Breaking the Sound Barrier

Luna and SG,

Yeah, it's hard to taxi when you are smoking a doobie.


(Ya think the other guy got a little too close with his propeller...?)

San Diego this month? Have you visited the USS Enterprise, permanently anchored in San Diego Bay?
Luna and SG,

Yeah, it's hard to taxi when you are smoking a doobie.

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(Ya think the other guy got a little too close with his propeller...?)

San Diego this month? Have you visited the USS Enterprise, permanently anchored in San Diego Bay?

Lol! I don't think anyone will be breaking the sound barrier in that craft.

Thanks for the tip. I have two young daughters, 4 and 6, and we plan on Sea World and the zoo. Thank you for the idea about visiting the USS Enterprise. My husband and I would enjoy that. :)
Ciel--just saw your posts--I'm so glad kitty came back! I know how it is to be waiting like that.

My dog is outside right now, attempting to break the sound barrier....(sigh)

Hush, puppy!

Ciel--just saw your posts--I'm so glad kitty came back! I know how it is to be waiting like that.

My dog is outside right now, attempting to break the sound barrier....(sigh)

Hush, puppy!


Great Shoes ! But kind of hard to find these days.

Nick...was that Chip or Dale doing the pipe thing. Y'know they've got a male stripper act in Vegas these days.


I'll see your stoned cat, and raise you a stoned rodent.

Nick, that is HiLArioUs!!! :)

Unfortunately the reality may not be so funny. Back in my college days there was a period of time when I was perpetually stoned in the dorm room down the hall with a bunch of other people who were perpetually stoned, too. The roomie hosts for pot heaven decided that they would smuggle in a pet hamster. Of course it wasn't long before someone blew smoke into the plastic cage where Hammy the Hamster lived, and we all thought that was kinda great. You know, haha, that hamster is going to be sooooo stoned, dude. Haha!!

Of course there were some girls (and even boys) that thought it was a bad idea and mean.

And it was. Hammy went to sleep shortly thereafter and didn't wake up.

To look on the bright side, at least he passed on with an open mind.
Pathless, did you ever graduate from college?!

"...there were some girls (and even boys) that thought it was a bad idea and mean."

--> It is good to know that cosmic consciousness can thrive and grow even in such an atmosphere.
nick said: did you ever graduate from college?!

Who said I graduated?

No, I did. I don't remember the details, though.

Funny thing about education. The time I spent in classrooms I don't tend to remember as education, as mind nurturing. I remember frantically scribbling notes, being anxious as hell, and memorizing rules and factoids.

English and art classes were different sometimes. But even then I spent a good deal of time doodling in the margins.

What was it that Einstein said? "Imagination is more important than knowledge," or something to that effect. He was a smart guy, although sometimes he'd be all preoccupied with thinking and forget to put on pants. Oh and that hair! Lovely.


I now declare this thread a free for all. The topic described in the subject line is officially dead! Or is it? I don't hear anything, do you?
Ciel--just saw your posts--I'm so glad kitty came back! I know how it is to be waiting like that.

My dog is outside right now, attempting to break the sound barrier....(sigh)

Hush, puppy!


InLove, Thank you, and Flow,

And Hush Puppy shoes........ you know Angels just love them...... softly.... softly... flowing gowns and Hush Puppies.........

I've heard "The Devil Wears Prada", I guess it was those Prada saturday night party people causing the rumpus.

- c -
Laurie, when you take your trip out to Cali, you might want to get the name of the pilot. Especially if the girls are going. :D


What a coincidence....

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Oh no!!! The same thing happened to me once. Worst flight of my young life.

Lesson learned, though: never open the door on a plane. Me and the drink cart both went ---> whoosh!!!

The drink cart wasn't quite as lucky as I was. And then, when we landed, the pilot was so mad at me!


Yes, that was my reflection. I look just like a nine-year-old boy.


No, no, not at all. Actually, here is the photo I took of my reflection.

"Laurie, when you take your trip out to Cali, you might want to get the name of the pilot."

(Hmmm, I wonder if I am giving these people the wrong idea about my piloting skills....) Hey, did I tell you guys about the time I jumped on the reverse thrusters too hard?
