This tiny ball provides evidence that the universe will expand forever. Measuring slightly over one tenth of a millimeter, the ball moves toward a smooth plate in response to energy fluctuations in the vacuum of empty space. The attraction is known as the Casimir Effect, named for its discoverer, who, 50 years ago, was trying to understand why fluids like mayonnaise move so slowly. Today, evidence is accumulating that most of the energy density in the universe is in an unknown form dubbed dark energy. The form and genesis of dark energy is almost completely unknown, but postulated as related to vacuum fluctuations similar to the Casimir Effect but generated somehow by space itself. This vast and mysterious dark energy appears to gravitationally repel all matter and hence will likely cause the universe to expand forever. Understanding vacuum fluctuations is on the forefront of research not only to better understand our universe but also for stopping micro-mechanical machine parts from sticking together.

Tomorrow's picture: aurora iowa
I never thought I’d read a paragraph that contained both “dark energy” and “mayonnaise.” I read the article; very interesting (and a great image) – I see that it says they are “not even sure if the force is attractive or repulsive.” Then I went on to read related stuff and got into Big Bang, Big Crunch, Big Rip, Big Freeze…it all got a bit Big Concept for a bear of very small brain like me! Another reminder of what momentary scintillas we all are.

Another reminder of what momentary scintillas we all are.
Exactly why I love this site so. As I see stars flying through space so fast their shock wave in front of them is 10 light years away...or two galaxies shreading each other apart...I think, ahhh my little blue ball is orbiting my big warm yellow orb just fine...now what was it I was complaining about?
Not to hijack the thread, but I couldn't resist the Science and Mayonaise idea:)

Those in the UK may not have heard of Dr. Science but his show is carried on National Public Radio here in the states.

Enjoy! Listening to Dr. Science

Thank you for your forebearance
we now return control of this thread to the truly intelligent :)

Ooops ! My mistake.

I'm always blundering into places where I don't belong. Goes along with the rest of the burdens I carry by being an old fart.

Mark...thanks for the link. I was turned into a Dr. Science fan a while ago as I listen to NPR a lot.

Wil...thanks for the link. I'm using the aurora in Iowa pic as a desktop wallpaper as I write this.


My desktop is now the Cat's Paw Nebula.:D :D :D

Once in a while my desktop becomes the Unicorn Nebula.

Does the Cat's Paw nebula have anything to do with shoe heels ? (Cat's Paw was an old time shoe repair brand name in the olden days..also in the UK?)

You can take a look back a few days and see the solar flare and resulting solar tsunami that caused that Aurora in Iowa (say that ten times fast)

My desktop has been stuck on the Helix Nebula aka God's Eye...I picture it looking through this universe and into the next....
Does the Cat's Paw nebula have anything to do with shoe heels ? (Cat's Paw was an old time shoe repair brand name in the olden days..also in the UK?)



I would think it's just because it looks like a cat's paw (a very big one presumably).

I never thought I’d read a paragraph that contained both “dark energy” and “mayonnaise.”


You need to recongnise ;\ Mayonnaise has the 'force' It is a very dark matter... It is underestimated....

Anyway... The Universe will grow forever? Impossible... What happens when it gets to the edge of the jar?

What sound does a unicorn make? I would say it would probally sound like a mentally ill sperm whale being shot in the left eye with a 12 gauge..... In shallow waters, in the middle of August. While three Russian midgets with limps in a low tone hum the main rythmn of L'Elisir d'Amore: Quanto è bella! Quanto è cara! by Luciano Pavarotti...
You need to recongnise ;\ Mayonnaise has the 'force' It is a very dark matter... It is underestimated....

Anyway... The Universe will grow forever? Impossible... What happens when it gets to the edge of the jar?

What sound does a unicorn make? I would say it would probally sound like a mentally ill sperm whale being shot in the left eye with a 12 gauge..... In shallow waters, in the middle of August. While three Russian midgets with limps in a low tone hum the main rythmn of L'Elisir d'Amore: Quanto è bella! Quanto è cara! by Luciano Pavarotti...
First mayonaise is great for getting pine tar/pitch off your hands or car, especially valuable to know when you are harvesting pinion pine nuts.

Second, Angel flow should have said he was wondering what sound would come out of the other end of the unicorn. Although the sound that comes out of the end of the unicorn that you described may also have to do with expanding universes and dark matter.

My bad, I should have posted originally posted this in the lounge.
First mayonaise is great for getting pine tar/pitch off your hands or car, especially valuable to know when you are harvesting pinion pine nuts.

Second, Angel flow should have said he was wondering what sound would come out of the other end of the unicorn. Although the sound that comes out of the end of the unicorn that you described may also have to do with expanding universes and dark matter.

My bad, I should have posted originally posted this in the lounge.

Wil, believing that the universe will forever grow... You believe that? Or just put it for interesting discussion... Cause if, that is how it is... Then there isn't a god? it is just the matter of universe reproducting? *blinks* And everytime it gets to a "certain" level then per chance it creates something interesting like earth for example?! And this is all just random crazyness and there is no set design it's just all random?! Example... The gold fish.... arrrgh! :/ I was kinda going random, while saying mabeh it's all random... My bad this time.
Anyway... The Universe will grow forever? Impossible... What happens when it gets to the edge of the jar?

This can be known only to the creator of the Uni/Multiverse. The name is known only to the chosen ones. I am one such. The name is Hellmann.

This can be known only to the creator of the Uni/Multiverse. The name is known only to the chosen ones. I am one such. The name is Hellmann.



Hellmann's is a black hole compared to Lieberman's........

- c -

Hellmann's is a black hole compared to Lieberman's........

- c -

Sorry Ciel, I can find all sorts of Lieberman's when I search. Could you enlighten this rather dim creature please?


PS Don't save it for the salad.
Sorry Ciel, I can find all sorts of Lieberman's when I search. Could you enlighten this rather dim creature please?


PS Don't save it for the salad.

Cosmic production, invested with love Snoops. Made by the white bears of Arcturus......

- c -