Fictionalize Yourself

We had fun today playing a game that doesn't require anything but a way to communicate. The game? "You know you're a bookworm when..."

Poor Shuga was funny during the game, blurting out in shock, "I'm a bookworm!" Well, 99 percent of what was said described him, but it also described Kirishima and too many others in "the clan" to list here. Nobody fit all of the descriptions to a T (luckily.) :eek:

Poor Suoh isn't allowed to do any of his fish boils this summer due to our current drought, but I've opened my kitchen to his other culinary experiments, and I've introduced him to several of my own recipes that don't require cooking (including the peanut butter and honey candy that I think I posted on the Mystery Thread.) He has Tiger Lily supervising his culinary exploits (as he usually does when not doing his fish boils,) so everything's pretty much status quo.

Oh, we have more "newbies" that just arrived. One is a custom fragrance designer (as in he actually mixes them himself) and he was accompanied by his younger cousin (she threw Keigo, who deserved it [:rolleyes:].) Then there was the revenant, his grandnephew, the automatons and several others from their universe, and then we have another group of vampires, including a vampiric crow. *headdesk* If it wasn't for my medications, I'd've drunk myself through the bloody floor.

Oops, gotta go. Nora's starting a fight with the crow, and I don't want to deal with that right now. Nova, would you help me here for a moment?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
One of the kids asked me about some breaking news. Seems that there was a shooting at a local (to me) Sikh temple, and one of the dead is the alleged gunman. Nora and Tovarish have been snuggling up to me during the situation, their concerned mewls echoing the feelings of everybody else. The "alternative" practitioners are throwing together a makeshift ritual, inviting everybody who wants to attend. Oh, and the FBI is investigating the incident. (Update) It has been deemed a domestic terrorism incident.

Oh, on another note, several of the adults are royally :mad: with something they read over the weekend: there is an international porn ring that has one of the members somewhere here in Wisconsin. What makes it even worse is that the oldest victim/s are just four years old (I won't disclose the age of the youngest victim due to the "squick factor".) The "combat savvy" members have posted a list where any of them can sign up for protection service duty and a separate list for any kid who wants to partake in the free "service". Oh, and Asami has invested in an abandoned warehouse, and is "fixing it up" (his demeanor makes me question what he's going to do with said property.) I've got the yeast out for everybody to use, and Kei's making fresh dragon's beard pasta (you can hear the slamming of the dough on the counter, and it sounds like it's going to be the finest grade pasta he's made in anybody's recollection.)

Oops, gotta go. One of the neighbors is pounding on my door, and I don't want to deal with any of them right now.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Easy Comment Microwave Recipes!

1. I have no idea what you friends are discussing. What ever shall I do?

2. Downloading Wikipedia Article on "Whatever is being Discussed".....Assimilating.....Computing....Boop Boop Dee Boop. --- 30 seconds

3. Popping comments in microwave comments oven. --- 2 minutes on highest setting. Ding!

4. Removing the popped comments before they are burned. Hot comments ready for posting!
Some of us just got back from the air show (others are still there, including Wren, who was asked by several pilots to join in the flights.)

Nai was asked about his hearing protection (he's worn them all weekend due to the jets flying over [it's a real pain having sensitive hearing, y'know].) One police officer was real interested in the hearing protection (Hirato, Takaba, and Yoh all contacted me, asking me to step in.) I knew the officer and his partner (the guy's a canine officer, so I kinda had an "in" for my explanation.) Yogi was funny, doing what I call a "Snoopy impersonation" (it's what I call when, if you've watched Peanuts cartoons, Snoopy would stand behind the person he's mocking, and "apes" the mocked.) Needless to say, he's got :kitty:-herding duty this week.

Oops, gotta go. The rest of the guys have arrived and are demanding something to sustain them, especially water (except for several of the vampires who are demanding blood.) Okay, okay! Chill out, I'm getting everything you want! :rolleyes:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We just got back in and the :kitty:s are starting to emerge from their lairs.

"What happened?" you ask?

Another fire alarm/"cooking incident", and several of the humanoids are :mad:, especially Ukitake (it set off a coughing fit that had him bent over.) Oh, and the firefighters met Kuma ('Howthefook do we deal with a BEAR in a real fire!?') which, if it wasn't for the fact that it was another burned dinner... I might bring him to the firehouse and properly introduce them in a more favorable situation.

Next week, my friends Tyler and America are going to treat us to "movie night", so we're going to treat them to more homemade "gamer chow" as someone else I know calls it. Suoh was smirking in a way that I've never seen on him before, so I'm not sure what to expect from him.

Ah, the last of the :kitty:s have emerged from their lairs, one held in Kuma's mouth (poor :kitty:s. :() I wish I knew who set off the alarms so I can teach him/her how to fooking cook without "inviting the fire department! Oh, and Wren's taking Ukitake to the emergency room since he hasn't stopped coughing (our physicians are too busy with everybody else to devote enough proper attention to the shinigami.) Chronic respiratory problems suck.

Oops, gotta go. Keigo's getting on Balsa's nerves, and she's unsheathing her spear. Tanda, would you help distract Balsa while I deal with her antagonist? Thanks.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Ryougo's :mad: and both Kei and Suoh aren't much happier.

"Why?" you ask?

They had to come and pick me up from the doctor's office Wednesday because the new transportation system screwed me over, leaving me stranded for over four hours. Allegedly I canceled my appointment, so they canceled my return trip. When I finally got hold of somebody who could explain wtf was going on, it was 6.15 pm (1815 hours.) Oh, and the road was still under "destruction"/construction. Wanzer plus road construction equals an interesting time for the city's road crew.

Oh, and I was supposed to be picked up at 12.45, and the guy who took me there didn't get me until roughly a half an hour later, got lost twice picking up another passenger who decided to use a different van (because there was another passenger in it [me],) and got out across the street from where he was picked up, then got lost getting me to the appointment. I was 20 minutes late (luckily I called ahead to let them know I was on my way, plus it was my weekly appointment.) What was ironic was that the driver claimed that he knew the city because he also delivers medications for different pharmacies. :rolleyes:

Kei suggested we send a "care package" to the people involved in the new system, and have Orihime be the one to prepare it especially for them. He's sadistic.

I think I'll take his suggestion. ;) :D

Anyway, everybody who has some sort of appointment is going to be using alternative transportation for at least two months (general consensus.) A simple boycott until either the new system shapes up or the state drops it.

Oh, and the :kitty: delegation has earned some new toys for each and every one of them, to be given either in November or December (their antics alleviated much of the :mad: we all felt.)

Oops, gotta go. A particular personal secretary's tapping his watch. I'm almost through, Kirishima Kei.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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We've been invited to a toy weapon (air guns and/or mock melee weapon) event. Seems that last year they were short of volunteers to be zombies in a zombie apocalypse scenario, so Tyler asked if we'd be willing to volunteer. The resounding "YES" practically shook the apartment building.

The fact that a few of the "clan" actually are zombies... Oh, didn't I tell anybody? My bad. Two of them have to be within 750 feet of each other or they suffer the repercussions (they had the misfortune of having one of their hands exchanged in a rather muddled rescue.)

The quadrupedal delegation's not invited, though (rules against non-humanoids, especially bears [sorry, Kuma].) Well, Daiba's not going, either, so he won't be alone.

Anyway, we're awaiting more information about when/where as well as incidentals (like food, transportation, paperwork, etc.) While we're waiting, several of the more creative members are working on costumes (seems that last year's event had participants in costume, including a pair who went as Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.) Several of the seamstresses from Circus are getting into the spirit of that idea as is Uryuu (he'd make a really good wife for someone someday.)

Sigh, Suoh's glaring at me, and Kuma looks like he's about to drag me to bed himself. Toodles.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Tao's regretting calling my "bluff" last night. You see, he tried fasting for the first time this year and, when it was time to break it, he didn't want to. Finally, I just said, "Either you eat or Orihime's cooking for you." We had to throw out the chocolate chip mashed turnips with tofurkey gravy as well as the eggplant cookies (not to mention the stuff nobody could recognize to save world peace [whirled peas].)

Chagum followed the older teen's lead, especially the surrender (impressed their delegation how fast the youth toed the line when presented with his very own plate.) He took one sniff of the stuff then turned to face Tanda, begging that the herbologist make some of his mushroom stew.

Oh, Malcolm's been hired to help out at one of the farmers markets as a vendor. Turned out that he was able to stem an ugly incident concerning the prices of fresh vegetables by explaining that, due to the crazy weather this spring and summer, the locally grown stuff was more expensive due to less of a supply and no change in demand. He might also work with the particular vendor next year.

Anyway, changing the subject, we've been inundated with complaints about Monday night's American football game between Seattle and Green Bay. I don't know about anybody else, but I got tired of the whole thing Tuesday morning (and the others weren't any happier.) The neighbors upstairs were carrying on worse than if somebody screwed up on their cable.

Oops, gotta go. Neko vs. kuma fight, and Nora's coming in third (only two participants.) Ryoutou, please help out here.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Several of the "clan" just got back from running a "mission of mercy" at Tyler's and America's apartment. Turns out that she hasn't been paid for her summer job and they were pretty much out of all food. Anybody who could cook occupied the kitchen, those who were willing to make a store run pooled their resources (raided the supermarkets' shelves) and those who had some sort of delivery vehicle fired it up. Oh, and there are hundreds of complaint letters ready to send (I feel sorry for the poor post office workers who will be subjected to the paper tsunami they're about to receive.)

Suoh was talking with me about Tiger Lily and how much she's grown. I told him that she's roughly three years old now. His jaw dropped when he realized that his companions from his original "universe" were here for so long. Tiger Lily did her best to bring her "staff"'s attention back to her requirements (it was rather funny, seeing just how well trained the big guy is.)

Oops, gotta go. Seems several of the spellcasters are adding "something extra" to their letters, and some won't hold back on their "extras".

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We got our flu shots yesterday (the ones who aren't zombies, at least.) It was funny watching all of the people watching us getting the injections. Yogi went through an impromptu performance to help distract another customer's kid (the other guys distracted several of the other customers by stripping off everything above the waist [the spectacle was quite drool-worthy from what witnesses said].)

The non-humanoid delegation got some really nice toys while we were out and about yesterday. Kuma got a nice log from someone who had to cut down a tree (it had already died, so there wasn't any choice in the matter.) The former owner had it treated so that termites and other "creepy-crawlies" won't move in, then gave it to us for the bear-cub-in-an-adult-bear's-body (Kuma is still a cub at heart, enjoying as much play time as possible.)

Oops, gotta go. A couple of neighbors are interrupting Kuma's playtime. :rolleyes:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
It was one embarrassing day today.

"Why?" you ask?

A couple of people at my "bank" decided to "teach" the majority of the "clan" how to cook. The one who actually needs cooking lessons wasn't among the "students". Hell, the students were teaching the teachers how to cook (poor Suoh was apologizing left and right, and both Emba and Yuuen demonstrated the proper way to field dress/debone poultry, even poultry from the grocery store.)

We ran into my ex sister-in-law (she was one of the "teachers") and poor Tanda, poor Jin and poor Yun were partnered with her. She was hitting on all three, disregarding the fact that Tanda's married to Balsa (as well as being one of our resident herbologists) plus they tried to ignore her overt "flirtation". It got to the point that they were repeating "No cooking in the kitchen" rather vocally. One of the staff people finally stepped in, asking her to watch the kids that were waiting for lunch. He (the staff person) then watched as the trio quickly threw together a winter stew that wasn't part of the "class" (the guy wrote down the entire recipe, including the discussion between the trio from the Moribito universe, and Yun corrected his notes [photographic memory can be both a blessing and a curse].)

We also ran into the guy who insists that everything has to be both kosher and organic. He :mad: off Torogai, giving the elder woman quite a bit of backtalk. Shuga and Malcolm talked her out of sending him to Nayugu or sending him to "play" with her wolf companion (who is big enough to have practically anybody from the "clan" stand between his forepaws and not touch.)

Oh, the guys have been donating to Breast Cancer Awareness charities via their stomachs (lots of both Pink Ribbon bagels and Pink Ribbon cookies gave their existences to the cause, not that the consumers minded one bit. ;)) The sandwich bento vendor from the Wednesday Farmers Market has his employees and the numbers for the other franchise owners on his speed-dial [due to the size of our "clan".) The shops on campus also have a huge supply of the cookies the rest of the week (just to keep us adequately supplied.)

Oops, gotta go. It seems that Tanda, Jin and Yun are being needlessly harassed by their mutual human flea. Guys, do you recall the code to block unwanted telephone numbers? Yun, you might also want to write down as much information as you can recall to present the phone company. Your comfort trumps her behavior.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Everybody got their shots today (poor Ukitake submitted to three individual injections, and the person assigned to him was rather new, and quite nervous about doing the shinigami, ending up on the floor [he fainted]. :rolleyes:)

Everybody's ready to help with trick-or-treating again this year, plus we're doing a "kid-friendly" haunted house. We're incorporating the non-human members of the "clan" to help curb any "Oh, I'm going to make mischief by going through more than my allotted turns" (Kuma would cause anybody with such nonsense on their minds to think at least twice about that, as would Master Torogai's wolf companion [he's rather large and rather territorial].)

Anyway, there was some "excitement" Sunday (Kenpachi went to deal with the aftermath, sending the spirits to their final destination with much glee.)

"What happened?" you ask?

A domestic dispute that ended tragically with six innocent bystanders caught in the "crossfire" (just one shooter, but he was after his estranged wife.) The shooter, his estranged wife and two others died, and, last I heard, just one of the other victims was released from the hospital so far. Why can't these shooters shoot themselves first, and leave everybody else alone? Oh, and he purchased the gun online after he was court ordered to relinquish all of his firearms (and there's renewed talk of more stringent gun control laws. :rolleyes:)

Anyway, it's also the countdown to the election (can't wait!) Unfortunately, if either of two candidates win, we'll be inundated with more campaign ads. *scream heard Down Under* First off, if Paul Ryan becomes the vice president, then there's going to be an election for his senate seat. Second, if Tammy Baldwin wins, her seat in the House will be up for grabs. Either way, I kinda wish that the end of the world would hurry up and get here so we don't have to deal with this BS.

Oops, gotta go. Jin and Yun are using their cell phones for target practice, and I think I know why...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Several of "the clan" and I went on an outing (to see the movie, Argo) and those who went were talking about treating those who couldn't come to an outing sans outsiders. The shinigami and the vampires were quite amusing to watch as well as the members of Circus (Yogi was quite amusing when he realized what-all was happening, especially when he saw the people reading excerpts from the script at a "press conference", then when he saw everything that was at stake, it was difficult to keep him in his seat [Hirato had to step in at that moment].)

We then went grocery shopping (I'm introducing them to pseudo-Athenian appetizers using Greek seasoning, frozen spinach, reduced-fat Feta and phillo shells [several cases worth].) Both Kei and Suoh picked up several cases of soba and udon noodles just in case nobody wants my tartlets.)

Oops, gotta go. Nora the Neko is currently "playing" with the doberman and it looks like the doberman's about to retaliate. Nova, Kuma can you help me here? Thanks.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
It's Folk Fair time again, and the human/oid members of "the clan" have already made arrangements for the weekend (including giving the "American Indian" booth a "heads up" for hungry members [so they have enough fry bread for the rest of the fairgoers].)

The reenactors are ready for the camp-out, leaving enough space for my "guys" who want to join in on the fun. Emba and Narazaki are supplementing their hosts' supplies via hunting ("Since we're going to be using their stuff, we should at least chip in something. I don't want to leech off of them.")

Tomorrow is the "school day" where different schools send some of their students on a field trip to fair, and "the clan" is volunteering (as well as volunteering to work the entire run.) The "talents" have different stories ready to tell for their performances (I can't wait to hear how they tell the tales from the different universes, especially Emba's and Yuuen's story about how Emba saved Yuuen from an injured mastadon, or Balsa and the "hunters"' story about going up against a rarunga [which is a creature that has claws bigger than almost any human alive]. Then, there are the stories from Wren's and Mieu's universe...)

Malcolm's helping out with ticket sales (he is a successful merchant in his universe) but he let them know that he'll also fill in wherever they need somebody.

Several of the more physically fit members are going to participate in a run the fair's holding Sunday (needless to say, I'm not because I'm still having problems with my feet, plus I have breathing problems due to asthma [I hate my body!].)

The non-human/oid members of "the clan" are also going to be quite occupied this weekend, too. I wish I could read non-human minds so I could find out what gives.

Oops, gotta go. :kitty: altercations, starring Nora, Softened Tiger, Dragon's Wing. Tiger Lily, Chii and Tovarish. :rolleyes:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The "clan" is winding down from "Black Friday Weekend" (which actually started Thanksgiving evening.) They didn't participate, but saw so many people who did.

We also went on a tour of a local lighthouse (Al was extremely impressed [then again, he is a sailor].) Takaba took photos (he got permission first) and he left the cameras outside Daiba's "cave", hoping Daiba will transfer everything over to his computer.

Kuroda's building several new :kitty: towers based on the lighthouse and he's adding walkways between them (several :kitty:s are "supervising" the project, occasionally breaking into fights [as usual], which Kuma would break up.) The human's talking about adding a working electrical system with Wren, trying to work out the schematics of said project (Kuroda's getting a bit brave in his projects, if you ask me.)

Speaking of :kitty:s, there are three new ones in our clowder. Their former human nearly killed them ("training" them to be vegans, and feeding them tofu flavored with both onion and garlic [which are poisonous to both :kitty:s and dogs].) I wonder who gave the :kitty:s to their former human since she's prohibited from having any living companions other than humanoids (she believes that, given time, any :kitty: can be trained to be vegan, not taking into account that they are obligate carnivores.)

Ah, Daiba's making an appearance! Where's Takaba? Last I saw of him, he was with both Yoh and Suoh, so he might be in the kitchen. Ah, you're finished transferring the photos from the lighthouse? Thank you, he'll be more than happy that you took the time and the space on your computer bank.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The "clan just got back from their outing to see Argo at a local (to me) theater. They were extremely pleased with the movie, displeased with a couple of people they encountered nearby (a couple of clients at my "bank"; Mr. "Is That Kosher? Are You Sure?" and Mr. "I'll Go On The Outing, Don't Worry/I Don't Want To Go, Please Let Me Off Here.")

Anyway, I got a rather upsetting email yesterday concerning Tovarish. It seems that my "bank" didn't pay the fee to renew her microchip registration. If something terrible were to happen right now and we were separated, there would be no means to reunite her with the "clan". Hell, she might end up with Ms. "You Can Train A :kitty: To Be A Vegan" (G!ddess Forbid!) Alas, I haven't been able to talk with my caseworker about it, and I am beyond :mad: about the whole thing.

Kei and Suoh have been teaching me how to make fresh pasta without a pasta machine. Unfortunately, they had to alter the recipes they showed me because the person who came to "help" me last Wednesday seems to have thrown out several required items (or she took them home with her.) They also showed me how to make mochi (I wanted to make Chi Chi Dango, aka Coconut Mochi, but I'm missing the coconut milk that I had for it.)

I'm also missing a bottle of analgesic that I had just bought to help combat a toothache I have (I think one of the teeth I needed to have extracted last year has gotten to the point I'm going to have to by put under, which my insurance company won't cover [and I bit the last dentist that tried to extract the tooth and the yakuza and the Baishe members had a field day with the jerk and most of his staff, causing poor Jin to require therapy].)

Oops, gotta go. Ryoutou looks like he's about to go looking for Ms. "Train Your :kitty: To Be Vegan", and he's got that particular glint in his eyes.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We just found out yesterday that the transportation company that we started boycotting last September has sent in a cancellation of contract. Alas the BS about which governor was responsible for the "broker program" has been flying as has the whose fault the particular transportation company was chosen. I say fook everyone involved in that particular process and return it to the way it was when the counties made separate contracts through the patients' insurance companies. The final straw for the current program was when someone who required dialysis ended up not being taken to his (I think it was a man) treatment (blood poisoning's a b!tch if you ask me, especially if it is completely preventable.) Anyway, depending on what system is enacted, I might end up using it or I may end up just using public transportation (and pray I don't "blow up" on said transport.)

Anyway, changing the subject (as usual), we just saw several photos attached to a story about a 6-month-old pit bull terrier that was literally tortured (for lack of a better term.) He was dragged along a Missouri interstate after being tied to the bumper of an unsuspecting driver, sustaining severe injuries to his face, ears, shoulder, legs and side. Ryoutou has been writing down all of the things he'd like to do to the waste of an evening of good adult entertainment, and the way his eyes are lighting up, I have a sneaking suspicion that many of the methods he'd like to use will incorporate our more sadistic members if not some of our "less stable" members. *looks over at "Mad Dog" Majima*

Oh, great. One of the stereos is blaring and Hirato, Yogi, several of the Claymores and Shigure are searching for it while Asami, Kirishima, Suoh, Fei Long, Yoh and a couple of other Oriental "underworld figures" are searching for the people who have it on so bloody loud (I'd hate to see what the neighbor will look like if our Gatling gun bearer is the first to find him/her/them. *:eek: :p :barf:*)

It's too bloody late at night to have one's stereo/tv/whatever blaring, seeing that it's 00.50 (12.50 am.) I'll try to get some sleep, but I don't know how I'll do it.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The first night of what I call the Festival of Fried Food has started here with the opening of presents. The non-humanoid delegation got little signs that say "Will Werk 4 Fud" (Will Work For Food) while the humanoids got different things depending on their personal interests. Takaba is ecstatic about his new camera and lens (hasn't stopped taking photos since he loaded it) and Rune's setting up his brand new chess set (he's lovingly caressing each piece before placing the piece on the board.) Kei's reading his newest book while Feilong's admiring his newest pipe, one carved out of jade in the shape of a dragon (I wonder if he's going to initiate any time soon or if he's just going to admire it.) Asami got a tie clip and matching cuff links in the shape of his favorite Glock along with a lighter that has a matching Glock on the front.

I got everybody laughing when I opened my present. First, I held it up to my ear, saying "It's not ticking, so it can't be a time bomb." Second, while holding it up, I absently mentioned it was too small to be a house and it was too big to be the keys to aforementioned house. Third, I tilted it back and forth while saying, "It's too still to be alive, so that leaves out several possibilities..." It turned out to be a kimono (I hope I'll be able to wear it someday.)

Kei has been playing with Suoh's furry manager, absently throwing :kitty: treats and watching her play with the kibbles before eating her "prey". Several of the :kitty:s have joined in, including Tovarish (who has used the poor private secretary/bodyguard as a launching pad [she's rather free with her claws when she's into her "game"]) and a few humanoids are helping with the "prey".

Oops, gotta go. Nora's picking a fight with Dragon's Wing, and Dragon's Wing is a bit "hyped up" on Kei's game. Ryoutou, Nova, could you help here, please? Thank you.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The :kitty: delegation's been "werk"ing overtime since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, especially whenever someone "Monday Morning Quarterback"s the situation. The last broadcast about it that I willingly had on was the interfaith service that was broadcast the following Sunday (I believe) and everybody listened intently, more than a few crying. The "posturing" about what should've been done to prevent the tragedy from all sides has the firearms experts going to their favorite ranges (Wren has introduced a couple of them to the artillery range he goes to as well as several of his "buddies" that watch him take out several targets whenever he's around.)

Tanda's been mixing several poultices as well as medicinal teas (to deal with both his frustrations [he uses traditional methods of grinding/mixing the herbs] and to restock his supplies [cold and flu season is upon us]) while Balsa's been practicing with her spear. She's been sparring with both Shigure and Clare to keep in shape, plus the other ladies don't mind one iota.

Roy found a video that he found a bit confusing at first until I explained what the punchline was. The joke was that a young lady who was just graduating college with a Bachelors degree was introduced to the crowd as "Fricken Awesome". I think I'll post a link in the YouTube thread. When he understood the "punchline", he couldn't stop laughing, passing the joke along to anyone who would stand still for a minute. A few of the other spellcasters are ready to cast a "Silence" spell on the fire alchemist to shut him up. I'm reluctant to give them the go-ahead since it has really lightened the sombre mood here.

Another thing that has lightened the mood here was an article about an unusual crossing guard: a black tom:kitty:. He has his very own safety vest and (almost) everything. I might go searching for a video about him, too.

Oops, gotta go. Several non-humanoid "clan" are too quiet, if you ken my meaning.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We got an invitation to a live performance by a local actor/comedian who is performing A Kodachrome Christmas. What's interesting about the performance is that the only character in the play is female (her name's Earline) and the actor isn't (I guess "John" gives it away.) We're going to the Wednesday matinee (saves everybody $10/ticket, which adds up when one has to buy more than 100 tickets.)

We're eating here (I'm introducing them to a variation on tuna puff as well as banana split shortcakes.) Kei's making Dragon's beard pasta from scratch (more "Monday Morning Quarterbacking, which, after more than a week, is just a bit much) while Suoh's making a variation of nabeyaki soup. Tanda's promising his "famous" mushroom stew (he doesn't call it famous; almost everybody else here does.)

A couple of girls got in trouble with the principal at the all-girls high school near here. Seems the girls were propositioning the guys here, and they picked the wrong ones. Anyway, Hirato and Albert both called the principal's office and filed complaints (wish I was a fly on her wall!) *sigh* Some Christmas "present" to have waiting for you. :rolleyes:

Oops, gotta go. Malcolm just let me know that we're going to be rather busy today, and the :kitty:s are waiting for everybody who isn't a vampire or other nocturnal being to go to bed.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine