death is swallowed up



In the Scriptures, death is clearly explained. Furthermore, the Bible not only reveals why we die but also explains the condition of the dead and offers hope for our deceased loved ones. Finally, it speaks of a momentous time when it will be possible to report: “Death is swallowed up forever.”—1 Corinthians 15:54. now that would be something , no more death , no oldage , no age related illnesses, it seems like a dream , but that is what Gods kingdom under christ Jesus will acomplish, yes Jesus is the one to look to if we want to be part of Gods purpose for the earth, he is the way the truth and the life. and Jehovah his father said listen to him.
(Luke 9:35) And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him............................................. "As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. 1 corinthians 15;26
In the Scriptures, death is clearly explained. Furthermore, the Bible not only reveals why we die but also explains the condition of the dead and offers hope for our deceased loved ones. Finally, it speaks of a momentous time when it will be possible to report: “Death is swallowed up forever.”—1 Corinthians 15:54. now that would be something , no more death , no oldage , no age related illnesses, it seems like a dream , but that is what Gods kingdom under christ Jesus will acomplish, yes Jesus is the one to look to if we want to be part of Gods purpose for the earth, he is the way the truth and the life. and Jehovah his father said listen to him.
(Luke 9:35) And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him............................................. "As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. 1 corinthians 15;26

I agree, spiritual death will indeed be a thing of the past post second coming of Christ.
Well, considering that death isn't really such a bad thing, would it be rational to assume that death here is referencing all kinds of atrophy? Or does it actually mean literal death, as in the end of life?
I dont want paradise without God, thats not Heaven to me. So tell me Mee, how do I become apart of the 144,000?
Silas, don't you believe in the elect? Either you were chosen to go to Heaven, or you're screwed. In any case, your soul's destiny has nothing to do with the topic.

Election is word used throughout the Bible.
Some believe election is based on foreseen faith by God (free will/Arminian) others believe it to be on God's Sovereign choice to choose one equally guilty criminal over another (Predestination/Calvinism), and still other Christians with little or no formal education in theological subjects claim a "Biblical view" while say the samethings as the Arminians. All that said, Mee, How do I become one of the 144000 Jews? I dont want Heaven without God - that would seriously SUCK to me!!

- Silas

Election is word used throughout the Bible. Some believe election is based on foreseen faith by God (free will/Arminian) others believe it to be on God's Sovereign choice to choose one equally guilty criminal over another (Predestination/Calvinism), and still other Christians with little or no formal education in theological subjects claim a "Biblical view" while say the samethings as the Arminians. All that said, Mee, How do I become one of the 144000 Jews? I dont want Heaven without God - that would seriously SUCK to me!!

- Silas

eh? I wonder what section I fall under.. probably isnt good enough that I study my bible anymore... probably need to go to a theological school to have some guy teach me what the bible says... dude you've lost it.
eh? I wonder what section I fall under.. probably isnt good enough that I study my bible anymore... probably need to go to a theological school to have some guy teach me what the bible says... dude you've lost it.

You fall under the section of being a Chrisitan who has the Holy Spirit that will lead you in all truth and who does not need for anyone to teach you (concerning the essentials of the faith). That said however, God has appointed teachers and preachers, etc., to teach and explain biblically the meat of the word. That is why certain scriptures such as Pro. 25:2..."It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of a king to seek out a matter," are written.
I agree, spiritual death will indeed be a thing of the past post second coming of Christ.
i feel that i am in a spiritual paradise right now, but as the bible promises there will be a resurrection of the dead ones later on . in fact Jesus showed on a small scale how power from God allowed him to resurrect people .
(Luke 7:11-15)
(Mark 5:35-43; Luke 8:49-56)
(John 11:1-45)
Jesus is "the resurrection and the life," and how comforting it is to know that in the near future "all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out"!—John 5:28, 29; 11:25.
Well, considering that death isn't really such a bad thing, would it be rational to assume that death here is referencing all kinds of atrophy? Or does it actually mean literal death, as in the end of life?
considering that Jehovahs original purpose was for man to live forever and never die , i would say that death is a very bad thing.
That is why, just as through one man (Adam)sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned—romans 5;12 the only reason that man dies is because of sin.but straight away the Almighty put things into place to get everlasting life back again.
(1 Corinthians 15:22) For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.............yes Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
I dont want paradise without God, thats not Heaven to me. So tell me Mee, how do I become apart of the 144,000?
God is the one who chooses them , they dont choose themselves, but the whole purpose of God was to have humans living on a paradise earth for ever , man was created to live on the earth , and when things are done inline with the creator , that will be paradise indeed . the earth is a wonderful place to be even now, just think what it will be like when there is no more oldage, sickness, crime, wars, etc ect, yes it will be just as this verse in revelation 21;3-5 tells us
With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."
5 And the One seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new." Also, he says: "Write, because these words are faithful and true .......... yes we dont need to be in heaven to have the tent of God surround us ,it will be a paradise earth with no more death , the former things will have passed away forever , nomore funerals only resurrections . just because we are not going to heaven does not mean we wont be able to see our dead loved ones again .............we will be able to welcome them back to a paradise earth , now that will be something new .
God is the one who chooses them , they dont choose themselves, but the whole purpose of God was to have humans living on a paradise earth for ever , man was created to live on the earth , and when things are done inline with the creator , that will be paradise indeed . the earth is a wonderful place to be even now, just think what it will be like when there is no more oldage, sickness, crime, wars, etc ect, yes it will be just as this verse in revelation 21;3-5 tells us
With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."
5 And the One seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new." Also, he says: "Write, because these words are faithful and true .......... yes we dont need to be in heaven to have the tent of God surround us ,it will be a paradise earth with no more death , the former things will have passed away forever , nomore funerals only resurrections . just because we are not going to heaven does not mean we wont be able to see our dead loved ones again .............we will be able to welcome them back to a paradise earth , now that will be something new .

IF man was made by god... IF. And they were supposed to all live on the Earth why do some go to heaven? "because they help rule!" Oh, so your god needs the help of people to rule?? If I ask another question... Why did jesus sacrafice himself? "Oh, because there needed to be a sacrafice equal to adam.... and then we can go back to how we were. And everything will carry on again from the garden of eden, back to normal!" ERM!?!! What about the sacrafice for Eve's sin? You need to sacrafice TWO perfect humans to make it equal... and to go back to normal??? Did it say in GEN; And god made the earth and gave it light blah blah blah and he saw it was good... THEN he made 144,000 men in heaven to help him rule because he couldn't do it alone.... ? No I don't think it does.... So putting 144,000 people in your heaven wouldn't put things back to how they were... It makes no freaking sense lol Why would such an almighty being need humans to help him rule?

Also one of the JW's main debates is Humans DO NOT go to heaven.. as they were not intended to live in heaven thats why there were angels they were ment to live there.... So erm... Then you change and contradict yourselves and say Oh wait these guys can go in... yeah I know we said humans are meant to be earth creatures but erm OH LOOK OVER THERE!! :D

One last thing Mee..... If we go by your story... Awesome we all live forever.... and ever and ever and ever.... *sighs..* and.. ever. We are meant to breed and spread over the earth :D but none of us are dying... Get a glass... Fill it halfway... Then leave it under a tap that has a little leak, watch as each water drop, drops into that glass... untill finally? It fills and over flows.... Then what happens?
IF man was made by god... IF. And they were supposed to all live on the Earth why do some go to heaven? "because they help rule!" Oh, so your god needs the help of people to rule?? If I ask another question... Why did jesus sacrafice himself? "Oh, because there needed to be a sacrafice equal to adam.... and then we can go back to how we were. And everything will carry on again from the garden of eden, back to normal!" ERM!?!! What about the sacrafice for Eve's sin? You need to sacrafice TWO perfect humans to make it equal... and to go back to normal??? Did it say in GEN; And god made the earth and gave it light blah blah blah and he saw it was good... THEN he made 144,000 men in heaven to help him rule because he couldn't do it alone.... ? No I don't think it does.... So putting 144,000 people in your heaven wouldn't put things back to how they were... It makes no freaking sense lol Why would such an almighty being need humans to help him rule?

Also one of the JW's main debates is Humans DO NOT go to heaven.. as they were not intended to live in heaven thats why there were angels they were ment to live there.... So erm... Then you change and contradict yourselves and say Oh wait these guys can go in... yeah I know we said humans are meant to be earth creatures but erm OH LOOK OVER THERE!! :D

One last thing Mee..... If we go by your story... Awesome we all live forever.... and ever and ever and ever.... *sighs..* and.. ever. We are meant to breed and spread over the earth :D but none of us are dying... Get a glass... Fill it halfway... Then leave it under a tap that has a little leak, watch as each water drop, drops into that glass... untill finally? It fills and over flows.... Then what happens?
regardless of what humans think God is capable of achieving , the bible and Gods promises always come true .some dismiss Gods promises ,some dont, some continue to take in knowledge about Gods promises ,some dont, some scoff at Gods promises ,some dont. but regardless of peoples attitudes , these verse says it all
"Surely just as I have figured, so it must occur; and just as I have counseled, that is what will come true."—ISAIAH 14:24.
(Isaiah 46:10) the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, ‘My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do’;.................. make no mistake about it , Gods promises never fail.
And the One seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new." Also, he says: "Write, because these words are faithful and true
OOOH I see.. Well you sure showed me.. Thanks.

*blink* *blink* *blink*
i really like what the bible shows us ,
Though we personally have never seen anyone raised from the dead, we have noted certain Scriptural accounts that assure us of the resurrection. We can, therefore, entertain the hope expressed by the upright man Job. When he was suffering, he pleaded: "O that in Sheol you [Jehovah] would conceal me, . . . that you would set a time limit for me and remember me! If an able-bodied man dies can he live again? . . . You will call, and I myself shall answer you. For the work of your hands you will have a yearning." (Job 14:13-15) God ‘will yearn for the work of his hands,’ keenly desiring to resurrect Job. What hope that gives us!
Ok yeah... Interesting, but, back to my questions... If there is no death, the world will become over populated... There wouldn't be enough food/water/space or any resources to sustain all.. Although I guess if you can't die you wouldn't need food or water... but would still need room...
1 Cor. 15:55-57
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? [56] The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. [57] But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The way I see this, It is not a future event but a continuous presence in victory. If we are now free of the law by grace then sin has no more strength or dominion over us. We were once dead but now we are alive in Christ. Why do you wait for physical death to have the victory over death? He gives (giveth) us the victory now. (present tense) Why do you make that physical which is spiritual? The only death that matters to the Christian is separation from God... not the body. Whether the body lives or dies is not what is important.

Love in Christ,
... If there is no death, the world will become over populated... There wouldn't be enough food/water/space or any resources to sustain all.. Although I guess if you can't die you wouldn't need food or water... but would still need room...
kinda like china? :p
God is the one who chooses them , they dont choose themselves, but the whole purpose of God was to have humans living on a paradise earth for ever , man was created to live on the earth , and when things are done inline with the creator , that will be paradise indeed . the earth is a wonderful place to be even now, just think what it will be like when there is no more oldage, sickness, crime, wars, etc ect, yes it will be just as this verse in revelation 21;3-5

So God wont be there in paradise with man? That sucks! So mee, was the Almight God's plan to give man paradise thwarted by man [Adam and Eve]? Did God know that they would sin?
So God wont be there in paradise with man?

Was God there in paradise with Adam?

That sucks!

Why does it suck?

So mee, was the Almight God's plan to give man paradise thwarted by man [Adam and Eve]?

Nope, his plans have just been put on hold while he settles his bet with Satan. The reason God will put people in Paradise is so he can carry out his original plan for the Earth.

Did God know that they would sin?

Doesn't God know all?