Did You Go

Interesting, that you didn't simply say "Yes, I am happy..." Interesting, that you had to look into the bible to see if you are happy.... Hmm..
the bible says it all especially regarding what is happening in the last days. and as Jesus said
Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!" luke 11;28
Daniel 2;44 matthew 24-14 maybe its the truth thats different, how many are willing to make it known on here? as far as i can see its only me that is willing to go along with christs brothers and make it known , maybe its got something to do with humility ;)
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to you ,He will appoint him over all his belongings. matthew 24-45-47 Jesus has appointed the faithful slave class with making known about the established heavenly kingdom Daniel 2;44 .and working along with these faithful ones is the way to go as it leads to everlasting life in a paradise earth. so then are we a sheep or are we a goat? As matthew 25; 46 says
And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off,(goats) but the righteous ones(sheep) into everlasting life............. i know whos side i want to be on , and working along with the channel that Jesus is using is the way to go . and it is very good:)

lol, have you ever stopped to read what you cut and paste? And then read what you quote it agaisnt? More than half the time it makes no sense... Might as well go and have a conversation with watchtower.org lol has the same level of personality and humanity as Mee....

i am glad to say that i have taken the GOODNEWS to heart , that is why i am making it known and it is verrrrry gooooooood matthew 24;14 Daniel 2;44

Yeah, to have a belief that after death, that is not the end of the line and there is this hope of a wonderful peaceful world is good... However, to turn you into some characterless drone isn't good... It says all these rules, these guidelines but nowhere does it say stop being yourself...
... Might as well go and have a conversation with watchtower.org lol has the same level of personality and humanity as Mee....

Yeah, to have a belief that after death, that is not the end of the line and there is this hope of a wonderful peaceful world is good... However, to turn you into some characterless drone isn't good... It says all these rules, these guidelines but nowhere does it say stop being yourself...
it seems that i am working inline with the faithful ones , matthew 24;45-47 unity is a good thing to behold. and humility works wonders. when the goodnews is in our heart it is very good .
(Psalm 112:1) Praise Jah, YOU people! Happy is the man in fear of Jehovah, In whose commandments he has taken very much delight.
(Psalm 119:2) Happy are those observing his reminders; With all the heart they keep searching for him.
Boy I don't like the sound of that. Caring for people like a shepard cares for his flock, I understand. But seeking out sheep like people??:eek:

I'm still waiting for your description of the event.
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14
sheep recognize the shepherds voice
John 10:16
the division between those who support Jesus’ brothers and those who refuse to support them is becoming evident. Malachi 3:18
Jesus will soon sit on his throne and pronounce sentence, people being judicially separated in a final sense to life or to cutting-off.
the worldwide preaching of the Kingdom message is an on going thing ,
As people hear it and react favorably or unfavorably, they are identifying themselves.
We humans cannot, and we should not, say, ‘This person is a sheep; that one a goat,’ that is only for Jehovah and Jesus christ to judge in the final outcome. .........yes people identify themselves. but the gathering goes on .
so how have you responded to the GOODNEWS of the kingdom . matthew 24;14 .... matthew 24;45-47 Sheep are willing to be led , then they dont get eaten up by wolves . :)

Corinthians 13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

mee, you say the right things, but there is no love in your words. you sound like a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal and no one listens to you. i hope you can understand this. if you want to really, and i mean reaaally spread the Gospel unto the four corners of the earth, then there has to be love. a passion, for it. i don't know you personally, though i wish i did and i hope you are not like that in person, but even though we are communicating by e-mail you can still tell if someone really means the words, you my friend don't mean them. you are just copying and pasting. you should at least give God His glory and respect by backing up His words with love and not "pointless noise". do you understand what i mean?
Hi Leo :)

I generally try to stay out of these conversations, but I am compelled to speak up here. I may not agree with or even understand some of what mee posts, but I disagree with you about him not showing love. I read his posts, and I find them to be quite loving in nature. I'll leave now....

(By the way, I read yours, too, and I don't consider you a bad guy, either--but sometimes I understand you less than I do mee--lol--that screen name sure lends itself to lots of smiles, sometimes.) :)

LeoSalinas22 said:
mee, you say the right things, but there is no love in your words. you sound like a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal and no one listens to you. i hope you can understand this.
I submit that God always listens. I listen to mee even though I have not been responding. Here is a thread 5 pages long of people who listened and corresponded with mee. My initial viewpoint is that the JW are doing something right and correspondingly may see some things that many do not.

Love is in open ears. I can't imagine telling someone that nobody listens. I find it sad seeing that kind of use of Paul's 1st Corinthians. I've had it quoted to me several times before and it tells me a lot when I see it. I find there is Truth in every single word that a person speaks from baby to old age, whether copied or not, and even the best Lie still reveals a Truth. Therefore Love rejoiceth in open, listening ears that listens to sounding brass and tinkling cymbals and even corresponds with them. Hopefully people who have raised children can relate.
Corinthians 13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

mee, you say the right things, but there is no love in your words. you sound like a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal and no one listens to you. i hope you can understand this. if you want to really, and i mean reaaally spread the Gospel unto the four corners of the earth, then there has to be love. a passion, for it. i don't know you personally, though i wish i did and i hope you are not like that in person, but even though we are communicating by e-mail you can still tell if someone really means the words, you my friend don't mean them. you are just copying and pasting. you should at least give God His glory and respect by backing up His words with love and not "pointless noise". do you understand what i mean?
it makes no difference who i am, the truth from Gods word and the message that the GOODNEWS of the heavenly kingdom brings is the thing to look to Daniel 2;44. the reason that i make it known is because i love God and humans , but who i am is not important i do not keep this wonderful message to myself i want others to know about the hope for the future ,and those with the right heart will respond to the words of the bible. it is not my words that mean anything, but it is the BIBLE . not sure why you think the words are not what i believe? it is because they mean a lot to me that i make it known.
For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart.
hebrews 4;12 and it is showing love to others because most have been kept in the dark about the wonderful promises in the bible . this world is in the power of the wicked one (satan the devil)1john 5;19 and the last thing that satan wants is for the GOODNEWS OF THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM GOVERMENT daniel 2;44 to be made known. and yes you are right ,you dont know me as a person but the thing that i am known for is making known about the GOODNEWS matthew 24;14 and that does not mean that i am a bad person , it just means that i am focusing on the goodnews .
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first. i am not here on this forum to change people , but it is a fact that most people are in the dark about the goodnews that Jesus is now A REIGNING KING IN THE HEAVENS daniel 7;13-14 Daniel 2;44 .And this kingship was given to him in 1914 inline with bible prophecy and chronology. and it is a fact that so called christian leaders are the ones who are not recognizing this kingship, so inturn their flocks are prevented from knowing about it. so the making known about it goes on by people like me . the main way that it is made known is by calling on peoples homes , but for me i liike to make it known in all walks of my life. And weather people believe it or not, there is only ONE channel that Jesus is feeding in this time of the end ,and it is the channel that i am feeding from matthew24;45-47 and it is very good indeed.
the difference becomes clearer and clearer

It sure does, me human... You robot... Wel, come.

Hi Leo :)

I generally try to stay out of these conversations, but I am compelled to speak up here. I may not agree with or even understand some of what mee posts, but I disagree with you about him not showing love. I read his posts, and I find them to be quite loving in nature. I'll leave now....

(By the way, I read yours, too, and I don't consider you a bad guy, either--but sometimes I understand you less than I do mee--lol--that screen name sure lends itself to lots of smiles, sometimes.) :)


That is because just pastes text book examples of what someone else has already written... It is proof read and checked and so on and so forth to be public work on a website... That is why you may understand his posts more.... Infact, I am sure there are some copy right laws being violated here....
Hi Angel--

I realize that there is a lot of cutting and pasting. Perhaps more than I realize. But most of us here have done some of this from time to time. I know mee does it all the time. However, it is what he believes. Would the publication he uses really be averse to his sharing? I don't know as much as some of you here do about that. Much of it is from the Bible, isn't it?

Anyway, I guess I'm just saying that if no one is listening, like Leo said, then why are so many people constantly responding in detail to his posts? (I think cyberpi alluded to this, as well.) I suppose the answer would be something along the lines of "he doesn't have the real Gospel" or something like that. But whether mee is right or wrong, I can't imagine that God would be pleased with the way he is treated sometimes. I don't think any of us have everything just right. I realize that I may not speak for the majority, but I don't believe that Christ's message was one of hostility toward those who understand things differently. It doesn't seem to me that he is trying to attack or condemn anyone here.

I really knew better than to post in his defense in the first place. Sometimes I just get tired of the whole finger-pointing scenario. And I just wonder if we all don't assume a lot about someone from the other side of a computer screen. I think if I were mee (there we go again with that name and all the delightful incidentals that come with it :)) I probably would have given up a long time ago. I gotta respect at least that much.

Anyway, it really wasn't my place to say anything. Sometimes I am weak when it comes to "the underdog". And I'm not saying that is necessarily a description of mee, but I dunno....something just doesn't seem right about some of the statements directed at him. And I also realize that those doing it may be acting out of concern for him, so like I said...I'll leave now...no, really, I will this time...I have major appointments this morning. :)

Leo, I hope I did not offend you terribly. Sometimes you say things that bother me, but they are your beliefs, and I enjoy some of your posts. Hey, who am I to judge?

Gotta log outta here for the morning....

Cheers, Everyone....

You have a right to say what you wish. :) Shouldn't need to apologise... In regards to him using other people's works.... I think they would mind it isn't as if he says....

Well god approves of peanut butter jelly time as a time of reflection and prayer because, as we can see here on the peanutbutterjellywatchtower.org it says this....

"And the lord god said; oooooh yeah where he at? where he at where he att? peanut butter jelly time! peanut butter jelly time!" written by Tom J McJockey.... And I also agree that he makes a point, because blah blah blah... (you know just giving "props" to the person who did the work, then maybe showing a bit of humanity by saying why it relates and stuff... not just acting like a photo copy machine....) I try nto to say much, but kinda bugs me... In a way it is like he passes it off as his own findings and research and work... If I had write it... That would upset me ;\
it makes no difference who i am, the truth from Gods word and the message that the GOODNEWS of the heavenly kingdom brings is the thing to look to Daniel 2;44. the reason that i make it known is because i love God and humans , but who i am is not important i do not keep this wonderful message to myself i want others to know about the hope for the future ,and those with the right heart will respond to the words of the bible. it is not my words that mean anything, but it is the BIBLE . not sure why you think the words are not what i believe? it is because they mean a lot to me that i make it known.

Now that's the best response I've heard from you, mee. I get you now.

Folks, I may have figured this out, why mee is so insistent on cut and pasting. He values God's word so much that he would be terribly crushed if he spoke the wrong thing. That is why he uses so little of his own words. But at the same time he feels compelled to share with all of us what he believes to be the truth, and I feel he does it out of a spirit of love and humbleness. I may not agree with all that he says, but I think he is sincere in his beliefs and sincere in his desire for people to know what God is all about.

If you don't wish to listen to mee, as animated or misguided as you think he is, then just ignore him. He's not doing anyone any harm.