Did You Go

I mean in a sense of Team Religion and Team Non Religion.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

or do you mean that you don't have a religion because no where in the bible does it say which religion to choose but to just follow Christ so that we can finally awake in God's likeness? because if so then i am with ya, my brutha!:D
q, man rules over woman, period. our Father says so. and just because i stare at women sometimes does not make me undisciplined. it makes me a sinner. ;)
It puts you closer to the animal realm than to the human realm, imo. Animals don't control themselves. Real men do. JMHO.

Have you considered that Adam ended up with authority (and hence, responsibility) over Eve because he tried to blame Eve for his eating the forbidden fruit, instead acknowledging his own lack of self-control? It's tough to pass the blame onto someone else in order to escape responsibility when you are also held responsible for that person's actions, isn't it?
I defend Adam.. I normally am not!! OOOH GOY BOYS GO! The boys are better than the girls! nah nah nah naaah... However, Eve was tempted and everything and KNEW that she was eating the forbidden fruit... It shows that she takes fruit to him? How the hell does he know it is the forbidden one? Eve was a scurvy fetcher.... ;\ Placing her doomed fate upon Adam. You know that thing we humans do? ;/ If we get in trouble and have problems and such it, sucks don't it? Nevertheless, it sure seems a hell of a lot better if we see someone in the same predicament.... That makes us smile....
I defend Adam.. I normally am not!! OOOH GOY BOYS GO! The boys are better than the girls! nah nah nah naaah... However, Eve was tempted and everything and KNEW that she was eating the forbidden fruit... It shows that she takes fruit to him? How the hell does he know it is the forbidden one? Eve was a scurvy fetcher.... ;\ Placing her doomed fate upon Adam. You know that thing we humans do? ;/ If we get in trouble and have problems and such it, sucks don't it? Nevertheless, it sure seems a hell of a lot better if we see someone in the same predicament.... That makes us smile....
Ooh, Eve was a blackmarketeer, dealing in forbidden items? :D {Hmm, is that driven by demand for forbidden items, or by the desire of the blackmarketeers to corrupt others for profit? The profit, in this case, according to the serpent, being wisdom...hmm...}
How the hell does he know it is the forbidden one?
Maybe she said to him , look i am not dead i eat some , go on have some, but she was in a dieing state she did not live forever , she died didnt she, as we all do now .romans 5;12 but Adam as her head should have stuck to Gods way of doing things but he was led along to believe satans lies . and the misleading goes on. listening to those who are saying it will be ok to not obey the rules, will only end in destruction in the end.
Maybe she said to him , look i am not dead i eat some , go on have some, but she was in a dieing state she did not live forever , she died didnt she, as we all do now .romans 5;12 but Adam as her head should have stuck to Gods way of doing things but he was led along to believe satans lies . and the misleading goes on. listening to those who are saying it will be ok to not obey the rules, will only end in destruction in the end.
Some of us just have to learn the hard way...
17th said:
Nevertheless, it sure seems a hell of a lot better if we see someone in the same predicament.... That makes us smile....

I'd go along with that. More comforting to know that you are not in trouble alone, huh?
It puts you closer to the animal realm than to the human realm, imo. Animals don't control themselves. Real men do. JMHO.

Have you considered that Adam ended up with authority (and hence, responsibility) over Eve because he tried to blame Eve for his eating the forbidden fruit, instead acknowledging his own lack of self-control? It's tough to pass the blame onto someone else in order to escape responsibility when you are also held responsible for that person's actions, isn't it?

no it doesn't put me with the animal realm. it puts me with the dust realm, for that was the curse for man, from dust you were made and to dust we all return. i don't see why you get all offended if in the end you just end up admitting and recognizing that man has authority over woman because woman can't take care of themselves so they need a real man to do that for them!
A woman can take care of herself easily... They are just like us... Give or take a few bits, and not on average as physically strong as a man, but strength isn't everything when it comes to "taking care" of yourself. In the family role the man (in my eyes) should be the figure head, but that doesn't mean, every single thing the woman in the family wants to do she has to ask permission, it simply means the man has more responsability he isn't better than the woman of course, just the bread winner of course many times it has been shown in these days, that more women are becoming career minded.. Good for them, it doesn't mean that much, but in my household I am the figurehead.... End of the day what does it matter in a christian family? The children answer to the parents the parents answer to jesus and jesus answers to god, no name is higher.
so once again, what you are saying, now is that the husband will rule over the woman, right?
Not in the way you are thinking hombre. It can go either way as I have said, now with women having rights they have become more career set and independent... They can rule the roost as can a man, I think the man should take on more responsability yeah, my opinion, but that isn't the case for everyone.
so basically what you are saying is that if a woman has all the money in the world, she can live without a man, right. she can live her whole life single and not be fruitful and multiply because that is what God told us to do right? so women just don't need men at all because they have a career, right? and we all know that God's first commandment was thou shalt get a career and make all the money in the world so that we can be higher and independent of man.:rolleyes: lol. come on, 17th, you know as well as i do, women are supposed to be our help meets like God intended it. not to go and become a part of this world with their big ass SUV and bling bling and such.
so basically what you are saying is that if a woman has all the money in the world, she can live without a man, right. she can live her whole life single and not be fruitful and multiply because that is what God told us to do right?

You what? A woman, can live quite succesfully... on her own that mi amigo is fact lol.... You are now bringing up breeding with the fruitful thing? Of course they need the male sperm to mate..... But what I said has nothing to do with breeding...

so women just don't need men at all because they have a career, right?

Correct, some women couldn't care less about children/relationships or whatever... They are too busy.

and we all know that God's first commandment was thou shalt get a career and make all the money in the world so that we can be higher and independent of man.

We all also know that not everyone listens/knows/cares about gods first commandment. I find it interesting though that you have brought money into this.... A woman (or a man) doesn't need as you put "all the money in the world." To live.

come on, 17th, you know as well as i do, women are supposed to be our help meets like God intended it. not to go and become a part of this world with their big ass SUV and bling bling and such.

And our survey said......... What?
aww never mind, 17th. you are right in saying women can make it on their own in this world, but are they supposed to be alone or attempt to be higher and have more authority over her man? no. i know some women are forced to be on their own and don't have the necessary love that is required from a man and then in turn, turn to the world for the fulfillment of the void in themselves. its a messed up world, right? well, i hope i didn't offend anyone, if i did, i ask God for forgiveness. i guess i will be sleeping on the sofa tonight.:D
well, i know i didn't offend you, man, but take that seattle gal for instance, calling me an animal and such. sounds like my wife! she calls me an animal, too! lol.:eek: