Indigos and Crystals

Hi Dauer...Well this is some conversation we've gotten ourselves into. The fixation on Chiam Potok and the Dune series is a good thing. I was that way with John D Macdonald mysteries, especially his Travis McGhee series. Music wise I collected as much Grateful Dead stuff as I could, and also the same with Billy Joel and Chicago earlier on.

These days there seems to be tangents of obsessive and compulsive behaviors in many of us, and IMO it is growing each year. I don't think there's any one cause to cite or pin it on. If I would hazarded a guess I believe that it's our almost total immersion in electromagnetic energy fields, especially in urban areas. About 70% of people in American now live in Urban and suburban areas. I'm not only talking about all of the wire-borne energy fields, but it's everywhere in the air also. I don't think that any large-scale studies have been done on the epidemiology of all of these sort of nervous system disorders, and if they have been allowed or done we're never going to hear about them.

Hang in there guy.


I don't think you understand me properly. I don't think the fixations are a bad thing. They're of great value. I'm glad I have them. Some of them I've preferred having more than others, like my focus on different maps of the psyche, but in every case it allows me to know a lot more about a single subject than most people. AS is considered a combination of both strengths and weaknesses. That's one of the strengths. This isn't something that makes me sad. It's something that makes me very happy because I'm finally starting to understand myself. It started when I realized there was a connection between the discrepancy between my verbal and performance IQ's and the areas I've struggled in my learning, and that's helped me to address the areas that I struggle and will continue to help me when I return to school. And now that I'm learning much of this seems to overlap with AS my habits and experiences make even more sense. This isn't something I'm at all bothered by, quite the opposite. I was just offering clarification on my condition because you didn't seem to understand the severity or nature of some of the ways it manifests, comparing it instead to common trends in human behavior and your own experiences with a different disorder. With my focuses, I don't really care about much of anything else. Talking to other people (unless we're discussing one of my specific interests) usually bores me, and I've learned that in most cases it's unacceptable to go on about the things that interest me, so I joke around to entertain myself or otherwise go quiet. I'm not looking to relate to someone else's experiences as a person without AS or NLD because I think that inevitably that will only be a projection of their experience of the world onto my own that makes it harder to recognize the unique expressions of my own psyche, especially when there's a focus on similarities without paying attention to the differences. I'm not in the market for pity or sympathy, just self-understanding, and that only comes from detached observation and honesty. We all generally have some qualities that might be suggestive of certain conditions but that's a far cry from seeing many qualities of a particular condition dominating a person's life over an extended period of time.

There have been a lot of theories about the triggers for autism. I think the electromagnetic fields is one of them, along with mercury in food and a few other things. It may also be inheritable from what I've read. There doesn't appear to be a conclusive answer at this time.
I scanned through and found this pretty interesting, especially Dauer's conclusion that AS is both strength and weakness. I'm not AS, but that's how I see my little suite-o'-oddities. LOL I've done some therapy but never been properly diagnosed (or helped much, but meditation, excercise, and a healthy diet helps some). I don't really think there's anything "wrong" with me, and certainly nothing I want to control through pharmaceuticals. I've learned a variety of coping mechanisms to deal with a lot of the negative aspects, and Druidry has given me a lot of new ways to channel some of my more negative/destructive tendencies into productive paths.

Unlike AS (from what I understand), I have an easy time relating and talking to almost anyone. Much of the time I go through life having way more information about most people than I'd like. I'm highly sensitive to others' emotions and mental states when I'm around them physically (and sometimes at a distance) and I'm telepathic if I'm around someone physically. However, I have learned to mostly turn that off (as long as someone isn't really distressed and "shouting" mentally). I try to give people their privacy mentally and it's extremely emotionally draining to constantly get reads on people anyway. I'm quite introverted, so it's not enjoyable at all and I've learned to do a combination of actively tuning out when at work or in a group with lots of time spent in silence and alone at home or out in nature. Parties are the worst and I regularly just want hours of sleep afterwards. And it doesn't help that random strangers often just plop down whereever I am and tell me all about their life and problems. No offense to them- I do care about others and I will listen- but it is not my cup of tea and makes me quite frazzled.

Aside from being overly sensitive to other people's emotions (and stuff in nature too- a stand of trees being cut down makes me feel intense grief, for example, and I can feel past negative events in places too), I'm sensitive to sensory input like Dauer's talking about. Sunlight can really hurt, but the worst for me is fluorescents and car headlights at night. I absolutely can't stand multiple sounds at the same time, another reason why parties are intensely uncomfortable- they're just one big whirlwind of sound, emotion, and thought. Electrical whines seem to be around all over the place and at times get highly annoying. I startle very easily, too, which is not fun.

On the other hand, my sensitivity has allowed me to identify those people who most need help (suicidal folks, for example) and people who are dangerous or deceiving. It allows me to communicate with others who are similar in a way that is really amazing, and it's given me a lot of joy when I use it to communicate with my animals, wild animals, and trees (yeah, I'm nuts, I talk to trees LOL). The feeling of energy from certain natural places is amazing. The ocean and thunderstorms fill me with a sense of vitality and a rush that is like a natural drug. And the sensitivity I have to sound and visual input has given me an intense love and appreciation for music and art.

I often get intensely focused on one thing, but it's helped me be quite productive. On the flip side, I often struggle to not feel frustrated with tasks that I currently have no interest in, which means I'm typically unhappy at work no matter how good my job is. I go through periods of mania and depression, but I've learned to recognize depression coming on and take preventive steps to keep it at a lower, more manageable level (I used to go through the thing where some days it was a great feat to get out of pajamas and bed). And while mania has its costs, well, it has its benefits. Some of my best academic and creative work is during manic times. Ultimately, I saw friends control their manic-depression through prescription drugs and they became zombies. They lost who they were. I don't want that.

Like you, Dauer- it's a trade-off. It has its ups and downs.

Not sure how commonplace all that is. I rarely feel like people understand me at all, and most people have looked at me like I was growing another head when I talk about how I relate to animals, nature in general, trees, etc. or about sensing energies. But I know the depression and over-stimulation is common in the US. Too many hours working, not enough community support, too much going on.
Path and Dauer:

First off Dauer, I really was not trying to extend condolances about what you have experienced, I was merely trying to empathize with your situation, and to show you that I too have had such things going on in my life for a lot longer, and I'm surviving fairly well. I'm still doing creative and meaningful work on research-based material, and I'm still uncovering stuff that others have not seemed to think of before. While there are few material rewards, the personal ones are substantial. As I said, many of us have special talents and the problems that seem to accompany them. I've watched my kids struggle with all of this and they seem to be coping, as you pointed out Path, pretty well thank G-d. And the three of us have developed sort of an empathy based communication ability also.

Path, I have always been intrigued by your openness and depth of empathy, and now I understand where you're coming from. Yes, I and mine have the same sorts of distress and joyful sensings when other living beings in our world are having emotional highs and lows. If there were one thing to say about us all and our foibles and talents, I would venture that we, and others in similar situations, are simply more in tune with the living organism that is the Earth and everything in, on, and around it. I also don't think that all this is an accident. We also seem to have an ability to sense an unseen spectrum of emanations that many others cannot, and invariably they are sometimes drawn to people like us to try and see what that's all about. If you haven't already, look at Pathless' post about "The Shift". I've sensed something like this for some time now. Let's hope it comes soon.

On another site I'm active on we have a fellow from the UK who is a dowser and is quite adept at sensing universal harmonics and lines of power that extend through everything. We've come to call him "Navigator". Lots of interesting stuff being discussed there because of the esoteric science and engineering involved. Really trippy.

Thank you both for sharing so much of yourselves with me. It's so comforting for me to have honest discussions with others who live in and with similar situations.


But I'm not concerned for my future. Finding out that I might have NLD/AS has been good news that's only made me more optimistic. If anything from what I've seen, people with AS tend to be more likely to uncover things that others have not seen before and when they're able to apply their interests to a particular field can be very successful. It's been suggested for example that Einstein had AS.

I only brought up AS/NLD to correct you when you mentioned bipolar, didn't mean for it to go further than that.
Greetings:), I am going to go back and try to give input to all the posts that have been posted since I was last in here. However I will do this in a couple post to keep each post at a minimal length.

>>>dauer Wrote: I don't really think these children are anything new, just the result of bad parenting that's only reinforced by considering them indigo children. Lots of kids have a problem with authority. When parenting trends shifted from heavy use of rulers to giving kids what they wanted we created the possibility for a lot more spoiled, poorly adapted children. And these poor kids get told they're very special, treated like they're the center of the universe and have a hard time realizing that they're not little godlings.<<

>>>My reply: May I ask a question? Why does anybody need someone else to tell them what to say and do, ie and authority figure? We should all be our own authority. Any being setting themselves up as authority figures was what brought about the fall of mankind. We are "ALL" faces of God Source, or more specific sparks the consciousness of God Source experiencing. The only thing that is against God Source is to take the free will of another away. If you think about all the negative things they are a direct result of taking the free will of another away.
When we are blessed with a new life (a child) coming into this realm we as parents are merely to give gentle guidance to the child to keep the child safe. This does not include imposing our feelings onto them. They come into this life with all they need to know, if their minds are not shut down blocking what is called cellular memory, which holds all memory of all lives we have lived and all lessons we have learned.

>>>>Flow Wrote: "Well, I'm a little more ripe in age and have seen a lot, and I am convinced that this group of individuals is an indicator of what is, in part, coming in our evolution. This drift in genetic disposition and interaction has likely been produced by about six generations of environmental exposure of our species to influences that have profoundly altered how we experience reality and react to it. I've made these arguments before here, so I won't repeat them. Mr. Cobain even wrote songs about all of this, so it's been an influential set of cultural changes for some people for some time now, about 35 years.
Only time will tell of course, but the phenomena cited on the website along with the fact that our children and theirs, are the most pharmaceutically controlled generations ever speaks for itself as far as I'm concerned. I don't believe that we can blame such a dynamically unbalanced, intergenerational set of changes on just...bad parenting and inadvisable labelling>>>>

My reply: Well stated!!!!

>>>dauer Wrote: I see this whole "indigo children" phenomenon coming from a lot of the circles of "I AM"ers whose theologies can reinforce an egocentric view of Divinity, such that you get the contemporary prophets convinced that their particularist view of reality is correct because they really can channel Thoth or really did meet Jesus who told them he's an ascended master who was part of a mystery religion in Egypt that did a walk-in in the form of the person they know as Jesus, and they too can be ascended masters if they generate a merkaba-field for themselves and achieve Christ-Consciousness.>>>

>>>My reply: As for one I do not recommend channeling because you open yourself up to all kinds of beings hanging out in the astral to enter your fields. Some of these beings will enter and refuse to leave leading to field possession. My studies have been with a group that is egalitarian and teaches that all life is equal but not all life in this 3-D existence has the same energy holding capacity. Krist-Consciousness is merely being connected to 12th dimensional frequency and can be achieve by maintaining Divine Right integrity (respecting each and every beings right to their own choices, free will). The merkaba field is merely an energy field that is around everything that exists. A merkaba field is two counter rotating fields of energy that when activated and set at the proper spin and spin rate acts as a vehicle for a being to bi-locate. Its our chariots of fire.>>>

Love and Light, Midge
Greetings, I am posting this in regard to a comment made about those who talk about Krist (Christ) consciousness. Ok, what exactly is Krist Consciousness?
Nothing exists outside of God or Source.Everything in existence is an expression of God-Source; in a sense, it is God or Source communicating with itself.
In terms of creation mechanics, the seed at the core of all creation, the Kristos Seed Atom, is both the seed FROM which God-Force steps out onto the stage of manifestation, and, at the same time, it is that which contains the whole stage of creation within itself. The level at which the Kristos Seed Atom exists is beyond time and space, and, from its perspective, everything takes place within the same time and same space
At the heart of this Kristos Seed Atom radiates the pure love of God or Source, which takes the form of a standing wave of energy called the Flame of Amoraea, the Eternal Flame of Divine Love. The Kristos Seed Atom, which houses this Flame of Amoraea, is known as the Centre Point of all Creation. This is a living spark of God-consciousness that already contains within itself, in the most refined form, the building blocks of all creation.
These building blocks are pure God Force expressing the original Divine Trinity of positive, negative and neutral charge (+, -- and +/-) or what we might think of as Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Divine Union. At this level, however, it is as though the Union (known as ManU) comes first, containing and expressing both the masculine or positive/ electrical (known as ManA) and the feminine or negative/magnetic (known as EirA). This Divine Trinity is thus internal to everything in creation; it is not an external Creator God demanding worship.
The Kristos Seed Atom embodies the purest expressions of the consciousness of God Source. It also contains the blueprint or template for what God-Source intends to create.
Within the Kristos Seed Atom, also known as the Centre Point of Eternal Creation or the AZUR-A, are birthed its replicas, the Living Seeds or Universal Christos Atoms, each of which in turn gives birth to a Universal Christ Template or Universal Christ Divine Blueprint. This first seed atom from which an entire universe is born MANIFESTS AS the Dimension 12 Universal Christos pre-matter liquid light. And again, within itself, each Universal Seed Atom creates replicas of itself called God Seed Atoms or personal God Sparks.
The words 'Christ', 'Christos' and 'Krist' are all associated with the word 'Krist' which is the sonic translation of the first level of creation, the closest to Source. The Krist Grid is the first Kathara Tree of Life Grid. In KS, terms such as 'Christos' are both concepts in terms of consciousness and also in terms of very specific mechanics and mathematics.
The First Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom emerges within the centre of the First Krist Template the origin of ALL manifest expression
& replicates itself as:
Universal Christos Seed Atoms
emerging within the centre of the
Universal Christ Template or
Universal Christ Divine Blueprint (D-12 pre-matter Liquid Light)
Each 15 Dimensional Time Matrix is seeded by ONE of these Christos Seed Atoms
which in turn replicate themselves as:
God Seed Atoms or personal God-Sparks
through which ALL individual manifest beings come into being
Source, in its impulse of pure Amoraea Love, willingly creates natural laws and structures for itself. These laws are not intended to curb its creativity but rather to give it a framework within which it can fulfil its intention. The most fundamental natural law is the Conservation of the Original Divine Intention. Thus, Source agreed within itself that its own integrity at the level of the Krist would never be allowed to be compromised, a sort of Divine Invincibility which would ensure that there was a level of creation (the Cosmic Kristos level) that could never be destroyed. At the same time, Source wished to explore the full spectrum of Free Will. It was not the intention that Free Will would be used in ways that threatened the Conservation of the Original Divine Order, but Source realised that, if there was to be genuine Free Will, there was, by implication, the possibility that this Free Will might be directed in Opposite Expression to the intention of creation.
The condition of Free Will, which Source set for itself, was that Free Will Choice, including the possibility of Opposite Expression, would be allowed from the level of the Universal Christos Seed Atom and its creations, but would not be permitted to threaten the Krist level at the core of creation itself. In an oak tree analogy, it is as though the branches and leaves could explore Free Will to either extreme, even to the point of self-destruction, but the trunk and roots would never be allowed to be threatened, otherwise the continuing existence of the tree itself would be compromised.
Source prefers that all of its expressions in creation would honour the Laws of Divine Love so that its original intention of
perpetual motion
eternal life
love-based, co-creative, FREE WILL expression
could be the norm throughout creation.Beings who honour this path experience eternal life, freedom, unlimited opportunities to create and explore and an unlimited supply of energy. They know that they have a personal relationship with God-Source WITHIN their own being. This Path of Joy is what Source had in mind for itself when stepping into creation. However, Source also reserved the right to take corrective action if Free Will Choice was abused in such an extreme way as to threaten the rest of creation. Every thing in manifestation has come into being through the initial embodiment of the Kristos and Christos Seed Atoms and the personal God-Spark, and therefore everything (including each one of us) stepped into creation or individualisation with full awareness of the rules that we all agreed for the game we were about to play. We knew and agreed to the rules; after all, we made them!
As stated already, the primary 'house rule' of creation was the Conservation of Original Intention:
expressed in natural physics laws as the dynamics of
Cause and Effect
Action and Reciprocal Action

and in natural spiritual law as:
The Law of Reciprocity
(You will reap what you sow or What goes around comes around)
The very fact of being in manifestation implies that each individuated consciousness was fully cognisant of these laws in coming into dimensionalisation. The operation of these laws is therefore a natural, automatic and impersonal expression of Divine Will (which is ultimately the will of every one of us at that level of our being). No one is 'judged' by anyone, not even by God-Source. The Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness apply equally to all and it is through these laws that the Cosmos itself will restore order and balance if excessive Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression jeopardises Cosmic Order. Free Will expression is therefore given as a gift in the greater context of Divine Will Expression, and Divine Will, in turn, is perpetually renewed and expressed within the FIRST Christos Seed Atom which births each 15 Dimensional Time Matrix.
Appropriate, co-operative, co-creative use of Free Will Choice naturally leads to the state of God-Actualisation where one knows oneself simultaneously as both an individual and as a direct expression of Kristiac/ Christiac God-Source. In this state one experiences Fully Engaged Non-Attachment, accompanied by perpetualUnconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual & Material Mastery and Ecstatic Joy within the manifest arena.
The state of God-Actualisation is possible because of the 'two-way-swinging-door to God', the living internal, eternal Amoraea Flame. This Flame of Divine Love resides at the centre of the personal Christos Seed Atom Azur-A, at the centre point of the personal inner Christos Divine Blueprint. To bring this concept closer to home it might be useful to remember that the Azur-A point in the Kathara Grid is midway between the sixth and seventh Kathara Spheres, and therefore in our physical anatomy it corresponds to the location of the thymus gland, between the heart and throat chakras. It is from this centre point in our own personal shields that we can access our own, internal, eternal connection to God-Source, where we can know ourselves as living expressions of the Source of all creation.
In our tree analogy, it is where the leaf can know itself as both leaf and tree at one and the same time. It is through this personal God-Spark Seed Atom that the natural circulation of Primal Life Force Currents (energy coming directly from the source of creation itself in the form of ManU, EirA and ManA) between Source and its original expressions can flow.
These God-forces, the very building blocks of all creation, ensure that nothing can ever exist outside of God-Source, although individuated creations can create that illusion for themselves through forgetting, or attempting to deny, the OMNIPRESENCE of the God-Force Trinity.

Love and Light, Midge
Hello again, This is to explain what the Merkaba is:
So, how does life-force energy get from the acorn to the outermost leaves on each branch? How does Source project itself into every atom in existence? The tree has an intricate yet elegantly simple network that moves from acorn root to trunk to branch to leaf. Similarly, Source has created a network of communication by which it not only transmits energy from itself as Kristos to itself as every atom, but by which it, in turn, receives communication back from each expression of itself. Thus, the leaf gives to the acorn just as much as the acorn gives to the leaf. This communication system of Source is known as Merkaba. In its most basic expression, Merkaba takes the form of two Counter-rotating Spirals which continually expand and contract the perpetual supply of renewed energy radiation into and out of manifestation i.e. out from and back into Source.
Mer: God Force Movement
Ka: God Force Expression
Ba: Vehicle
Merkaba: Expression of God Force in Movement
(Dance for Love Manual)

We could thus think of Merkaba as the vehicle for the inspiration (literally the inbreath and outbreath) of God. Life, as we know it in 3D, would not be viable at all if we could only exhale or only inhale. Similarly, our hearts function on the natural rhythm of expansion and contraction, which is literally how our lifeblood circulates within our systems. This mirrors the way Source itself circulates energy throughout creation.
As Source goes within itself to explore creation, it does so not so much by actually moving, but by flashing on and off its building blocks of:
ManA: electrical / positive / masculine / clockwise/ top merkaba spiral/ expansion / manifestation
EirA: magnetic / negative (in scientific sense, not a value judgment)/ feminine/ counter-clockwise/ bottom merkaba spiral/ contraction / de-manifestation
The dynamic interaction between these two forces within the unity of the all-embracing ManU force is literally how the pure love at the heart of the Cosmic Krist is circulated throughout all of creation. The play of these forces, as embodied in the Merkaba Spiral Sets, is literally what makes us tick (remember that heart beat!). The intricate, highly ordered structure of these inter-connected electromagnetic energy spirals that exist as an integral part of all creation is known as the Merkaba Field.
Everything in manifestation has a personal Merkaba Field; otherwise it would not be in manifestation! When a personal or planetary Merkaba Field is functioning well, and its inherent sets of counter-rotating Merkaba spirals are rotating in the correct spins and proportions, the individual or planet enjoys eternal life, a continual supply of Life Force energy, full awareness of itself all the way back to Source ( multi-dimensional consciousness) and an open, intimate relationship with God-Source while still engaged in individual manifestation. There is what might be thought of as a two-way-swinging door between God-Source and the fields of manifestation within God-Self itself. The leaf is perpetually nourished from the seed and roots; it knows itself as both leaf and tree and is not subject to the vagaries of the seasons; it can decide for itself when it wishes to return to Source, and does not have to 'die' or wither to return to at-ONE-ment.
( Further detailed discussion on the counter-rotating dynamics of merkaba spirals is available in the manual for the Dance for Love programme, pages 3 - 7: also in workshops such as the FTR, Dance for Joy ( Paxos) and Dance for Joy ( Andorra ).
Since 208, 216 BC, the Merkaba Fields of ALL Earth life have been damaged, resulting in damage to their natural, open, two-way connection to the Eternal Life Stream and the living God-Source.
The dynamic interplay of the counter-rotation of Merkaba Spirals creates at the centre of each pair of spirals a manifestation arena, which is known as a Radial Body. Correctly rotating Merkaba Spirals both create and sustain the hologram of manifestation by facilitating the transformation of the Primal Life Force Currents from God-Source into the sub-atomic particles of which matter is composed.
When functioning correctly, Merkaba Fields connect every atom in creation to God-Source and to the limitless consciousness as energy which God-Source perpetually provides. However, if Free Will is persistently employed in the direction of Opposite Expression, the natural physics law of Cause and Effect comes into play, potentially resulting in severing of the perpetual gift of connection with the Universal Christiac or personal God-Spark Seed Atoms.
The self-sustaining nature of the Eternal Life Creation Framework depends upon the continuous communication between the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom and its corresponding Merkaba Field Spirals. If this communication is cut off as a result of extreme, inappropriate use of Free Will, this is tantamount to the closing of the door to God-Source. That which remains in manifestation would become a Finite Creation, which would eventually self-consume and expend its Life Force energy. While the natural laws of physics ensure that the Seed Atom and Merkaba Fields at the Cosmic (Krist) level remain intact and perpetually self-sustaining, the smaller Universal Seed Atoms and Merkaba Fields are subject to the influence of Free Will Choice and can thus become damaged or dysfunctional through excessive Opposite expression Free Will Choice.
Free Will Choice in Anti-Christiac Opposite Expression leads to:

Finite Life

Progressively self-limiting experience of manifest creation
Limited supply of energy, which will progressively self-consume and be expended

Reversal of spin of the natural Merkaba Spirals which in turn lessens their ability to draw Life Force energy from the naturally rotating planetary, galactic and universal Merkaba Spirals

Reverse-Merkaba, the Anti-Christiac Seed
Atom & Path of Diminishing Return

Within the parameters of Free Will Choice, beings can explore, through life lessons brought about by the Law of Cause, Effect and Consequence, the consequences of Free Will Opposite Expression. Although, in essence, experiences such as limited supply and a sense of separation from Source are based on what is ultimately an illusion of separation, they can serve as the motivation to realign oneself with the natural Path of Joy, which is the consequence of honouring Christiac Divine Will expression. However, there are natural limits to the degree to which exploration of Opposite or anti-Christiac expression can be tolerated, as the natural Merkabic Circulatory System becomes progressively more damaged until it reaches a point of critical mass distortion which causes the personal Merkabic Spirals to reverse spin completely.

The result is separation from the natural circulatory system, which normally flows from and to the Krist and Christos Seed Atoms. As has been discussed already, the Seed Atom or Centre Point of Creation is formally known as the AZUR-A and, in the personal anatomy, it corresponds to the centre point of every Kathara Grid between the 6th and 7th Kathara Centres, also to the location of the 8th chakra at the thymus gland. In terms of multidimensional anatomy, the Azur-A connects with the Oversoul or Monadic level of being. Therefore, the severing of co-creative, direct communication with the natural circulatory system of Divine Intention is known as Monadic Reversal. The Seed Atom is no longer linked to the energies of the Krist or even the Christos, and therefore becomes an anti-Christiac Seed Atom, causingpermanent closing of the 'two-way swinging door to God'.In this context, the word 'anti-Christiac' is used in precise, scientific terms which refer to the physics reality of this state of being; it is not a value judgment. However, since biology and consciousness are intimately connected, beings whose Seed Atom manifests as anti-Christiac are likely to think and act from a deeply embodied conviction of separation, scarcity and competition.

This FINITE LIFE Seed Atom is confined to the limited supply of energy which remained in its template and system at the time of Monadic Reversal and must therefore turn in on itself for sustenance, gradually becoming denser at its core as it acts as an Internal Black Hole, which initially expands its available energy outward and then reverses polarity to draw it back into its centre. The resultant compression of the Merkaba Field and the Form Constant at its centre is known as Molecular Compaction, a state which reaches critical mass level where particles and anti-particles annihilate each other and transmute through splitting apart (fission), causing the Shield Template to shatter and the Merkaba Field to collapse. This is the phenomenon behind the concepts of 'Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust' or the return to space-dust.

The particle units which had expressed individual identity thus return to Source as undifferentiatedunits of conscious energy. They are still within Source, as nothing can be outside of Source, but have lost their individual awareness and memory. This Return to Dust will NOT be experienced by manifestations which honour the laws of Kristiac/Christiac Free Will Expression.
Love and Light, Marietta

May I ask a question? Why does anybody need someone else to tell them what to say and do, ie and authority figure? We should all be our own authority.

Children shouldn't be their own authority. They need an authority to show them the correct way to behave, what is expected by society, and to help them to develop their inner-authority. Why do you think G!d is sometimes said to speak in the voice of our fathers? We're not talking about anybody. We're talking about defenseless children who haven't adapted to society yet. I'm hardly a conformist but if it weren't for my parents being an authority in my childhood I might be living off the grid somewhere alienated from the world around me, from reality, and from people who might challenge my warped view of the way things are. They made mistakes in parenting, as all parents probably do, but authority was never the issue.

The only thing that is against God Source is to take the free will of another away.

We're not talking about taking free will away. If society demands that you work instead of leeching off of it, or a boss gives you a deadline for a project, or a police officer takes you in for the night because you got drunk and fell asleep in the park, that's not restricting your free will. And if your parents never help you to learn that authority is a vital part of reality then you're gonna have a harder time with the way the world works and you might feel like throwing a fit every time your boss tells you to do something or the owner of an esablishment says "no smoking in here."

How do you know that we have free will at all? And if we do have free will, how can you assume it has such a specific definition as doing whatever we feel like regardless of the rules and expectations of society?

As for one I do not recommend channeling because you open yourself up to all kinds of beings hanging out in the astral to enter your fields.

I only used channeling as one building block in an exaggerated example of the type of nonsense they might buy into. If you'd rather ignore that and just take the rest, or talk about akashic records or the egocentric focus on I AM it's the same deal. Case in point:

"Krist-Consciousness is merely being connected to 12th dimensional frequency...

...merkaba field is two counter rotating fields of energy that when activated and set at the proper spin and spin rate acts as a vehicle for a being to bi-locate."

It's a faith, a belief system, just like any other.
Hi Midge...good to have you here again.

Dauer... I agree with you that "authority" is necessary for children, and even most adults. But it should be a loving and knowing "authority" which naturally flows from the supreme authority, G-d. Today the concept of "authority" has devolved to the point that those in and with "authority" have seldom "authored" or Created anything of enduring value. They've usually only acquired their "authority" through a degree of success materialistically, and through the manipulation of the powerless. The "authority" we're seeking and referring to is "moral authority" and that is very invisible in this day and age. My opinion is that this disappeared in about 1970, and if it's still lurking out there somewhere, it is hidden.

Free will still is able to operate in our day and age, but IMHO the choices that people now have are extremely limited by the societies around them. After 9/11 this has gotten much worse.

Yeah, the channeling thingy is a tough one. As a writer I'm subjected to it in my work on a regular basis. But discernment is key in determining what is "real" and useful to share with others. I normally take and hold onto the subtlest "messages" to retain and use.


Dauer... I agree with you that "authority" is necessary for children, and even most adults. But it should be a loving and knowing "authority" which naturally flows from the supreme authority, G-d.

I absolutely agree with the first half, and the second is probably only a disagreement in language as I would avoid the theological terminology. I don't think authority in and of itself is good. Like anything else it's a tool.
I scanned through and found this pretty interesting, especially Dauer's conclusion that AS is both strength and weakness. I'm not AS, but that's how I see my little suite-o'-oddities. LOL I've done some therapy but never been properly diagnosed (or helped much, but meditation, excercise, and a healthy diet helps some). I don't really think there's anything "wrong" with me, and certainly nothing I want to control through pharmaceuticals. I've learned a variety of coping mechanisms to deal with a lot of the negative aspects, and Druidry has given me a lot of new ways to channel some of my more negative/destructive tendencies into productive paths.

Unlike AS (from what I understand), I have an easy time relating and talking to almost anyone. Much of the time I go through life having way more information about most people than I'd like. I'm highly sensitive to others' emotions and mental states when I'm around them physically (and sometimes at a distance) and I'm telepathic if I'm around someone physically. However, I have learned to mostly turn that off (as long as someone isn't really distressed and "shouting" mentally). I try to give people their privacy mentally and it's extremely emotionally draining to constantly get reads on people anyway. I'm quite introverted, so it's not enjoyable at all and I've learned to do a combination of actively tuning out when at work or in a group with lots of time spent in silence and alone at home or out in nature. Parties are the worst and I regularly just want hours of sleep afterwards. And it doesn't help that random strangers often just plop down whereever I am and tell me all about their life and problems. No offense to them- I do care about others and I will listen- but it is not my cup of tea and makes me quite frazzled.

Aside from being overly sensitive to other people's emotions (and stuff in nature too- a stand of trees being cut down makes me feel intense grief, for example, and I can feel past negative events in places too), I'm sensitive to sensory input like Dauer's talking about. Sunlight can really hurt, but the worst for me is fluorescents and car headlights at night. I absolutely can't stand multiple sounds at the same time, another reason why parties are intensely uncomfortable- they're just one big whirlwind of sound, emotion, and thought. Electrical whines seem to be around all over the place and at times get highly annoying. I startle very easily, too, which is not fun.

On the other hand, my sensitivity has allowed me to identify those people who most need help (suicidal folks, for example) and people who are dangerous or deceiving. It allows me to communicate with others who are similar in a way that is really amazing, and it's given me a lot of joy when I use it to communicate with my animals, wild animals, and trees (yeah, I'm nuts, I talk to trees LOL). The feeling of energy from certain natural places is amazing. The ocean and thunderstorms fill me with a sense of vitality and a rush that is like a natural drug. And the sensitivity I have to sound and visual input has given me an intense love and appreciation for music and art.

I often get intensely focused on one thing, but it's helped me be quite productive. On the flip side, I often struggle to not feel frustrated with tasks that I currently have no interest in, which means I'm typically unhappy at work no matter how good my job is. I go through periods of mania and depression, but I've learned to recognize depression coming on and take preventive steps to keep it at a lower, more manageable level (I used to go through the thing where some days it was a great feat to get out of pajamas and bed). And while mania has its costs, well, it has its benefits. Some of my best academic and creative work is during manic times. Ultimately, I saw friends control their manic-depression through prescription drugs and they became zombies. They lost who they were. I don't want that.

Like you, Dauer- it's a trade-off. It has its ups and downs.

Not sure how commonplace all that is. I rarely feel like people understand me at all, and most people have looked at me like I was growing another head when I talk about how I relate to animals, nature in general, trees, etc. or about sensing energies. But I know the depression and over-stimulation is common in the US. Too many hours working, not enough community support, too much going on.
Hi Path. Have always appreciated your personal sharing here and find so fascinating that many of the experiences you have related dealing with your more "psychic" side over time here are so consistent with the life stories of some of the better psychics I've read, (or even encountered). For an example you may want to check out some of the autobiographical comments Echo Bodine has made in several of her books. As just 1 example which I remember making in 1 thread here some time ago in dialogue with you is the apparent hereditary component to it: that especially among females it is common with adult psychics to see a family history of such ability among some females over generations. What you describe about "too much" sensitivity related to telepathically or empathically picking up other's states being a form of "sensory overload" is consistent with these histories such that having to manage/integrate the information coming in through "extra-sensory" channels can be daunting, (I wouldn't know myself having not a whit of that ability-quite conventionally thick-skulled am I:D), and could in itself be a trigger to depressive reactions of one's own given the difficulty of essentially living in 2 worlds-the conventional and the astral/psychic/"mystic" whatever word you choose. Such an ability would I think make one more receptive to a variety of more intense sensory awareness in general. Autistic spectrum difficulties are also theoretically involving difficulties in integrating/processing various forms of sensory data though typically of a more conventional nature-for the individual with Aspergers it would be in the realm of socio-emotional processing which as a result of the social difficulties that can create could as a result leave the person feeling very socially estranged and therefore prone to depressive times. For outright autism, the theory as I understand it is one of such an innate difficulty with processing sensory data-so overwhelming for the individual-that in defense of themselves as they cannot tolerate various forms of physical input well-be it tactile, auditory, etc. they often are averse to such and have the characteristic "autistic" withdrawal. A fascinating first-person account of such can be found in an autobiography by Dr. Temple Grandlin who discovered means of coping with it and went on to obtain a Ph.D. in animal sciences and teaches I believe in Colorado. Hers is the first articulate account of what it's really like on the inside and provided autisim researchers with valuable insights. So the psychic and the A.D. individual both have their innate difficulties with processing/integrating what is coming into them but from very different "channels" it would seem. Hope this didn't come across as too "arm chair" and intrusive as my intention was not to do that. Rather, it was to both thank you all for your sharing and to dialogue about possible interpretations of the experiences as I find the topics so fascinating. thanks so much, earl
Hi Earl...Always so good to hear from you and to have the benefit of your experience-based observations. Your comments to Path were especially useful to me in understanding my past experiences.

In my hereditary milieu, my mother's side was not as psychically perceptive as was my Dad's side. But his mother's line was especially so as I have come to find out, and my kids seemingly are hewing to that side of things.

It would sure be interesting if someone would do an intergenerational study of such abilities and try to formally link such abilities with genetic inheritance patterns. Yeah, I'm with you , it all seeems to be transmitted through time in individuals through female inheritance patterns. Why don't you write a proposal or two ?

Thank you !

!7th...Based upon your overcomsumptive habits concerning "donuts" as being evidenced in yer Avatarrrrr, the obvious question at this moment might really be, all BSSSING aside...are you really some sort of undercover Copper ?

Hi Earl...Always so good to hear from you and to have the benefit of your experience-based observations. Your comments to Path were especially useful to me in understanding my past experiences.

In my hereditary milieu, my mother's side was not as psychically perceptive as was my Dad's side. But his mother's line was especially so as I have come to find out, and my kids seemingly are hewing to that side of things.

It would sure be interesting if someone would do an intergenerational study of such abilities and try to formally link such abilities with genetic inheritance patterns. Yeah, I'm with you , it all seeems to be transmitted through time in individuals through female inheritance patterns. Why don't you write a proposal or two ?

Thank you !

Hey Flow. The interesting thing re apparent psychic abilities is whenever I've heard of purported psychics, the vast majority have been women. My wife is what those kind of folks term an empath, meaning she both "psychically" picks up on the emotional and phsyical state of others. Most often it's physical. For eg getting an excruciating pain in a particular part of her back & then calling around to eventually discover that her father some 500 miles aways had fallen and broken his back in that particular area. She has told me she suspects her now 80 yo mother had some psychic ability given the few things she's said in passing, but never has discussed it much-as a Swedish-american of that generation, not particularly open to that concept.;) As to this notion, not uncommon to hear of folks having 1 or 2 similar experiences whereby they may have what used to be a premonition-"uncle Joe's in trouble-" only to later discover that at that time he was. Interestingly again, most of the time when I hear those stories again it's women. To me this is a deeper confirmation that all of life is indeed a "web" with some folks just more deeply attuned to how interwoven all of life is. I suppose if you assume that we can use every resource at our command in the future to make it as a planet & assume these sorts of abilities will be essential to that, then you'd really have an argument for turning things over to the women.:D earl
dauer said:
Children shouldn't be their own authority. They need an authority to show them the correct way to behave, what is expected by society, and to help them to develop their inner-authority.

My reply: This is the beginning stage of mind control, plain and simple. Children come into this world knowing all they need to know to get them through life.
Why do they need to conform to someone else’s rules especially those of society.
This is why the FA’s (fallen angels) call humans Sheepel. Because they flock together and then if you get the first one to jump off the cliff the rest simply follow.

dauer said:
Why do you think G!d is sometimes said to speak in the voice of our fathers?

My reply: This simply means that certain things are passed down through tribal memory (in our cells), or Cellular memory. The bible has been tampered with many times over time. The last major changes made at the Council of Nicea.

dauer said:
We're not talking about anybody. We're talking about defenseless children who haven't adapted to society yet.

My reply: Defenseless children are the easiest to control, this is exactly we have been trained (mind controlled) to control our children. If you can mind control a generation making think that everybody needs to behave in a specific manner, then they will do the controlling of the next generation. It becomes generational. Why should they adapt to society? Why should anybody think they need to do any given thing just because someone else is doing it. This shuts us down so we don’t think for ourselves, making us slaves to someone else’s bidding. Reality is a lot bigger than our perceptual view of it and the main reason that our view is so limited is because we have been told certain things exist and others don’t from birth. If a child sees an friend that nobody else can see he/she is told that they are making it up and it doesn’t exist and after being told this enough the child stops seeing his friend. A lot if not most of all children see dimensionally until the parents shut the flow of energy to the Penial gland blocking this view.

We're not talking about taking free will away. If society demands that you work instead[/quote]

My reply: “Anytime one person “demands” anything from another, it is taking the free will of another away. Nobody has the right to impose their moral views of right and wrong on another. There are two sides to every view and who has the right to make others conform to their view?

dauer said:
How do you know that we have free will at all? And if we do have free will, how can you assume it has such a specific definition as doing whatever we feel like regardless of the rules and expectations of society?

My reply: At this point in time most (if not all) of the world is under mind control via the frequency fence and this is in direct opposition to Source/God. Who has a right to say their view of a set of rules is right and that someone else's view of a set of rules is wrong?

dauer said:
It's a faith, a belief system, just like any other.

My reply: Its science and can and has been proven.

Love and Light, Marietta
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Marietta, could you reformat that so it's readable please?


Dear dauer, Please forgive the mess, I'm not sure how that happened. Here is the post edited to clean it up. :)

dauer wrote:Children shouldn't be their own authority. They need an authority to show them the correct way to behave, what is expected by society, and to help them to develop their inner-authority.<<

My reply: This is the beginning stage of mind control, plain and simple. Children come into this world knowing all they need to know to get them through life.
Why do they need to conform to someone else’s rules especially those of society?
This is why the FA’s (fallen angels) call humans Sheepel. Because they flock together and then if you get the first one to jump off the cliff the rest simply follow.

dauer wrote: Why do you think G!d is sometimes said to speak in the voice of our fathers?

My reply: This simply means that certain things are passed down through tribal memory (in our cells), or Cellular memory. The bible has been tampered with many times over time. The last major changes made at the councal of Nicea.

dauer wrote:We're not talking about anybody. We're talking about defenseless children who haven't adapted to society yet.

My reply: Defenseless children are the easiest to control, this is exactly we have been trained (mind controlled) to control our children. If you can mind control a generation making think that everybody needs to behave in a specific manner, then they will do the controlling of the next generation. It becomes generational. Why should they adapt to society? Why should anybody think they need to do any given thing just because someone else is doing it. This shuts us down so we don’t think for ourselves, making us slaves to someone else’s bidding. Reality is a lot bigger than our perceptual view of it and the main reason that our view is so limited is because we have been told certain things exist and others don’t from birth. If a child sees an friend that nobody else can see he/she is told that they are making it up and it doesn’t exist and after being told this enough the child stops seeing his friend. A lot if not most of all children see dimensionally until the parents shut the flow of energy to the Penial gland blocking this view.

dauer wrote: We're not talking about taking free will away. If society demands that you work instead

My reply: “Anytime one person “demands” anything from another, it is taking the free will of another away. Nobody has the right to impose their moral views of right and wrong on another. There are two sides to every view and who has the right to make others conform to their view?

dauer wrote:How do you know that we have free will at all? And if we do have free will, how can you assume it has such a specific definition as doing whatever we feel like regardless of the rules and expectations of society?

My reply: At this point in time most (if not all) of the world is under mind control via the frequency fence and this is in direct opposition to Source/God. Who has a right to say their view of a set of rules is right and that someone elses view of a set of rules is wrong?

dauer wrote: It's a faith, a belief system, just like any other.

My reply: Its science
Love and Light, Marietta

it's okay. I thought to offer to fix it for you but Phyllis got it covered.

This is the beginning stage of mind control, plain and simple. Children come into this world knowing all they need to know to get them through life.

Society is a form of mind-control. We condition the children to maintain the same neuroses we all have, without which we couldn't function collectively.

They hardly know all they need to when they arrive. That's why they have to attend school. Some children are born with difficulties such that they can never function on their own, but for most, once they learn they can do quite well.

Why do they need to conform to someone else’s rules especially those of society?

So that we can function collectively and be more productive as a species. If we're all doing our own thing it's quite chaotic. Conformity is just as vital as non-conformity.

My reply: This simply means that certain things are passed down through tribal memory (in our cells), or Cellular memory. The bible has been tampered with many times over time. The last major changes made at the councal of Nicea.

The council of Nicea didn't effect the MT, but that's besides the point. My question was rhetorical and we'll have to agree to disagree on reading that passage.

Defenseless children are the easiest to control, this is exactly we have been trained (mind controlled) to control our children.

Well of course we've got to control them. Otherwise they'll run amok and never learn they're not the little gods of their own personal playground. Whether we like it or not, we condition children. They cry, we give them food, or change their diaper, and so on. That's one of the first lessons they learn and it's the job of the parent to help them grow out of that phase by setting boundaries and guidelines and structure that they must obey.

If you can mind control a generation making think that everybody needs to behave in a specific manner, then they will do the controlling of the next generation.

I'm not suggesting everyone should be trained to be copies of each other, and by-and-large we're not. The children still need to learn what a rule is and to respect it. They need to be taught values too and if they're smart they'll see an unjust rule and find appropriate ways to speak out against it, but they still need to know what the rule is and that as a good citizen and a member of society it's their role to respect it.

Why should they adapt to society?

If they want to go live off the grid somewhere in isolation, fine, but if they're not given rules and structure they're being denied an important developmental step. At a later time when they feel a need to challenge those rules, if they have strong enough desire they'll embrace their inner babies and revert.

Reality is a lot bigger than our perceptual view of it and the main reason that our view is so limited is because we have been told certain things exist and others don’t from birth.

And there's plenty of room for mindf****** when they're grown. They've still gotta adapt to society first. If they identify so strongly with their own personally developed worldview my sense is it'll be a lot harder to break free from those biased beliefs and realize that they know nothing. That seems to be the crux of indigo children, they don't come to realize how ignorant they are.

If a child sees an friend that nobody else can see he/she is told that they are making it up and it doesn’t exist and after being told this enough the child stops seeing his friend.

Setting rules doesn't have to mean limiting a child's imagination. If they're imaginative, imo that should be encouraged, but not placed on a pedastal. There's nothing more integrative about placing the inner world on a pedastal than there is from placing the material world on a pedastal.

Anytime one person “demands” anything from another, it is taking the free will of another away.

How is that removing free will? It's still the person's choice. Free will doesn't remove the consequences of our actions. If a person goes out and murders 20 people he can't then say, "Sorry. I was acting under free will. Your rules were too limiting and authoritarian. But you squares wouldn't understand anything about that."

Nobody has the right to impose their moral views of right and wrong on another.

In the case of children it's unavoidable. if the parents don't instill a sense of right and wrong then they'll learn it somewhere else, and even if the parents try not to they'll still be teaching the child, as per my example about the baby with a dirty diaper.

At this point in time most (if not all) of the world is under mind control via the frequency fence and this is in direct opposition to Source/God.

When you start to speak like this all I hear is "Thoth, the pyramids, men in black, the face on mars, hoaxed moon landing, atlantis, nephilim."

My reply: Its science

I had a conversation with a different dogmatist about this in another thread, but he was sympathetic to Islam, not New Age. Religions frequently try to conform their beliefs to the science of the day. They'll often take a great big leap, springing off of established science, scientific frontiers or even pseudo-science. Unfortunately they create a dogmatic cosmology and when challenged by developing information about the world around us they'll either attempt to show that their beliefs conform or they'll insist that what's new is wrong and they're correct. I don't see anything unique about New Age that might avoid this fallacy. It's already developed its own myths.
