Gen 1:27 tells us? That we were made in the image of god…. And Then in the same chapter if we look to verse 28, what does he tell us again? To fill the earth? Subdue it? Rule over all the creatures of the land, water and air… His intentions were clearly to live on Earth, and to stay on Earth, this is coming from a neutral party…. I claim to be no type of Christian… But, looking at what this book is spelling out, it’s to my opinion saying that is where we are to be… I can’t see where everyone goes to heaven in this book? Or that he intended us to go to heaven? We were perfect, sinless, we weren’t meant to die… Only sin brings death so without sin, we couldn’t possibly die so It would be impossible to go to heaven, hence supporting the first part where he intended for us to live on Earth….. Then you have other logical points to support this… He after all is this great amazing being? Why would he take the pointless long, stupid way round… If we were to live in heaven we would be angels… We are not angels… If angels were to live on Earth they would be humans or something not angels… If a fish was meant to live on land it would be say a fox… If a fox was meant to live in the air it would be an eagle not a fox… You see where this is going? So how I would imagine WE would be in heaven, we wouldn’t…..