In the Scriptures, death is clearly explained. Furthermore, the Bible not only reveals why we die but also explains the condition of the dead and offers hope for our deceased loved ones. Finally, it speaks of a momentous time when it will be possible to report: “Death is swallowed up forever.”—1 Corinthians 15:54. now that would be something , no more death , no oldage , no age related illnesses, it seems like a dream , but that is what Gods kingdom under christ Jesus will acomplish, yes Jesus is the one to look to if we want to be part of Gods purpose for the earth, he is the way the truth and the life. and Jehovah his father said listen to him.
(Luke 9:35) And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him............................................. "As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. 1 corinthians 15;26
(Luke 9:35) And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him............................................. "As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. 1 corinthians 15;26