Are people born homosexuals? Do homosexuals serve a purpose in society? By this I mean for the males, being born with emotional feminine traits does it aid society in terms of support for children and families? What was homosexuals role in the spread of aids and other sexually transmitted disease? I'm asking from a scientific point of view.
I have to agree with those who responded to this question like this:
Snoopy said:
Are people born heterosexuals? Do heterosexuals serve a purpose in society? By this I mean for the males, being born with emotional male traits does it aid society in terms of support for children and families (specifically domestic violence)? What was heterosexuals role in the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease?
Scientific point of view? Maybe that's what you are looking for, yet as others have pointed out, the language you use to ask this question shows an initial bias. I believe that your intentions are good. Unfortunately though, some prejudice filters through.
I could go off on a soapbox, I have in the past. Since the issue of ignorance and prejudice has already been somewhat addressed, I'll take a different route and ask this question:
Why does attraction have to be scientific? Does sexual preference have to perform a
function?? It's not like we as a species are suffering from underpopulation. And right there, along that line of thought, might be one answer for the scientific question Postmaster is posing.
What's wrong with sex as pleasure? And who is anyone to stop another human being from finding happiness in a mate? What, because homosexuality is personally offensive to some people, it needs to be justified? No! Like Snoopy pointed out, if homosexuality is demanded justification, we must do the same for heterosexuality.
As a reproductive tactic, heterosexuality certainly is the only way to go. But I want to challenge those who cling to this idea of the biological necessity of heterosexuality as an argument for the marginalization of homosexuals to point beyond reproduction and produce evidence that nature values hetrosexuals over homosexuals. That's an interesting question, no?
Also, how many heterosexuals, every time they have sex, are hoping to conceive? Let me flesh this out a little more: if nature values heterosexuals more than homosexuals becuase they reproduce, what does nature think of condoms?
Nature: (Gasp!!!) Abomination!!
Food for thought.