What's Your Sign, Baby?

What's Your Sign, Bayyybeeee?

  • Will Work For Food

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will Work For Good

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Will Work For God

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Work Sucks

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Will Work For Pot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will Work For Pot, then won't work for a while

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Work It

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters
Hey Nick. ::wave:: Some of the fringes of the 2012-benchmark-date-for-the-New-Age crowd seem to believe that we are all going to become telepathic real soon. While I feel that it is likely that people will experience increasing sensitivity to all sorts of non-verbal communication (art, empathy, instrumental music, and yes, even telepathy), I find the notion of sudden transformation ridiculous. Everything happens gradually. Incrementally we inch up on realizing our potentials and then pushing them a little farther. I think the thousand-year plan sounds more "reasonable" that the 2012 benchmark (but what is reasonable when we are talking about psychic mumbo-jumbo??).

At the same time, change compounds change and can be quite exponential. We only need to look at the rise of mechanical/electrical technology. Two hundred years ago, light bulbs were a distant dream of magic! Only two hundred years ago. And at this point, without light bulbs, our "civilization" would suffer a nervous breakdown of an enormous magnitude. Take away our computers and televisions and we would all be wandering around listlessly like the addicted, dazed, unimaginitive animals we've become.

We've just about pushed the technology pedal to the floor, and need to decelerate. As we do that, we will naturally funnel more of our energy, time, and resources into other arenas. Think what an amazing group of individuals, families, tribes, and governments humanity could be if we were to all focus on self-actualizing activities rather than speculative economics. If instead of going to work to punch a clock, dad stays at home and talks with the kids in the neighborhood (who are no longer sent off to institutional prisons called 'schools') about history and art, then makes them lunch, and after lunch, sends them down to the end of the street where they play basketball with Jeff. At two o'clock, a group of them heads up the street to Lauryn's house where they sew, quilt, or take care of her chickens and cows. A few others walk the two miles to Sanchez's house where they ride horses. Carmen takes in the rest and speaks to them from her heart about her life as a gay woman of color born of a Muslim mother and Jewish father growing up in a post-September 11th world of prejudice and fear. She tells them about her personal struggles and listens to their own troubles as well. At four o'clock, she sends them on their way and prepares her house for a support group she hosts every third Thursday of the month.

Okay, another digression, in a way. I guess these scenes of cooperation, equanimity, openness, and communal responsibility and respect are how I envision the social structures of this "Aquarian Age" playing out.

Can't wait. :) :D :D

I reminded of how all material objects (including our physical and astral bodies) have been described as "lightening standing still". We may assume that communication between all of us will improve as a result of these changes.

It has also been said that many of us will become psychic in the next thousand years or so. This may indeed be a result of the age of Aquarius. I find the whole thing fascinating. (I sure could use a few free psychic readings that I can give for myself....)

Yup...Pisces Nick.

And what is happeneing right now is an increasing generalized awareness of the basic entanglement and quantum interconnectedness of all things, living and non-living.

With this knowledge comes magical lives. All you have to do is to learn to look at the world and everything in it as a oneness.

Wholistic life is so much more rewarding and energizing. But one must also learn to accept darkness as a necessity...that's the hardest part of it all.

flowperson said:
Wholistic life is so much more rewarding and energizing. But one must also learn to accept darkness as a necessity...that's the hardest part of it all.

Darkness and light. Without the darkness, the light cannot be seen clearly. It is still there, though. And without the light, can darkness be seen?

Hi, fellow Waterbearer. I was wondering if you would chime in!

Yup...Pisces Nick.

And what is happeneing right now is an increasing generalized awareness of the basic entanglement and quantum interconnectedness of all things, living and non-living.

With this knowledge comes magical lives. All you have to do is to learn to look at the world and everything in it as a oneness.

Wholistic life is so much more rewarding and energizing. But one must also learn to accept darkness as a necessity...that's the hardest part of it all.


Well said. I especially like the parts I made blue. "Magical lives," indeed!

I've been thinking a lot about the concept of "wealth" lately. For me, wealth is not tied to money. If it is even measurable, wealth is the tangible, substantial amount of "stuff" in our lives that brings joy. But that's a crude measurement, and I think wealth is so much more. Much of true wealth is intangible. It's in relationships, events, experiences, and moments. And it is in how those things effect us and continue to effect us even after the moment has passed.

The light and darkness polarization also strikes me. These days, I usually shy away from polarizations and dichotomy (although sometimes my posts may lead people to think otherwise), and I see light/darkness as more of an interaction. As has already been stated, both are necessary for "life" as we know it. Many of our self-definitions are edged in black ink. We are defined as personalities and people by the darkness that borders us. Also, we work with both darkness and light. Being part of the universe, we can't help but do that. And darkness isn't all bad, is it? It's the unknown, the unexplored, and it is what keeps us bound as the beings we are.

Black is beautiful. :)

I've been trying to pinpoint a quote that's vaguely roaming around my head. Something about the darkness in the light and the light in the darkness. Feels like it is from a song. Anyone know where I might be getting this from? It's kinda bugging me, not knowing.

I told you, Pathless, my option was not on there. :D

I doubt this is what you are trying to think of, but interesting nonetheless. :)

I've been trying to pinpoint a quote that's vaguely roaming around my head. Something about the darkness in the light and the light in the darkness. Feels like it is from a song. Anyone know where I might be getting this from? It's kinda bugging me, not knowing.


Almost certainly not this:

Lighthouses might house the key
but can I reach the door?

I want to walk on the sea
so that I may better find a shore...
but how can I ever keep my feet dry?
I scan the horizon
I must keep my eyes on all parts of me.

Looking back on the years
it seems that I have lost my way:
Like a dog in the night, I have run to a manger
...now I am the stranger I stay in. Ah well...
All of the grief I have seen
leaves me chasing solitary peace;
but I hold experience in my head....
I'm too close to the light
I don't think I see right, for I blind me....

but I'm a sucker for the lyrics of Peter Hammill:)

Hi all;

Thanks for your comments. I find it to be so appropriate that the first act of
G-d as stated in the book of Genesis is that G-d "let there be light".

This implies that light is hidden by the darkness in normal conditions in the universe and that manipulations of physical realities are needed to allow light to be manifested. This is all the more topical in light (sorry) of all the discussions going on among physicists and cosmologists regarding dark matter and dark energy and how it dominates the light in the universe by a factor of 96% vs 4%.

I won't even go into the verses regarding "those who live in the darkness have seen a great light" or Jesus' admonishments about not "hiding one's light under a bushel". There's probably lots more that don't come to mind just now. It's a system that we were created into and live inside of. This universal mixture of light and darkness is the greatest portion of our collective being. Yin/Yang.

My sign is "No Parking"

I plan to return it one day, I only borrowed it.
...so I pulled into a gas station one day due to a flat tire. Anyway as I was changing it, this woman drives up and asks "Gotta flat tire"?

"No" I replied. "I was just driving along when all of the sudden three of my tires got all big and bloated with gas...":rolleyes: (here's your sign)courtesy of Jeff Foxworthy
Pop it like it's hot!$!£"$!£
Pop it like it's hot!! :D
I'm a gangsta, but y'all knew that
Da Big Boss Dogg, yeah I had to do that
I keep a blue flag hanging out my backside
But only on the left side, yeah that's the Crip side
Ain't no other way to play the game the way I play
I cut so much you thought I was a DJ