Are people born homosexuals?
From the information as I understand it many are, quite possibly the majority.
Do homosexuals serve a purpose in society?
They are humans. Can we ask if White people or Polynesians serve a purpose in society? I don't know how other to answer this unless to say they provide a guage of peoples predjudice, bigotry and closed mindedness.
By this I mean for the males, being born with emotional feminine traits does it aid society in terms of support for children and families?
In this respect I feel that bending gender stereotypes has a real benefit. The whole notion that the female role is compassion, laundry and cleaning, and men don't cry and their job is to mow the lawn and take out the garbage is well....garbage.
What was homosexuals role in the spread of aids and other sexually transmitted disease? I'm asking from a scientific point of view.
I think statistically this is an obvious question, that the behaviour lends to body fluid transfer.
However the whole topic and thought is something that has also been brewing in my mind.
ie there is this notion that being amongst homosexuals lends to ones downfall in this regard, as evidenced by the military General who admits, well, it has worked out better than I thought...or by folks who have no contact with homosexuals and then having one in their family thinking they are different. We saw the same with blacks, jews, etc. "Yeah, he/she's one of the good ones"
When in reality as I see it our exposure to the people makes us realize these are just people, labels need not be attached, discrimination need not be applied, we are dealing with people, different than I, but aren't we all?
So back to that question that troubled me so....
Do homosexuals serve a purpose in society?
Could it be that this issue is providing us a platform to raise our consciousness?