Fictionalize Yourself

There was quite a bit of unintentional excitement at the theater when we were there.

"What happened?" you ask?

An attempted robbery that several "clan" members kinda caused a 'best laid plans o' mice and men gang oft agley'. The only one who wasn't armed was Takaba, and he just took photos of the perps with his Hannukah present (a digital SLR camera with an optional zoom lens.) Shigure and the "hunters" used the rafters and the catwalks to get to the scene of the crime while the Claymores (they're called Claymores because that's what they carry [one is somehow able to dual-wield her claymores]) and Balsa just slid out through the exits, claiming that they needed to "powder their noses". The members of Circus took care of the ones outside the theater.

Turned out that the perps were wanted for several robberies, and the business community had a reward for their capture (before you ask, no, the guys didn't take it, suggesting that the reward go to a worthy charity or two.) I have a feeling that the local Humane Society, a local food bank and the local Children's Hospital are going to very happy for the income.

Some of you might be wondering why the underworld figures didn't participate in the capture, so I'll answer. Once a bullet exits a muzzle, it cannot be "called back", and there were several innocent bystanders on the other side of the wall. Just try to imagine the bloodshed when someone opens fire with a Gatling gun. Plus, guns are rather loud inside a small theater.

Luckily for us, the star of the show is adept in extemporaneous chatter, both in- and out-of-character. He just ignored the strange mass exodus and the yelps coming from the box office. Then, again, he's familiar with our group. Heck, he performed with the :kitty: delegation at another Children's Hospital benefit (he adored the "lion tamer" act with the :kitty: jungle gym. We told him about some of the new members, including Kuma.

He had fun with Asami during the "cooking segment" of the play (especially when Takaba got into the act.) Heck, the actor was pretty much doubled over during the repartee between the photographer and the "businessman" (it was the usual "discussion" about their names [Takaba's nickname is "The Brat" and Asami's is "The Ba$tard"].) Anyway, Takaba got the sugar cookie that Asami got for his participation in the play (Asami detests sweets while Takaba adores them.)

Oops, gotta go. A neighbor's :mad: Kuma the Bear. Ryoutou, Nova, could you help me here for a moment, please? Thank you.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I'm rather :mad: at the woman who helps me in my apartment.

"Why this time?"" you ask?

She set a ceramic candlestick holder close enough to the edge of the opening between the kitchen and the dining area that it was knocked into the sink and broke. I cannot go to the place where I made it because they've been out of business for several years and I don't know if anybody else sells either the greenware or the glazes anymore (even if I could recall what colors I used to do them.) I'm going to try to get some superglue for ceramics and hopefully I'll be able to repair the item.

Oh, and it wasn't the only item broken (our perfumer has to replace several of his expensive bottles or esters because they were broken (the apartment reeks due to the spilled contents) and the poor non-humanoid delegation is suffering (their sense of smell is much more acute than the humanoid delegation's.) One of the bottles broken was rose ester, which takes at least 500 perfect roses to make an ounce of ester (or something like that.) We won't get into some of his more expensive items.

Oh, and I went to see a new doctor Wednesday, and I'm going to see another on the 31st. The lady I saw was rather impressed with several of my escorts (there have been a few incidents near the hospital of people trying to steal drugs and/or money from patients.) She was further impressed at the fact that I "switched languages" between several of staff and my escorts. I told her to wait until I meet the new guy... :D She was also shocked at how little the Claymores eat (they don't really need to eat, unlike the rest of the "clan".) She asked if they'd mind having their glucose levels checked, and every one of them was roughly right in the middle of the normal range, in spite of the fact that they eat less than what's "required". Before you ask, I have no idea about their metabolism rates or anything else about them.

Oops, gotta go. Seems that we've lost some more fragile items, and several of the "clan" want to break someone's neck later today when she come (I have to stop them before they do it.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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We (meaning the residents of the complex, not just "the clan") were warned yesterday that the complex is going to get a new water meter. Unfortunately, we don't know when it's going to be installed.(it'll be some time between 0830 and 1200 this morning.) So everybody picked up bottled water for cooking (the semi delivered it around midnight, accepted by the vampires.) A few of the neighbors kvetched, but I told them that, with everybody that we have to feed, both humanoid ond non, we require a large quantity of water.

Speaking of mouths to feed, we have another dozen, give or take. What's rather amusing is that three of them are law enforcement officers. *headdesk* I hope the yakuza, triad and other "businessmen"/"businesswomen" tone down their activities for a bit. One good thing though is that one of the officers is also a physician (in case he's needed.) Their "welcome committee" was Nora the Neko and Kuma the Bear. We had to do an emergency load due to unfortunate accidents (if you ken my meaning. ;))

Oops, gotta go. Seems one of the newbies tried to emulate Deneve (one of the Claymores) and tried dual-wielding claymores. Um, Deneve, would you please get Clare's and Miria's swords away from the newbie before somebody gets hurt? Nova, mind helping out here, too? Thanks.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
One of the newbies learned the hard way not to call my bluff. I warned the entire "clan" to avoid asking me about "The Big Game" (the punishment for a first offense was having Orihime cook for the offender the entire day.) He started his day with a piece of hazelnut cheesecake with soy sauce. His partner placed her in handcuffs until Hirato straightened things out (the physician thought that Orihime deliberately tried to poison his partner.) The "victim" had Brussels sprouts in vanilla cream as well as some pasta dish I didn't want to know what it was for lunch and I avoided looking anywhere near his plate during dinner.)

We've been busy trying to keep warm while avoiding the neighbors (which is difficult in most circumstances.) It's going to be even worse tomorrow ("Game Day".) We've already gotten several invitations to watch American football in the community room or the individual apartments. Unfortunately for the other residents, most of the "veteran" members have become as reclusive as I am, so we don't really mingle here.

We're grocery shopping earlier in the day to avoid the crowds (we need staples.) We're making several different things, including homemade hot cocoa (there goes the milk...)

Oops, gotta go. :mad: Kuma is chasing a prankster (don't want to see the effects of a kuma catching his or her prey. :p)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We had some excitement in the complex. Luckily, none of the guys were involved (this time.) Seems a couple of neighbors got rather upset at the delay during "The Big Game" (32 minutes) and the neighbors destroyed their own televisions. The tvs were big screen HD televisions with all of the bells and whistles, therefore not cheap items. One of them was arrested for discharging a firearm in city limits as well as endangering safety. Can you say "headdesk"? I knew you could.

To make up for the BS, I suggested a trip to see the Sapporo White Illumination, an annual event where the trees have electric lights strung through their ice- and snow-covered branches. Wren was more than happy to volunteer to escort everybody who wants to go. He said he wanted to visit a particular mangaka if she was okay with it. Asami, FeiLong, Takaba, Kirishima, Kazumi, Ranmaru, Yoh and Captain Valentiano quickly signed up for the excursion (especially the side trip,) and they're looking for something to bring the lady. I suggested a few :kitty: toys for her furred managers along with a Cats Coming and Going nightshirt or sweatshirt for the human (they'll consider my input.)

Speaking of :kitty:s, a few of the college kids we've had either class or lunch with suggested opening a :kitty: cafe on or near campus. A :kitty: cafe is a cafe where :kitty:s roam free, interacting with customers (the customers buy coffee or tea and interact with the free-roaming residents for a set time before the customer have to buy another.) They're rather popular in Japan from what I understand.

Oops, gotta go. One of the neighbors that "lost" his tv is pestering Kuma. Luckily for us, he wasn't the one who shot his tv (if Kuma's hurt, he might kill and, if he's killed, several human/oid members might kill in his stead.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We had some excitement Friday. The "clan" went to a seder (at least, the ones who weren't working or in class) and we ended up at the same table as a couple of troublemakers (poor Wren was seated right next to one of them.) The troublemaker right next to Wren kept up a monologue about whether or not the food was okay for Passover (totally ignoring that we were only having a mock seder, not a real one, plus the fact that the first night isn't until next week Monday... :rolleyes:) along with were our hosts going to be eco-friendly with everything above and beyond the plates and flatware they used for the main dishes. The cyborg/android finally shut his audio off to preserve his sanity.

One of the other guests (a gentleman originally from South Africa) found out several things about my group: a) most of us are multilingual, b) several don't follow the Abrahamic religions, c) several are trained and/or professional musicians, and d) at least a couple aren't even human. He sat right across from Wren and, when he asked the poor cyborg a question, became a tad upset that Wren seemed to ignore him. Yoh gently tapped Wren's wrist to gain his attention, then suggested that the other man repeat the question. They ended up going out into the hall to converse (Wren was ready to throw Mr. "Is this kosher for Passover?" through a wall at that moment, and Yoh wanted to assassinate him in some rather creative ways.)

The desserts provided were generously given to the members with a sweet tooth since they were definitely not either sugar free or low fat. Those who wanted or needed that were grateful I provided green tea and that there was the traditional apple relish that's served during the main meal (the desserts provided were a three-layer chocolate mousse cake, a yellow cake with a milk chocolate ganache [sp?] and rocky road macaroons.) I looked at one plate and felt my blood sugar go through the roof. Alas, the hosts couldn't understand why I kept refusing their offers of a nice dessert.

When we got back home, I found out that a bakery in New Jersey was shut down by the FDA because some of their "sugar free" products and a few of their "fat free" products had between two and three times the legal definition of said terms (might bring this up in the clinic tomorrow.)

Oops, gotta go. Wren and Kenpachi look like they're ready to put a few holes in the community room.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Tovarish is in the doghouse (yes, :kitty:s can be in the doghouse, too.)

"Why?" you ask?

Well, she was basically misbehaving, using several of "the clan" as either scratching posts, climbing toys, or other similar "toys" (and she tried stealing bites of human/oid chow from the people eating [was quite amusing seeing her try that with some of the vampires]...) Luckily we didn't have any gefilte fish or she might've gotten sick (onions are poisonous to members of the :kitty: race, and they are an important ingredient in gefilte fish.) The final straw was when she stole pieces of lettuce (or were they red cabbage?) from of several human/oids' plates and started "nomming" them (yeah, she's a crazy :kitty: if I do say so myself...)

We were invited to a buffet tomorrow, but alas, ongoing RL stuff trumps any fun we might've had (oh, and the person who invited us still can't understand why Wren is so fit, yet is too heavy for any of the scales at the clinic [Wren's a cyborg/android, who is pretty much composed of heavy duty metals, so he could kinda be compared to something like a combination human and car].) Anyway, since we can't go to the buffet, the entire point's moot, I guess. The claymores freaked out several people due to the fact that they don't really eat (both the dietician and the guy who's in charge of the program are concerned that the ladies are anorexic when they really aren't.) They just have a different metabolism than "regular" human/oids. *shrug*

Monday was hilarious, seeing how one of the "newbies" found himself the recipient of my "promise" ("I'm gonna get you. You don't know when, you don't know where and you don't know how, but I'm gonna get you. Oh, and you know what they say about payback...") He couldn't figure out why everybody avoided him until I got him back (he regretted his prank the moment he tripped my retaliation, and he hasn't had a cup of coffee that I've made since [I guess he doesn't like habanero-flavoured coffee].)

We had a nice "breaking Passover" dinner Tuesday evening (I taught several of "the clan" how to make a rather interesting pastry that is similar to an upside-down pizza sans pork products, while Kei and Suoh showed me how to make Inarizushi [which is a vegetarian sushi made with rice and fried tofu] as well as Inarimaki [which is a maki roll made with fried tofu].) The good-natured bickering between the two friends about the proper way to make both types of sushi was funny.

Oops, gotta go. Tovarish is digging herself deeper into her doghouse.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
There was some excitement with several of "the clan" last night.

"What happened?" you ask?

A blackout that knocked out the electricity in almost all of the buildings. Wren was in an elevator/lift when it happened, and he extricated himself from between the eighth and ninth floors of Curtin, rescuing five others while he was at it (one of the rescued people was rather upset with him, but he would've been stuck for roughly four hours in the elevator/lift if nobody else came...) Everybody called everybody else within our small "network", giving each individual position and everything else relevant to the situation.

Wren and Mieu used their internal communications to save on battery power and the shinigami used their "alternate" bodies to communicate (and to execute a few "jobs" that they needed to perform.) The :kitty: delegation was quite busy when we got home since everybody was "on edge" due to the fact that the streetlights were out as well (traffic was quite "interesting" to say the least.) Alas, some of the traffic signals weren't fixed yet this morning, and the rain didn't help when the drivers couldn't care less about safe driving (mechas really help that way.)

Oops, gotta go. I just got a call from a couple of our mecha pilots who just got calls from several police stations concerning wrecked cars. *sigh*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Wren had some fun in Seattle Thursday.

"What happened?" you ask?

He met the members of Steam Powered Giraffe, and freaked them all out (his size and the fact that he is either an android or a cyborg [he has trouble going through metal detectors, though]...)

Mieu jokingly called Wren "Shorty" and the members of Steam Powered Giraffe looked down, then started looking up and up, craning their necks to finally see his face (one had a crick in his neck, which Mieu graciously fixed for him.)

Spine and Rabbit had a bit of trouble due to a couple of bratlings, but Wren easily dealt with them (it's hard to escape someone who can bench press a mid-size sedan without breaking a sweat, especially if he can transform into a helicopter or a space shuttle if the situation warranted it.) Upgrade nearly had a complete circuitry malfunction when she saw Wren in action. ;) I think she's joined his fan club. :rolleyes:

Oops, gotta go. I have to get some antihistamines (allergy to dogs, and one romped around my apartment [he was checking for bedbugs, I guess, as well as other non-human pests, so he had to enter].) Most of the :kitty:s just laired up, and Kuma growled at the intruders. The manager "asked" me if Tovarish was fully restrained, and I just replied that she went directly to one of her three lairs and won't come out until the intruders were gone. Too tempting to punch him out...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
*scream heard around the known universe*

More "guests", just popped in. *headdesk* Tochou, the Shinjuku brothers (all four of them), Roppongi, Shiodome, Tsukishima, Ryougoku, Iidabashi, Toshimaen and Daimon are all personifications of Japanese subway stations (please don't ask, it's difficult to explain...)

The eldest Shinjuku (I think his personification's "name" is Rintaro) found himself face-to-face with one of Shigure's knives as well as Balsa's spear and a few claymores (he was getting a bit too friendly with them, from what I understand.) He also met Kuma (if he could, I think he'd need a change of his "tighty-whities" if you ken my meaning.) Tochou also met Kuma in much the same manner (his scream got Daiba out of his "cave", which is quite unusual for the recluse.)

I suggested that some of the "veterans" take the newbies on a trip to Chicago after the newbies get situated. I can't count how many grabbed the chance for a train trip, and the newbies expressed interest in meeting the personification of Union Station (now that I look at it, I think I need something for my headache...)

Oops, gotta go. The newbies are meeting the non-humanoid delegation...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Everybody left something for the postal worker today (it was what I call the "Donate nonperishable food for those who truly need it" day,) and the newbies got in the spirit of things. Literally. :rolleyes: Two of them donated the nonperishable ingredients for the different dishes that they are familiar with, hoping that some deserving person would receive their generous donations.

Anyway, starting a week from tomorrow and lasting a little over a week will be the next fundraiser/"block party" (oh, the newbies are going to have fun with the event...) Emba's got his conch shell ready, plus he's given the sassy receptionist for the local radio station a "heads up" (with help from Wren.) From what I've heard, she's asked if anybody's going to be in loincloths. :rolleyes:

The kids have been busy with their Mothers Day stuff, putting some of the newbies to work (seeing several adult guys polishing silver and the like is quite amusing if you ask me...)

Oops, gotta go. Kuma is going after a couple of neighbors.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We got a few more additions to "the clan". *ultrasonic scream heard through several planes of discourse* At least three police officers and one yakuza appeared rather early this morning (I don't need any more "guests", thankyouverymuch) just as Nova and Kuma were dealing with Nora. Their abrupt appearance (as well as their abrupt screams) woke up the rest of "the clan", causing the newbies to be completely overwhelmed with humanoids and non-humanoids alike.

In other "news", we've also gotten permission to take over a nearby empty field for our fundraiser (the only place big enough to have some "elbow room" for everybody, yet close enough to the main action on the radio. All of the newbies are just observers right now (don't want too many people getting in on the action without any sort of idea what to do.) Shigure and the "hunters" have taken their spots in the trees, coming down just long enough to get something to eat and/or "powder their noses". Several of our group are camping out there (no, nobody's sleeping in the trees, so relax) and Emba's shown the newbies his conch shell "trumpet" (easier than trying to explain the strange "wake-up call" at dawn.)

Oops, gotta go. I have a new list of stuff I have to bring, including ice cream treats and icy drinks for the frozen treats trucks the snow spirits are staying in.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Everybody's settling in the best they can at the moment (stupid situations concerning several things I won't get into right now.) Some of the "clan" that took classes have graduated (their degrees are safely tucked away so nobody else can get their grubby little hands on them) and Tao's taking more summer classes in the math and philosophy departments. He's found a couple of professors he's following (sorta) and basically thumbing his nose at the College for Kids program (why take easy classes?)

We've had several successful "block parties" since the Memorial Day fundraiser (another huge check was cut for the Childrens Miracle Network that Emba "ran" over to them, much to a certain receptionist's delight...) The security team/escort were a hit as well (several of them were grateful that their skin tones could hide their :eek:.) Oh, and the snow spirits are camping out in Antarctica (again :rolleyes:) to avoid the heat.

Well, I'll update a bit later since it's getting kinda late here.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Something that "the clan" is going to later this month: Milwaukee | 110th Anniversary | Harley-Davidson USA

Yeah, the 110th anniversary of Harley Davidson motorcycles is this year, and several of the guys are riding. o, they're wearing "normal" clothes, not the kind of stuff they had when they arrived. They're also packing bento to save money for other things.

A few of the guys are also helping my friends Ty and America move into their new apartment in Chicago (they've threatened to visit the couple during the year, too.) A few have made up a schedule for P&P RPs (just in case Ty and America want/need some familiar faces at the table, atypical gamers' chow in hand.) A couple of them might ask America for assistance in their homework (if their professors are "lame" concerning their education.)

Oh, and we're getting ready for the next blockbuster of a fundraiser, groups practicing their songs, dancers working on their routines, etc., as well as signing up for classes. I think Orihime's signed up for cooking classes (thank PtBs!)

Oops, I'm getting some interesting looks from several people here, so I'll sign out.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We've run into several people who are here for the 110th (some were here for other HarleyFests) and everybody's reconnecting with old friends and/or introducing new ones. We're going to have some "interesting" times this upcoming weekend due to the 110th (buses rerouted, bars/taverns/etc. "entertaining" the bikers, hotels crowded with out-of-town guests, etc.)

Above all of that, college kids are moving into their housing units, which means we have several moving vans around. A couple of apartments in my building have new tenants (Wren ran into one of them earlier [said he didn't run into him hard enough, leaving the new guy unharmed].) They both have already set off the fire alarms (Ukitake was thrilled when that happened) and one asked if we could put some kind of muzzle on Kuma (forget his teeth, remember his claws.)

Oh, the snow spirits have been calling long-distance (they're in Antarctica, getting tans [crazy demons. :p].) It's just too hot here for them, seeing how it reached 90 F. today and expected high tomorrow will be even hotter.) Well, I guess that since it's getting towards the end of summer, we should be expecting some last hurrah in the form of a heat wave...

Oops, gotta go. Wren's powering up his pulse cannon...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We're getting ready for midterms (at least those who are taking them) and a ceili (it'll be on the 31 of this month.) Oh, and those who don't consider themselves "too old" are going to be "trick-or-treating" (including a few chronological adults [yeah, I'm talking about you, Tesshou, and you, Takaba].) The shinigami are doing guard duty to make sure that none of the younger kids are attacked (nobody can escape the notice of shinigami, aka death "gods". Trust me. :D)

We're also hosting a makeshift ritual, the members of Astral kinda leading it. I've been "volunteered" to make either a stew or a cauldron of chili while Nekoyashiki insists on making dinners for the :kitty: delegation.

The snow spirits are getting ready to return; winter's knocking on the proverbial door. I just realized something; I'll need more apartments when they get back. *headdesk*

Oops, gotta go. The "clan" wants food (as usual.) Okay, okay! I'm coming! Sheesh!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Update on what happened Thursday.

A group of college kids thought that they would have some fun with a few of us, and they found out it was what one would consider a "bad idea". First, they surrounded me and tried scaring me (needless to say, it went over like a lead-filled zeppelin.) Then they tried the same thing with FeiLong (one of the kids came to school Friday with an arm in a cast due to his arm being broken in seven places.) The other three went toe-to-toe with Deneve, who showed them that, no matter if it's three against one, if the person who is alone happens to be proficient in wielding a pair of claymores, the threesome will come out in second place unless they are proficient in ranged weapons (and are armed.) It was rather easy to see that the boys didn't have any sort of ranged weapons on them (it's difficult to hide something like that when one is only wearing a mask, a pair of shoes and a diaper/nappie for a costume.) They ran right into Kensei, Shuuhei and Kira (much to their regret.)

When everything subsided, a pair of campus walking escorts took over the situation, telling the boys that they were going to keep an eye on them. Alas, both Kurosa and Seishiro were the ones to teach the boys their final lesson for the night (wasn't a pleasant scene, if you ken my meaning.) Seishiro's an actual Japanese witch (onmyoujin) who has the power to do some rather nasty things to whomever he desires.

Well, on an "upnote": we attended a pow wow yesterday (several of "the clan" had fun interacting with the Indigenous Americans, especially the dancers.) Majima had to be carefully sedated (he's definitely earned his nickname "Mad Dog" Majima. :rolleyes:) Suoh and Kirishima, on the other hand, were rather cute dancing with a young Fancy dancer (they towered over her!)

Oops, gotta go. Trouble in the computer lab here.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We're getting ready for the Festival of Fried Foods (Festival of Lights/Hanukkah) which begins the night of the 27th (yes, of this month.) I've been surfing the internet for lower fat substitutions of the "usual suspects" (potato pancakes, doughnuts, fried pasta, Navaho fry bread...) so that everybody can participate equally with less oil being wasted. I mean, over 500 people to feed...

Ah, well. At least everybody's figured out which cooking "team" they're on, making my job easier.

Oh, and several of "the clan" got "interesting" phone calls, including Wren over his wireless communication device. I think the cyborg (or is he an android?) did something to the violator's phone system, but I'm afraid to ask (just in case.)

Oops, gotta go. Several of "the clan" are trying a variation on white chili, and they're not as much of a "chilihead" as I am. I'll need fresh bread, cheese, rice...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The snow spirits were enjoying themselves outside this week ( :p spirits if you ask me.) I mean, they decided to go out without the required outerwear (coats, gloves, hats, scarves, earmuffs, etc.) and they freaking enjoyed it. :rolleyes: Monday, we had wind chills of -50 F. and the temperature otherwise was -10 or something like that.

Everybody else was relatively sane, including the :kitty: delegation, conserving as much energy/warmth as possible. Hell, even the Coons, the Wedgies and the Siberians were miserable due to the cold temperatures (we won't discuss the shorthair breeds and the "hairless" breeds.) The other species in our delegation decided to hibernate (those that can/do in the wild) much to the delight of my neighbors (Kuma's hibernating.)

Oh, and we have a new set of "guests". *scream* We have to import bamboo for one of the newbies (he's a panda, so I believe there are people around the forum that can understand.) The other non-human is a bit easier to feed since he's an eagle. *headdesk* We (meaning the "veterans" of this chaos) are trying to figure out where to put everybody since we are running out of room! The space ships that our resident police force/circus performers use are crowded with people/"people".

Won't somebody take a few of "the clan" off my hands, even for a little while? :(

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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(and then, and as if to spoil it even, the goblin showed up wondering why those who wished to practice their writing skills hadn't first thought of using third person here, explaining "...if you do, then it will offer you the two aspects of narration and dialog here...", at which point the goblin stopped in his tracks, the night would bring those ghosts to the fore, and the court of his own conscience would start in earnest, the slot looked back at the goblin and asked "...tonight too, goblin...", while the goblin for his part just looked down to the ground and sighed " it's too late for us now slot, and how they all want to become writers here, for that fame and fortune no less, oh yes, one's name in bright lights, and yet, when those readers have moved on afterwards, when one has received whatever external acclaim one merits, what then, well one is just stuck with it still going through one's thoughts...", the goblin restarted " short you dream of seeing ghosts, then you start seeing ghosts, till finally you can't help seeing ghosts and hate seeing ghosts, and those ghosts have nowhere else to go it seems, why, because what you write writes you back where one doggedly writes away that which repeatedly returns again and again and again..." and there they were, thousands of them now, all calling to be heard)