scriptural basis for christian objection to homosexuality

There is no conclusive proof that humans are made specifically homosexual.

Well, I am a heterosexual, and I am not sexually attracted to males, only females, but I have homosexual friends , who are very honest and innocent, and who seem to be having innocent lust on seeing goodlooking men. It comes naturally to them and they can't sadly prevent it. So I know from this that humans can be specifically homosexual. And research has substantiated this by pointing out crucial differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals as well.

There are errors in DNA that occur, however that isn't God's fault.

And how is this not God's fault. He is the one who makes us all, right. So he is responsible for making us perfect at least physically.

Most of the faults of DNA can be attributed to exterior anomolies (mostly as of late), caused by....oh

Well,I know for a fact that there were homosexuals since early history.

Biblically speaking, man's perfection ended with his expulsion from the garden. It was no surprise, that bad things would happen. God told us they would.

I can understand imperfection in character, but what is the need for God to make imperfection physically .

Think about it. What need man have for God, if he was still perfect? ..

Yeah I guess God was scared that if he made us perfect , we might dump Him in some old age home. So he want to make us dependent on Him.

There would be no reason to turn back to God...unless man had need to lean on God.

Smart God, I think.

Cunning and manipulative, if you ask me.
I doubt it wil. Unless religion (rules) disappear all together. Then anarchy is in effect, and nothing lasts long in anarchy. Sooner or later someone with strength makes up rules the rest will comply with.

However, the vision you see is an end to life as we know it. So if perchance one of us were to be held in stasis for 1000 years, what we would see when we came out would be so alien (even from your vision), we wouldn't know what to do, or think.
these exact same quotes would have been said in 1700-1860 America about slavery....word for word.
So , are you saying that homosexuality, which is very well understood by everyone actually working in the human psychological and sexual sciences that homosexuality is a naturally-occuring and basically unalterable orientation, is a sin and immoral, as FAITHFUL SERVANT is saying.

But now , as I stated before in my previous post, it has been determined to be a natural-occuring and unalterable orientation by science.

Funny, that is not at all what the scientists involved with the genome mapping project have said publically, and I have that information posted here at this site.

beginning at post 43

REAL proof, not opinion. :)

Just because G-d gave us noses and anal orifices, doesn't mean we are naturally inclined to sniff each other's butts.

For dogs on the other hand...
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Funny, that is not at all what the scientists involved with the genome mapping project have said publically, and I have that information posted here at this site.

beginning at post 43

REAL proof, not opinion. :)

Just because G-d gave us noses and anal orifices, doesn't mean we are naturally inclined to sniff each other's butts.

For dogs on the other hand...

So are you saying that homosexuals should not be having sexual desires with respect to other males , even though they are helpless in this regard.

And are you saying that they are dogs!

And you are accusing me of being 'prejudiced', and you keep stating in almost every post of yours , how "progressive " you are !!!!!!!!!!!!
So are you saying that homosexuals should not be having sexual desires with respect to other males , even though they are helpless in this regard.

And are you saying that they are dogs!

And you are accusing me of being prejudiced!!!!!!!!!!!!

It isn't juantoo3 who is liking homosexuals to dogs and other animals, i believe this is the argument being used to describe homosexuality as natural.

It may be he's more pointing out, although we have animals passions, we don't have to act on them.
There are peodophiles, and many with all kinds of passions, murder, whatever, if we just say it's an animal passion then we have an excuse for any evil.

I don't know how anyone can say it's not unatural to human nature, it's most certainly unatural to how i understand human nature, not just as a learnt teaching from any book or anyone, but something my whole being, my human nature tells me instinctively.

They have these desires, and people do have other unatural desires which most people would not have a problem as seeing as unatural, but usually now because of the hurt it may cause another.
For now incest is starting to be introduced with the same reasoning as homosexuality.
I hear even with peodophilier and beastiality, that it is only the harm that it causes another that makes it evil.
But what about the unatural desire.
Surely there's an evil in having these unatural desires even if no crime is commited.
There's something wrong there. which some homosexuals examining themselves actually admit, and in cases it is beleived they have developed such desires from abuse they have suffered and i've even heared from lack of love from a father.

There are many times in life it may seem we are helpless to our desires and passions, but there is healing, there is growth to overcome evils in ourselves.
It isn't juantoo3 who is liking homosexuals to dogs and other animals,.

Well, I believe he indeed did that.

i believe this is the argument being used to describe homosexuality as natural.
Then why on earth is homosexuality there in the first place, since ancient history.

I don't find males sexually attractive. And if people, in many countries , find themselves sexually attracted to males, then I must say that there is some natural problem or affiliation.

It may be he's more pointing out, although we have animals passions, we don't have to act on them.

I guess everyone should be chaste as the virgin mary then.

There are peodophiles, and many with all kinds of passions, murder, whatever, if we just say it's an animal passion then we have an excuse for any evil.

I don't agree with paedophilia, even with the consent of the child, but if adult homosexual males want to have some fun with each other with their mutual consent, then I think they should be given the right for that. Blame God for putting these desires in them in the first place.
What is with all the blame? Blame G-d for this, the Brits for that, the Americans over there.

Well, you indeed must blame or criticize. That is how most of the evils have ended.
So since you blame and criticize G-d you consider G-d evil, and are intent on ending G-d? Please explain.

Well, I intend to show God His own wrongs and hypocrisy as well.

As they say, no one is perfect.
Will you be televising this event? Posting it on YouTube, inviting an audience? If it is not proprietary I'd love to hear/see what you've prepared for this effort.

And what is the need for me to do that. It is common knowledge, at least among those with an intelligent mind.
And what is the need for me to do that. It is common knowledge, at least among those with an intelligent mind.
So amongst those with an intelligent mind it is common knowledge that G-d is wrong.

Please provide the websites, texts, authors, which indicate this. As it is common knowledge I would bet it is written upon extensively.

And if it were common knowledge why would G-d need you to set him right? Has he been waiting for your incarnation for millenia to point out all the faults and set them correct?

Why would not others have done this with all the common knowledge out there on same?
So amongst those with an intelligent mind it is common knowledge that G-d is wrong.

I didn't say that God was completely wrong. I only said that some of his teachings are idiotic, like slavery and rulings against homosexuality.
And you on the other hand, even if put facts in front of you, will refuse to believe them , as you don't want to remove your rose-tinted glasses.

You have yet to lay the very first fact before anybody here. What you are calling fact is little more than your opinion. So you might want to consider your comment here for yourself...
I didn't say that God was completely wrong. I only said that some of his teachings are idiotic, like slavery and rulings against homosexuality.

Would you be kind enough to quote specific references to these "idiotic" teachings so as to elicit a proper response?
Would you be kind enough to quote specific references to these "idiotic" teachings so as to elicit a proper response?

Well, I know that the abrahamic religions forbid homosexuality as an evil. And you can find guys arguing with me on this.

And I know that Paul advocated slavery, which was told to me by a good christian friend of mine.

And you can find Wil himself saying that the bible advocating slavery ( though i am not aware of jesus saying this ). So you can ask him on this.

Peace :)
Kindest Regards, niranjan, and peace to you as well!
Well, I know that the abrahamic religions forbid homosexuality as an evil. And you can find guys arguing with me on this.

And I know that Paul advocated slavery, which was told to me by a good christian friend of mine.

And you can find Wil himself saying that the bible advocating slavery ( though i am not aware of jesus saying this ). So you can ask him on this.

Peace :)
This is what another person was trying to tell you about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar.

A peaceful dialogue will gather more and better responses than pushing everyone away with anger and hatred.

I am not speaking of agreement, I am speaking of tolerance.

I sincerely hope you will continue to use this kind of dialogue. Thanks.